30 Days of FF Themes [Music]


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
oh, forgot another really obvious one for the happy themes



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, it's great. The variations of it (Lenna's theme, A Premonition, etc., all contain melodic elements of it) are also great, but they didn't fit as well for the day so I didn't list them.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Happiest song:

And Force already said my fave as far as silly songs go.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda

It's so bright and cheerful. ^^


It cracks me up, especially because of Frog!Cid trying to sneak up and get the key from the caged Hedgehog Pie that keeps whirling around. Haaaaa, that was fun.

This one, too. Spying on Steiner and Beatrix...

Marcus: "(M-My nose is bleeding...)"

Blank: "Then stick your thumb up it!"


Waiting for something
Lots of songs coming up now, Happiest songs first of all.

Next the silliest, probably the silliest song I've ever heard, but brilliant at the same time

This one is happy/silly so I'm putting it last because I couldn't figure out which category to put it in.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
16. Most powerful song

Several. First of all,

Rather than reinvent the wheel I shall simply reiterate what I said about it from the previous thread:
I should add that the reason the opera is my favourite piece of music is because it is by far the most emotionally evocative marriage of music to gameplay and storyline that I have ever encountered in a game. Sure the graphics accompanying it are only 16-bit and they had to use a synthesizer for the voice in the OST, both of which kind of detract from the in-game effect, but it doesn't matter. Nothing like that had even been attempted before, as far as I'm aware, and I'm not aware of anything like it that's been attempted since either. The fact that you're actually put into the opera as a character and have to participate in a small way by selecting lines only adds to the experience; somehow it reminds me of when I actually used to perform for an audience, even though it's pretty basic stuff. Sure, there are much more interactive music games now, but as far as I'm aware none of them have a story matching anything like FFVI's. It was just a magical section of gameplay merged with music that hasn't ever been equalled.


This piece, which contains spoilers, does a better job dissecting it than I would. It is not only the best piece of final boss music from the series but one of the best pieces of any nature. (Interesting piece of trivia: The Japanese title of this piece translates along the lines of "Ominous Star Mad Dance." Tell me that isn't even more awesome than the official title.)

Thirdly (these first three are basically tied with one another),
It does not hurt that it is played during one of the most emotional moments of any Final Fantasy game (which I won't spoil for those who still haven't played it, but if you haven't played it, what are you waiting for?), but on its own merits it would nonetheless be one of Uematsu's most superb compositions in any case.

Other pieces:

among many other variants on the same motif. These are probably the two most powerful though.

I'm not sure if this was used in the game (I don't remember it being used), but it should have been, perhaps
after the final battle when Kuja is defeated and realises what utter folly his existence was
. Probably wasn't a long enough scene to get to the part that makes this piece brilliant, which is where it breaks from the ominous mood that has characterised literally every other Kuja theme thus far and turns into something reflective and wistful. The fact that the piece is played at a much slower tempo helps it along as well. Just a brilliant composition and it's a shame it (probably) wasn't used.

a nice tribute to '70s prog rock. There's even a mellotron, or at least something that sounds almost exactly like one.

No other game included every character theme in its ending, and I think that was a mistake. It worked beautifully here.

A fair kickoff selection. If it seems like there's a large overlap with my saddest song answer, there's a good reason for that. I would also throw in "Final Fantasy" on its own; it appears towards the end of several game endings, including FFIX's and FFVI's, but in pretty much any form it's an incredibly powerful piece.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I think for me it would have to be Mage vs Mage.

Gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

Also, the romantic in me pretty well dies every time I hear this piece:

Other one's would be Liberi Fatali, Dust to Dust, Aerith's Theme and Terra's Theme.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
gods frakking dammit I can't sleep because I keep thinking of more frakking pieces for this frakking thread

The arranged albums are a treasure trove of amazing music.

Also after this thread is over we're going to have to do a general non-FF game music version of this thread because I keep thinking of tracks from other games that fit some of these categories perfectly.

Ghost X

Pretty hard for me to pick just one powerful song. I think I'll just refer back to the posts I've made already in this thread. I forgot to mention Anxious Heart in a particular category, which is one of few songs I tried to learn, so add that to the list =p. A general gaming music thread would be interesting, but what would piss me off is that I do not know the names to songs I like =p.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
In terms of FF music, when I think of "Powerful", I instantly think of "Dancing Mad" and "One Winged Angel", the original ones and the orchestral and The Black Mages' remixes. "The Dark Messenger" is up there, too.

Another ones worthy of mention are FFXII's opening theme...

...and the gently frightening, ominous beauty of The Chosen Summoner:

Though the music from FF Versus XIII's trailer is quite awesome, too:




Final Fantasy IV's "Palom and Porom", already posted. I'd like to add

"Timber Owls"-Final Fantasy VIII

It sounds a lot like the different strains are teasing each other. It's fun and playful in its simplicity.

Most Powerful:

The Opera, for sure.

Runner ups from Final Fantasy VII are "Mako Reactor"

It's almost pure bass sound.

Then "Who are You?"

It's simple, but it stays with you and adds just the right skin crawl in scenes where it's included.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
17. Best obscure/overlooked song

There are a number of songs I've already listed in previous categories that I think should probably be listed here. However, I'm going to go entirely with tracks I'm fairly sure no one has listed yet.

This track is so underrated that Square Enix didn't even allow it to loop through one complete time on the OST. If someone wants a complete version of it let me know.

There are a number of other tracks that probably belong here, like Cursed Train, FFIX's final battle theme, etc., but if they were listed already I guess they're not that overlooked. I don't think any of these were listed yet.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I forgot which day I was on, so I'll just copy everyone else. :neom:

The saddest song for me will always be Aerith's Theme. It just so beautiful and sad that I also get a little watery eyed when I hear it.



Waiting for something
Day 16 : Most powerful song

This is really hard because there are tons and loads have already been mentioned. I agree FFIX's You are not Alone is an extremely powerful song.

I already put it up before so I won't again but FFX's ending fmv song is one of the most powerful I've ever heard.

Also from FFX this...

This from FFVIII also

The two sequences in the game in which they are played are brilliant for heightening the emotion.

I also think the opening DS versions of FFIII Eternal wind and FFIV which mixes the main theme, theme of love and the prologue theme are fantastic.

Day 17: Best obscure/overlooked song
Four for me

FF1 Chaos Shrine its a beautiful piece especially the PS version, played only in the beginning, its one of my favourite music pieces also

FFV Home Sweet Home, beautiful, sad and give the feel of nostalgia in Bartz's home town

Also from FFV in terms of world map theme I think this one doesn't get enough love so it fits in well with this category, its really haunting and quite ethereal

And finally Compression of Time from FFVIII, again I think its quite haunting and beautiful and it only gets a short amount of time to play in the game, once you actually reach ultimecia's castle this song takes over the area before her castle and you can't hear it anymore :(

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It seems like everyone has forgotten this thread :(

18. Best lyrical song

There is only one correct answer to this, and it is of course

If the whole thing can't be selected, I'd go with Aria di Mezzo Carattere.


Double Growth
19. Best staff roll.

No contest.

0:00 - FF7 Main Theme -> 2:00 Crisis Core Theme (orchestrated) -> 3:06 Shinra Theme -> 4:00 Fighting -> 5:28 Aerith's Theme -> 7:08 Crisis Core Theme (slide guitar)

I'm not sure Crisis Core's credit segment had to be so long, but this song makes it more that bearable. It is an excellent and beautiful combination of FFVII's themes. I've never had a huge desire for FFVII's battle theme to receive the Distant Worlds treatment until this song. Also, that is some excellent slide guitar work at the end. And they orchestrated the Shinra theme! That's AWESOME. Crisis Core's in-game version of the Shinra theme was kind of lacking in oomph, but this rendition is fantastic. I love the transition from Aerith's theme to the Crisis Core theme with the violins.

I know people are mixed on Ishimoto's work for CC, but he absolutely crushed the credit roll. I put this category in the list for the sole purpose of gushing about this track :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Hehe, I'm a cheater. ;p

1. Best normal battle theme

Always thought that FF1 had it best, despite it's age and NES sound.

2. Best boss battle theme

FF VII Still More Fighting. Just for it's rock sound. And when you heard it coming, you knew that the battle was going to be epic !

3. Best world map/main theme

FF IX. Because it was Melodies of life, expect in a different tune. And Melodies of Life is a kick ass song, and so fitting towards FF9's storyline.

4. Best playable character theme

Think everybody from FFVI had great character theme's, even the characters who didn't have much time in the spotlight like Umaro had epic themes. Though would have to give it to Edgar and Sabin. The Coin song.

5. Best villain (not final battle) theme

KEFKA ! OMG ! When I first heard Kefka's main theme song, I had to replay that part again, even though it played during the poisoning of Doma and Cyan lost his family, I was too busy listening to the song on the background. I do feel guilty about it, because it was such a tragic moment for Cyan, but the song was so awesome !

6. Best town theme

Kids run through the city corner, FF6. It has a great beat to it, and it's rather cheerful and catchy. Also heard that it's also Stragos theme. Strago, I'm jealous of you !!

7. Best incarnation of the Chocobo theme

FF8. But not the Pocket PlayStation's version, because that it's awwful.

8. Best victory fanfare

But they all sound so beautiful ! I could give a award to them all. But have to go with VII, because of the nostalgia, and it brings back memories of childhood. <3

9. Best emergency/action theme

Run from Final Fantasy V. It's very fast, and it makes you want to panic really easily. Plus it plays during running away of the fire kingdom, with a countdown and everything, so it doubles with the feeling of danger and warning.

10. Best normal dungeon theme

FFIV's because it almost sounds like a dance. It's peaceful, not harmful and it gives you peace when exploring dungeons and caves. It makes you feel alright when heading into a dungeon, and not "omg, another dungeon, I'm going to have to face another 100, 00 monsters, get lost, and have to face enough tough boss and be low on phoenix downs ". It hides negative feelings and emotions when traveling dungeons.

11. Best final dungeon theme

FF VIII, because of all the cool gothic, phantom of the opera type music. I love that sort of music, and it's really cool to travel around Ultimeca's castle and not get bored of the same sound, and just grab some popcorn and just listen and listen to the music, well I did. Plus it holds that scary theme too, when I first saw the final dungeon and heard the music, I shat bricks.

12. Best specialty boss/recurring boss battle theme

FFIV battle of the four fiends. Like the VII boss theme, this song gets you fired up and you know that your in for a challenging yet epic battle to face.

13. Best final boss theme

I'm going to get hate for this, but One Winged Angel from VII. But I also like the extreme and Kuja's final battle song. But One Winged Angel, it just hits you by surprise and hits you with a needle of adrenaline. Powerful.

14. Saddest song

Forever Rachel from FF6. Listening to it, you can feel Locke's pain and sorrow and his regret about loosing Rachel. It's so heartbreaking.

15. Happiest and/or Silliest song

FF V's chocobo song. Don't know how to explain it, but it just sounds really happy, and it begins with a guy shouting out HA ! It's so random. :wacky:

16. Most powerful song

Dancing mad from FFIV. It goes from upbeat, to quiet and somber, and then it goes to a gothic organ tune, and then it goes just plain crazy. It's powerful because it matches Kefka's feelings during the final battle, and the four levels that you are facing. It has a huge impact, on you, on the story and for the game.

17. Best obscure/overlooked song

Ex- Death's theme from FF V. When you first hear it, omg, you shit bricks. It sounds like that them from psycho when that girl is in the shower. It sounds like it belongs in a horror movie. It's so haunting, frighting, and evil. It's really matching towards a evil villian, to fear. But people forget about it, or don't know it. Poor Ex- Death. :no:

18. Best lyrical song

Might get hate for this, but Eyes on Me ! Okay so the lyrics are not so great. " Is this real or just my fantasy, you were always in the corner of that tiny little bar ".
But it's so sweet, romantic, and cute and it shows the romance between the game's couples so well. Sigh, if only Squall loved Selphie and not Rinoa.

19. Best staff roll (credits song)

FF6 ! Because it plays all the characters themes, and all of the character themes from FF6 are so good, it's like.... double, no triple the awesome.

And I know this isn't on the survey, but if there was a question for best song ever, It's Your Not alone from FF9. :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
And I know this isn't on the survey, but if there was a question for best song ever
There is one; it's day 29.

I didn't answer the staff roll question because it would've just been FFVI again and everyone had already predicted my answer. Though I think it's supposed to be different from ending theme, but whatever; FFVI's staff roll is part of its ending theme.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Gonna post this before I go to bed.

20. Best airship theme

It's almost a tie, but for me it's VII's with VIII's right behind it. I think both are excellent.


Waiting for something
Ack I missed the last 2 days so I'm going to post all three at once.

I'm combining day 18 and 19 because they have the same answer for me but both for different reasons.

Day 18 & 19: Best lyrical song & Best staff/credit roll - FFIX:Melodies of life

It was between Eyes on me and Melodies of Life for best lyrical because they're the only two I really like but Melodies won out mainly because it always brings a lump to my throat when I hear it after completeing the game. I chose it for the staff and credit roll also because its really cool watching back all the FMVs again and because it has IMO the best version of the FF prologue song which FFVII, VIII and IX all incorporated into their staff rolls.

Day 20: Best airship them.

Again FFIX wins it for me I love the Hilda Garde theme its so happy and it lovely because after everything in the game that happened before hand it gives a new sense of purpose and hope plus it also leads into my favourite part of the game of getting ready to go to Terra.

I know its not an airship theme but its a great little piece of music and only ocurs when you ride the dragon in FFV.

I found this too which is really cool this was meant to be the airship theme for FF2 but it was apparently cut out for sounding to cheerful in such a dark game I thought it would be appropriate to post it during the airship theme category:monster:

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