The Twilight Mexican
Ex-SeeD-ingly good
- TresDias
Yet, as has been pointed out to you several times, Nomura already said the remake will be connected with the Compilation. So what is being assumed there?
Yet, as has been pointed out to you several times, Nomura already said the remake will be connected with the Compilation. So what is being assumed there?
When did he say that?
When did he say that?
You have got to be joking.
When did he say that?
[The above is from an article summarizing what he said rather than a direct quote. His original comment was コンピレーション作品で登場した設定について、説明不足なんだろうなと感じる部分もあり、そこをきさんとつなぐということですね]Some parts in the Compilation that have been difficult to understand will be connected better in the Remake.
[The above was actually said by Kitase, but which key developer said it isn't really the point.]The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII added new wrinkles to the story and lore behind the game. How is the team approaching the integration of those new elements into the remake?
It’s not to say that all or some of the characters from the spin-offs or other Compilation works will appear in the remake, but if there are any areas where we can use the settings or the characters, we do want to try to incorporate it in there, so it gives off that sense of nuance and those other stories existing.
So, there isn’t any pressure to include every character and storyline from the Compilation content?
Yes, there may be instances where the characters appear themselves, or are just referenced in dialogue. But, of course, it would be difficult to follow up on everything that happened in this universe. So, maybe some of the characters who weren’t as famous won’t appear or be mentioned. But in terms of the characters and instances that remain in the memories of our fans, we do want to try our best to integrate that in some fashion in the world.
X-SOLDIER: you and others have consistently used the word "confirmed" when referring to the Comp sword's presence in FF7R. Your evidence seems to be that the developers have said they used FF7R assets in their latest cell phone game. It looks like the Guard Scorpion, Cloud's model, and some scenery have been used. I have questions:
1. Did the developers say that they exclusively used FF7R assets in Möbius?
2. If not, how does the presence of the Comp sword in Möbius guarantee or confirm anything?
In the video that IGN just put out with the collection of all the CG cutscenes in part 1 of the Final Fantasy 7 event in Mobius, & it states that, "ALL OF THE ASSETS USED FOR THE EVENT ARE RIPPED FROM THE FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT." But as we saw in the initial trailers, this Cloud is using the Compilation Buster Sword, and not the one we've currently seen in other Remake gameplay.
Also doesn't mean everything was used as is and that nothing has been altered.