Sony's Spider-Man: Now a Part of the MCU; And Now Not Again; And Now Is Again


I feel like there may have been some deleted footage that made the Peter-Harry tensions a bit more clear. At the very least, it makes sense thematically with the whole "with great power comes with great responsibility" Spidey mantra.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And wow, um, I guess you could always just move to Minnesota. :monster:

Is that a yes then? :awesome:

Having literally just moved, and seeing as just going these 20 miles nearly killed me, I may need the whole 12-month period of my lease to recover for such an undertaking. =P

Aerith ... Tenny ... wait for me! [/dramatic voice]

Goddamn geography. =(

1.) Good point. However, I feel that Peter still had cause for concern. I mean, remember what Harry said when Peter mentioned Dr. Conners? "Conners was weak, this is me, Peter." So, just being Harry Osborn is good enough for things not to go wrong? If I were Peter, I wouldn't give Harry my blood, either.

Oh, I agree that he had cause for concern. It's Oscorp, after all, and he doesn't know how much Harry knows about them. I just think he decided way too quickly to not even give him a chance.

We also don't know if Peter's blood would have had the desired effect just because of his dad putting his own DNA into the spiders. As I said before, what if it had some other effect? Giant Spider?

I'm sure it could if the plot demanded it, but just going by what we were given, I felt it was implied that Peter's dad knew the venom works, but that he implemented this "biological password" of sorts to make it only work when and for whom he wanted it to.

3.) Because just in case something happened to them the truth would be there for someone else to find. Oscorp is up to no good, and the world needs to know.

That's what confused me. Why not the Bugle? Or a real newspaper like The New York Times? Somebody's blog, at least, instead of a secret lab only they knew about?

4.) I guess it's all down to a matter of personal preference.
I like my Rhino well done even if I take my steak medium well. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
Is that a yes then? :awesome:

Having literally just moved, and seeing as just going these 20 miles nearly killed me, I may need the whole 12-month period of my lease to recover for such an undertaking. =P

Aerith ... Tenny ... wait for me! [/dramatic voice]

Goddamn geography. =(

Oh, I agree that he had cause for concern. It's Oscorp, after all, and he doesn't know how much Harry knows about them. I just think he decided way too quickly to not even give him a chance.

I'm sure it could if the plot demanded it, but just going by what we were given, I felt it was implied that Peter's dad knew the venom works, but that he implemented this "biological password" of sorts to make it only work when and for whom he wanted it to.

That's what confused me. Why not the Bugle? Or a real newspaper like The New York Times? Somebody's blog, at least, instead of a secret lab only they knew about?

I like my Rhino well done even if I take my steak medium well. :awesome:

I tried to come up with a witty reply, but I got nothin'. :monster:


Peter didn't really give a definitive no. When he went to talk to Harry in costume he said, "We need more time," or something to that effect. I think Peter would have eventually given Harry his blood if he was able to run a test and it turned out to be safe, but Harry was pretty impatient.

Not to mention, Peter made a mistake very similar to this with Dr. Connors. He wouldn't want a repeat of that. Rushing into giving Harry his blood would be a big no no.

And I have no idea why they didn't contact the Bugle or some other news agency. Perhaps they were going to but didn't get the chance? Maybe that's what Roosevelt is for. Maybe we'll find out in a future movie.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
"More time" for what, though? He's swinging away from the place the testing would be done. :monster:

Also, I'm still more interested in the yes/no thing. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
I'm assuming testing would take a while. I kind of got the impression that Harry was wanting to take the blood and inject it straight into his arm without thought like a crazy psycho. :P

And um, well twelve months is a really long time though...

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
What why! did ASM2 not perform well or wasn't impressive enough they had to move it further?

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Good I skipped it. 3 villains is overwhelming a plot and will never cover films...


It was more like 1.65 villains.

1 = Electro
0.60 = Green Goblin
0.05 = Rhino
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Bought the movie. I'll gather my thoughts later. But I will say for now, that being already hyped for the Ravencroft name-dropping, just to have Dr. Kafka be a one-time generic mad scientist shot me to my soul. ;_;

I don't know what they were doing with all the Felicia cameos either but yes, we do need Black Cat in these movies.
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I dont think sinister six will work out, no Avengers moneys there. The Sony folk are fucking idiots anyway so what the hell.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Everything is rumored to be in the works. Everyone wants that Avengers money.

I recommend they sell-share the rights back to Avengers/Disney/Marvel. :monster:

And pretty please soon because a lot of shit is about to go down now that
Gwen's dead.
That's pretty much Pete's butterfly effect.


Higher Further Faster

This is a pretty good one. I laughed so hard I literally had tears streaming down my face.

Tres, I think you'll feel quite validated after watching this. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Good they have the decency to put spidey where he belongs, they really trashed him with this terrible second film.


SM3 probably scrapped, Sinister Six movie to possibly soft reboot the series again with an new Spidey actor to replace Garfield

That would be ridiculous if it were true. Enough with the reboots.

I'm not really believing anything yet at the moment though. :monster:

And even if there are MCU talks doesn't mean they'd reach a settlement. Sony are the only ones who would seem to truly benefit from such a union. I don't know how they could make it worthwhile for Marvel however.
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