The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Strangelove said:
This is just something you've decided arbitrarily. I think, to a reasonable people, if you were to be discussing a love triangle you would be looking to find out how it ends.
SE has not told us how it ends.

Strangelove said:
No, you're putting words in Nomura's mouth (like you rewrote quotes from the game to suit what you want it to say). He said he doesn't care about romantic relationships because characters. It was two sentences above the quote you tried to use. (But I understand not knowing, since all people do is take one little line from something and spread it around then mislabel it.)
“For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue.” ~Nomura, Dorimaga interview, published at Flaregamer

After the HAHW scene takes place, Nomura doesn't have a clue if they are in a relationship. Therefore, the HAHW scene isn't even enough evidence to even give Nomura a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship.

Strangelove said:
I don't disagree with Cloud being attracted to Aerith. I just don't agree that it got a chance to lead anywhere (no searching flower fields for Aerith physically manifesting and no soul bonding or anything like that).
This attraction led Cloud and Aerith to having a special bond, according to SE.
This attraction also led to Cloud wanting to meet Aerith in his supreme place of happiness.

Strangelove said:
Why would you write this reply to my post? I agreed with this.
I'm glad you agree that Tifa's jealousy over Cloud and Aerith's "special bond", in conjunction with the "wavers" quote, tells us that Cloud and Aerith's "special bond" is romantic.

Strangelove said:
It doesn't really indicate that there has been a change.
What do you think triggers Cloud into having that flashback in Aerith's house? I believe it should be obvious that Cloud was triggered into a romantic flashback because he had just met Aerith -- a woman he is attracted to ("impressive eyes", smile a "good purchase", etc.)

Strangelove said:
It lasts seconds and is then put aside for the Wallmarket side quest. Forefront? That makes it sound like it takes a major focus at that point. It doesn't, and a lot of it was about Zack. Aerith was about to leave at that point, without sounding like she thought she would meet Cloud again (she said it was nice to meet him, no 'see you soon' or even a request to). If it hadn't have been for Tifa appearing she would have gone home and Cloud would have gone to Seventh Heaven. That's not something that sounds like the 'forefront of the story'. It might bring it up, but it's not at the forefront when the next part of the story immediately following involves going to rescue Tifa and then stop the plate from being dropped on sector 7.

You'd argue it is intimate, of course. But that's your spin on it, in your list that's meant to be hard cold fact. Again, it's your choice of words to put things in a light that suits what you want it mean.
Remember that this is video game world. Time spent on something in video game world is never equal to what would be spent on it in real life.

I believe it is significant that SE decided to have Cloud and Aerith share an intimate moment at the park before rescuing Tifa. Why else was this included if not to show Cloud and Aerith growing closer?

In addition, by Aerith bringing up her previous boyfriend, *IT DID* bring romantic relationships to the forefront of the story during their moment in the park. Why is that such a hard statement for you to accept? It seems like a very straightforward, common sense take on why SE decided to include that moment in the game.

Strangelove said:
That doesn't mean Cloud changed. Barret re-evaluated his take on Cloud.
SE decided to have Barret observe this change for a reason. Do you disagree with Barret's observation?

Strangelove said:
Again, you also changed the wording to suit your needs. He said that Cloud will sometimes 'fight for other people'. That isn't the same as 'Aerith is the first person he cared about'. Is it really so difficult to just use the words that were actually used? That's usually a good way to back up things like this.
The overall point is still the same. Aerith is the first person Cloud is willing to fight for besides himself. That is significant.

Again -- SE decided to have Barret observe this for a reason (ie: to highlight Cloud and Aerith's "special bond")

Strangelove said:
Okay, clearly you don't pick up on when things are being exaggerated. But that's not what Cloud says.

“But I'm…we're here for you, right?”

That's the line in the game. But you took that and made it into "I will always be there for you" instead. Because it sounds better for your purpose. You twisted the game's dialogue into something else.
No. I did not twist the dialogue. Cloud initially started to say that HE was there for Aerith, but for whatever reason, changed it to, "we're here for you." Regardless of which one he said, he is telling Aerith that he will be there for her. Whether he is there for her by himself, or he is there for her alongside everyone else, he is still telling Aerith that he is there for her.

Strangelove said:
They go on a date. Where Cloud makes no statement of any kind about his feelings for Aerith. The date itself (in any version) wasn't showing much romantic intention from Cloud.
Maybe Cloud is shy? But simply agreeing to go on the date in the first place shows romantic attraction.

Strangelove said:
It's not about Cait Sith being unreliable, that's not what I was talking about. It's about the 'wedding prediction' translation being faulty. Why did you think I brought translations to the forefront of the discussion?

That doesn't say he 'predicts' a wedding. It says his dialogue seems to expect or hope for Cloud and Aerith's wedding.
So SE decided to have Cait Sith except or hope for Cloud and Aerith's wedding. My overall point still stands even with that change.

Strangelove said:
It doesn't have that effect the way it is? The point is that he says things will be wonderful for them, but then Aerith dies and Cloud loses his mind.
Right. SE is setting Cloud and Aerith up to be a romantic couple through Cait Sith.

Strangelove said:
That sounds horribly dismissive as to how much a mere 'friend' can mean to people.
I think it is only logical that someone would be more upset if a girlfriend/boyfriend died as opposed to a friend. Obviously there are exception to that rule, but I'd say generally, when you lose someone who you were romantically connected to, your reaction to their death would be more significant.

Strangelove said:
This is a work of fiction. Someone had to create every part of it, and usually for a reason.

This is the end of this particular work of fiction. The end. There were no sequels back then, this was it. The story's final.

So in the final climactic moments of the story, they have Cloud state his intention to be with his true love...... and Tifa decides to tag along. No, not Tifa. The people writing it decided that the way to end this love story was to have the other woman invite herself along. No comment or objection from Cloud. Nothing.

That is awful writing. Where you are meant to bring things to a close, you have just made a pig's ear of the whole thing. It makes absolutely no sense. Is this meant to be a tragic end for Tifa? Can you honestly look at what you just wrote and think it sounds write? That the closure of Tifa's story is that she is a pathetic character clinging on to Cloud even as he reveals his desire to go to another woman? Having you actually given the notion you're pushing any thought at all?
When Cloud see's Aerith at the end of the game, he says, "I think I can meet her... there"

Cloud mentions nothing about Tifa going with him. Therefore, Tifa saying she wants to go doesn't mean Cloud wants her to go, nor does it mean that Cloud agrees that she should go. Given the imagery in AC, I think Cloud wants to meet Aerith without Tifa.

I also think SE was leaving the ending ambiguous. I don't think they were necessarily giving us a definitive answer.

PS: I'll have to get to the rest of your response when I find the time. I found most of it a re-hashing of what we've already been over.


Pro Adventurer
What DOES matter is who Cloud is actually with. Tifa. Its been demonstrated for you. Over and over. So do stop trying to tell us what the LTD revolves around. We already know.

For the record, it revolves around a pile of bullshit so massive its gravitational force is greater than the sun, but you know what I meant.
I agree that it is *USUALLY* safe to assume that when a man and a woman are living together, they are in a romantic relationship. But what complicates this typical assumption in the case of Cloud and Tifa is…

1: The place Cloud and Tifa reside in has *always* been home-base for AVALANCHE in Midgar.

2: Typically, romantic couples sleep in the same room, yet we are shown that Cloud has a bed in his room.

3: The family formed was formed with Barret and Barret's daughter, Marlene. Marlene invites Cloud into her family.

4: Most families that are formed are formed from a romantic place. This is not the case with Cloud and Tifa's situation.

5: Nomura states he has "no clue" if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship after the HAHW scene.

6: We know that Cloud and Tifa are going through issues because of Nojima's premise that things "won't go well" between them.

7: Cloud visits the Church of Tifa's love rival (Aerith) and Tifa get's jealous about it (which proves that Cloud visiting Aerith's Church has romantic undertones)

8: The *ADVENT CHILDREN* relationship chart lists Cloud and Tifa as "childhood friends" *NOT* "romantic partners" or "lovers". Cloud and Tifa*NEVER* have mutual favor arrows in any of SE's relationship charts.

9: Tifa states she doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene. If Tifa doesn't know, Cloti's shouldn't pretend they know, either.

All of this tells me that a romantic relationship does not exist between Cloud and Tifa after the HAHW scene. So although Cloud and Tifa may have shared mutual feelings during the HAHW scene, those mutual feelings did not develop into a relationship. Nomura's quote alone proves that a romantic relationship does not exist between Cloud and Tifa, but all the other reasons simply verify and support his statement.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Because this site is claiming that only Cloti is canon. But since the question is, "Who does Cloud Strife love?" -- I believe it is clear that he also loves Aerith. Therefore, this site should say that both pairings are canon.

For what it's worth, I agree with you that this is the question on the table.

In any case, if your tirades here are because of what an article or two on the front page says, I feel the need to remind you that I have said several times I have a revised and expanded LTD article coming.

It's 300+ pages, though, it took almost two years to write, and I only finished it a few weeks ago. It's going to take a few months to format it for the site.

I have around 45 Cloti articles in tumblr and that is at least ten times longer than what Tres wrote what the heck.

I wonder whose will be bigger when I publish the new article ... :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Blankbeat, you ignored again my comment about the existence of different family set-ups. It's offensive to refuse to acknowledge them since they're common in many cultures in Asia.

FFVII is not Western just because it shows a Bible and uses the miles instead of kilometers.

FFVII is not Western


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm confused about the Tifa koibito quote... are we saying she's like a koibito or that Nomura said she could be one?... I don't understand why "dimensions" makes a difference in the quote. The point is, he mentioned her being a koibito... so that must reflected in the movie somehow, right?

That isn't supportive, that's inviting yourself where you're not really needed. Is she planning on watching their reunion? What's the intention there?
Cloud mentions nothing about Tifa going with him. Therefore, Tifa saying she wants to go doesn't mean Cloud wants her to go, nor does it mean that Cloud agrees that she should go. Given the imagery in AC, I think Cloud wants to meet Aerith without Tifa.
I'm in a god awful situation now where there was a guy I was really super almost obsessively in love with...and he ended up getting a girlfriend. I try to avoid any and all possible contact with or else I end up like

I'm trying to think of the ending in terms of that. If we're trying to assume the Clerith viewpoint here that Tifa just invites herself along... from my angle... (first off I can't imagine my guy saying 'Hey Imma go see my girl' and me going "OMG ME TOO!') but maybe she just wants to see Cloud happy? She's not really intruding or inviting herself where she doesn't belong, she's trying to be supportive?.... It's kind of where I am... my heart is broken... but I am glad he's happy and I want to be supportive.

that's really the only way I can view into that argument, not that Tifa's some desperate character who's... uhm... idk what is the argument again? She's intruding or something? But that her desire is to see Cloud and Aerith happy together.


Pro Adventurer
I think it was Tifa's realization that Cloud will always have something for Aerith that she, herself, wishes she has with Cloud.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think it was Tifa's realization that Cloud will always have something for Aerith that she, herself, wishes she has with Cloud.

But Cloud still loves Tifa right? So she has something Aerith doesn't have, right?


Pro Adventurer
How are the two statements mutually exclusive?

Cloud can love both Aerith and Tifa and Tifa can still wish she had a relationship with Cloud that was more similar to his relationship with Aerith.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Tifa is envious of the life Cloud will have with Aerith -- building and sharing a home, raising kids, etc. -- while she is in the Lifestream.

Oh, wait.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
How are the two statements mutually exclusive?

Cloud can love both Aerith and Tifa and Tifa can still wish she had a relationship with Cloud that was more similar to his relationship with Aerith.

Okay let's go with that... why would she invite herself along then?


Pro Adventurer
Tifa is envious of the life Cloud will have with Aerith -- building and sharing a home, raising kids, etc. -- while she is in the Lifestream.

Oh, wait.
"Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~Tifa’s profile, FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 42-47

That entire quote proves my point.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
What does the rest of that quote say?... I forgot, can you find it for me?


Pro Adventurer

Asking again:

Blankbeat, why do you use anti-Cloti arguments to prove Clerith is canon too while admitting both are canon?

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the fact that different family set-ups exist and they don't invalidate a romantic relationship?


Pro Adventurer

Asking again:

Blankbeat, why do you use anti-Cloti arguments to prove Clerith is canon too while admitting both are canon?
I don't think I use anti-Cloti arguments to prove Clerith is canon. I think I use anti-Cloti arguments to show that Cloti is not as definitive as some think it is.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the fact that different family set-ups exist and they don't invalidate a romantic relationship?
I'm not denying or diminishing the existence of non-tradiitonal families. That is your own projection of what I'm saying. I'm simply saying that when Cloti's say, "Cloud and Tifa are raising children together" it isn't giving the whole story. It's only scratching the surface.

Two people raising a child whose Father is away on missions in an environment that has always been home-base for AVALANCHE, in addition to raising another child that was brought to one of them by a dead lady, paints a much different picture than Cloti's want it to paint.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't think I use anti-Cloti arguments to prove Clerith is canon. I think I use anti-Cloti arguments to show that Cloti is not as definitive as some think it is.

can i ask why? I mean why shoot down stuff like "Cloud went to rescue Tifa!"... why say it's just so he can get paid?


Pro Adventurer
can i ask why? I mean why shoot down stuff like "Cloud went to rescue Tifa!"... why say it's just so he can get paid?
I was comparing/contrasting Cloud rescuing Tifa with Cloud rescuing Aerith.

I was simply pointing out that there are multiple reasons Cloud may have wanted to rescue Tifa. The same can't be said for Aerith.

I recently came to the conclusion that Cloud probably wanted to rescue Tifa to let her know that he was still alive because the last time Tifa saw him was when Cloud fell from the reactor.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Wow, we may have reached Fractal Stupid with the 'Tifa's not any of those things she is explicitly described as being' argument.

Hi, Shrou- I mean Rhapsody. Drink the Kool-AID, though I think you already have.

BB, there are only 'Multiple reasons' Cloud would want to rescue Tifa if you reject his ENTIRE FUCKING CHARACTER, including that of Faux!Cloud. Cloud's a hardass, he's NOT an uberdouche who would abandon his childhood friend to a slum pimp if he didn't think he'd get money out of the deal.

And yet, that it what you want to portray him as. If that's the Cloud you want Aerith to get... well, why? Do you hate Aerith? Because your Cloud's a socipathic douche.


Pro Adventurer
What does the rest of that quote say?... I forgot, can you find it for me?
I don't know where the rest of the quote is.

I'm simply pointing out that when Hawkeye says, "Tifa is envious of the life Cloud will have with Aerith -- building and sharing a home, raising kids, etc. -- while she is in the Lifestream."

That this quote: "Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” proves Tifa is still envious/jealous of Cloud and Aerith's relationship and the "special bond" they developed that was "different" than Tifa's bond with Cloud.

These "complicated" feelings Tifa has towards Aerith continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had died.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I recently came to the conclusion that Cloud probably wanted to rescue Tifa to let her know that he was still alive because the last time Tifa saw him was when Cloud fell from the reactor.
Idk... doesn't "he loves her" just make more sense? Plus it's easier to process.. and I;m saying this to you as you've said before that Cloud does love Tifa.

I don't know where the rest of the quote is.
It's on this very site.

here it is

Couldn't find it at first
Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was “the child which Aerith brought here” and took care of him

So her complicated feelings are because Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself. NOT due to what you said.

*waits for this post to be ignored and for the half quote to be posted again*


Pro Adventurer
I don't think I use anti-Cloti arguments to prove Clerith is canon. I think I use anti-Cloti arguments to show that Cloti is not as definitive as some think it is.

But you just admitted Cloti is canon and Cloud loves Tifa, then what's not "definitive?"

I'm not denying or diminishing the existence of non-tradiitonal families. That is your own projection of what I'm saying. I'm simply saying that when Cloti's say, "Cloud and Tifa are raising children together" it isn't giving the whole story. It's only scratching the surface.

Two people raising a child whose Father is away on missions in an environment that has always been home-base for AVALANCHE, in addition to raising another child that was brought to one of them by a dead lady, paints a much different picture than Cloti's want it to paint.

Paints the picture all the same. It's you who is trying to argue against Cloti by mentioning the living conditions with Barret, even saying that marriage and living separately is needed to validate Cloti romance. You're using a strawman argument by claiming Clotis use cohabitation alone as a canon evidence of romance, I told you before it's mostly the dialogue between Cloud and Tifa leading to the cohabitation.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Posting it again to make sure you see it:

Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was “the child which Aerith brought here” and took care of him
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