AC/CC >> Remake Buster Sword Changes


Higher Further Faster
Case of Lifestream White also confirms this, doesn't it? It was always my head canon anyway even before that. :monster: I like the idea of Aerith being a sort of mystical helper/protector after her death. I mean, she was apparently able to have conversations with her real mother years after her death as stated in the OG. Not being Cetra might make this hard for Cloud and Tifa but I like the idea that she still helps however she can.


The only point I'll respond to as of now is the objection to the Jenova point I brought up about reading the minds of people she already killed and took the form of, and the Masamune being forged out of spirit energy -
Ifalna says Jenova used the shape of dead loved ones to approach Ancients - she does not say she did not say when she did it or to what extent, so that objection is based on an assumption.

For all we know, when the meteor first landed, one or several ancients would have approached the crater to investigate, get killed and "absorbed" (for the lack of a better word) by the Jenova organism, laying the foundation for her first shape shifts into dead loved ones.

There is nothing about Jenova taking the shape of dead loved ones that requires her to be able to read the minds of still living foreign bodies - all she would need is to kill and take the memories of one person with a shared relative - and Ifalna's sentence does nothing at all to rule this out, nor is it specific enough to prove the opposite either, as it makes no mention of telepathy, extent, scope or nature of what Jenova is doing.

Ifalna being able to listen to the voices of the planet does not make her omnipotent, and based on what we do know (like for instance, that the amount of information in the life-stream is so vast that being over-exposed to it is dangerous) clearly indicates that whatever you do get out of the planet is sporadic and disjointed - so to assume that Ifalna is speaking from some sort of authority on Jenova, rather than bits and pieces of sporadic information is not warranted.

Jenova is never shown in the original game to be reading minds outside of her direct physical influence, nor is it necessary to explain the plot, hence why I think it's a unnecessary addition that only further deepens the extent of convolution in the story - as is apparent when talking about Cloud shaping his persona based on Tifa's memories rather than Zack's.

Saying Cloud didn't need those memories when he was with Zack, presupposes he would need them when he met Tifa, but as I've already pointed out, the persona Cloud eventually did end up shaping makes very little sense if we're to believe that it was a result of Jenova's/Sephiroth's machinations more so than his earlier innate personal disposition.
Furthermore, if Jenova, more so than directly influencing this, simply reacts to her surroundings and absorbs memories etc. I see no reason why the cells wouldn't have been hard at work already when with Zack.

Point remains though, that as shaky as Cloud's persona is, if Jenova cells are hard at work reading minds and feeding him information to bolster his delusion, why isn't Cloud's delusion more well-designed? After all, Cloud moves past, and interacts with many people in the Shinra organization after meeting Tifa, yet before relating his story in Calm, such as Rufus, members of the Turks etc. all people who'd have valuable information on the structure of Soldier etc. who presumably, if Jenova had read their minds as well, would help Cloud build an even more comprehensive persona for which to bury his trauma.

Asking us to believe that the Jenova cells conveniently only read minds when Cloud needs them to in order to bury his personal issues would (yet only does so selectively for no apparent reason), to my mind, be another indicator of bad writing - although I'm prepared to accept that might be the official explanation for my objection on this matter though.
I'll say it again - more likely this is simply a after-the-fact insertion of world-lore in order to address something they didn't think of the first time around.
Can we "make sense of it" now? Sure - but it's exercise that only demonstrates the issue with the plot to begin with, when you have to go to such lengths to do it, and when it obviously isn't clear to the majority of people unless they've read guide-books and discussed the topic to death on fan-forums.
It's made even more apparent when the actual explanations people come up with are floaty and weird as hell even if they might be considered consistent with canon.

As for Masamune being shaped by spirit energy -
Again, this might be reconciled with AC material, but also again, this just further demonstrates my point.
If you have to allude to material created many years after the original, that were neither planned for nor envisioned when the original was first written and made to explain a phenomenon in the original, that is the very definition of bad writing.

In no other part of the original do we see anyone, Jenova included, shaping physical objects out of spirit energy - organic matter perhaps, although this is done by the planet itself, not any one being - but not steel.
We're really supposed to believe that Jenova just "magics" Masamune replicas into existence - not just for a partial amount of time, or as an illusion of the mind, or as a spell, but an actual physical copy that retains its presence in the world after she's left it behind and moved on?

Is it a plot-point that can be "explained"(see : rationalized) through some sort of convoluted tortured reasoning? Perhaps. In doing so, that in no way lessens the point I'm making here though - that is not a sign of quality writing by any standard or stretch of the imagination.

It should not be up to the audience, or later products to explain prominent aspects of story or lore in a piece of fiction, and such story or lore should not be so loose and willy-nilly to the point that these things occur to begin with.

Again, Occam's razor and all that - the more likely explanation is that the authors didn't pick it up the first time around. Sephiroth's iconic sword is an important part in establishing his character, and building into the illusion that the player is chasing the real Sephiroth rather than Jenova. In their desire to do this, and do it with gusto, they simply didn't think that far ahead (if they'd even really planned that far ahead in the plot when they first wrote those scenes, despite what else they might claim at later dates).


Pro Adventurer
I always thought that it was part of Jenova's body that transformed into Masamune, though I'm not sure if that makes a whole lot of sense. Sephiroth has no trouble throwing Jenova parts at the party, perhaps he felt like it's OK to leave one pierced through President Shinra. In case of AC, Cloud's sword clashed into part of Jenova that was still in the process of shapeshifting into Masamune. Although it seems like an invisible sword, maybe it was a invisible-to-an-eye Jenova's cell that's strong enough to remain stationary after such impact, lol. After that more cells gathered to fully form the Masamune. I guess it depends on how flexible and elastic the cells and Jenova's shapeshifting ability is, but we know it's pretty advanced.

Regarding Jenova's memory reading, I'm still under the impression that Cloud indeed does have Zack's memories. He remembers things he didn't supposedly attend way too clearly: how it looked, what was said exactly, how it felt. It's just that Tifa working as a catalyst to the completion of Cloud's new personality formation that's confusing.
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Pro Adventurer
Cloud's mako coma might have been limiting his ability to absorb memories from Zack. i.e. he got some memories, but not many, and his mind wasn't able to do a lot with it because he was in a low-functioning state. By the time Cloud was functioning again, Zack was dying. No more memories to absorb. Then along comes Tifa.

Also do we know how long it took for Cloud's new persona to fully form? Or even the time frame between Tifa finding Cloud at the train station and bombing mission? If it took a while, Cloud might have still had days that left him 'glitched out' before the details of his fake memories formed. (You do see him hold his head and shake at the station, whenever Tifa looks away. I took it to mean that his persona was still under construction.)


Double Growth
Yeah, I thought Jenova just made the sword. You can say she only does biological shape shifting all you like, but the fact remains that you're not chasing a naked Sephiroth around the whole time :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Think of it this way:

Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz made their own clothes in that same way.

Also, Kadaj has his sword again after the Sephiroth fight. When did he go pick it up? Or did he just make a new one?
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Pro Adventurer
Think of it this way:

Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz made their own clothes in that same way.

Also, Kadaj has his sword again after the Sephiroth right. When did he go pick it up? Or did he just make a new one?
I'm pretty sure you found an inconsistency.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Think of it this way:

Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz made their own clothes in that same way.

Also, Kadaj has his sword again after the Sephiroth right. When did he go pick it up? Or did he just make a new one?
I'm pretty sure you found an inconsistency.
When we saw the same dude literally conjure leather clothes out of thin air earlier in the movie, and saw another dude literally conjure another sword out of thin air a few minutes earlier in the movie? =P

At most, that's a mistake (that they took the time to animate?). It's definitely not an inconsistency.


Yeah, I thought Jenova just made the sword. You can say she only does biological shape shifting all you like, but the fact remains that you're not chasing a naked Sephiroth around the whole time :monster:
Because the cllothes on Sephiroth's body being organic tissue made to look like clothes, which is maintained constantly as a guise, and an object left behind in Shinra HQ are clearly the same =S

Nobody noticed or took care to mention a giant cluster of Jenova Cells sticking out of president Shinra.

Stop trying to rationalize this. It's a plot hole and it's bad writing. The longer you people try to stretch stuff to make this make sense instead of just going with Occam's razor and accepting what you'd probably have already accepted if this was a story you were less emotionally attached to (FF8 lol?) the less the cognitive dissonance is going to bother you =p

And people, stop bringing up AC on this point - it's irrelevant. A sequal made several years later, neiher planned for nor envisioned to explain inconsistencies in the original plot is inane, since nobody had that going through the original. Saying "now it can make sense" is an admission by proxy that it didn't make sense when it was first written hence a capitulation to the point I was making.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I thought Jenova just made the sword. You can say she only does biological shape shifting all you like, but the fact remains that you're not chasing a naked Sephiroth around the whole time :monster:
Because the cllothes on Sephiroth's body being organic tissue made to look like clothes, which is maintained constantly as a guise, and an object left behind in Shinra HQ are clearly the same =S

Nobody noticed or took care to mention a giant cluster of Jenova Cells sticking out of president Shinra.

Sephiroth's shoulder pauldrons and some other elements of his uniform seem to be metallic, too. It's obvious that J cells are quite extraordinary, and there is no evidence that they cannot be as sturdy as metal.

Not sure what point were you making about J cells sticking out of president Shinra. It's a Masamune. Why would it be important to anyone what it's made of? We know that Jenova is able to adjust its size (to an unknown extent), so the Masamune doesn't necessarily have to contain lots of J cells.


Yeah, I thought Jenova just made the sword. You can say she only does biological shape shifting all you like, but the fact remains that you're not chasing a naked Sephiroth around the whole time :monster:
Because the cllothes on Sephiroth's body being organic tissue made to look like clothes, which is maintained constantly as a guise, and an object left behind in Shinra HQ are clearly the same =S

Nobody noticed or took care to mention a giant cluster of Jenova Cells sticking out of president Shinra.

Sephiroth's shoulder pauldrons and some other elements of his uniform seem to be metallic, too. It's obvious that J cells are quite extraordinary, and there is no evidence that they cannot be as sturdy as metal.

Not sure what point were you making about J cells sticking out of president Shinra. It's a Masamune. Why would it be important to anyone what it's made of? We know that Jenova is able to adjust its size (to an unknown extent), so the Masamune doesn't necessarily have to contain lots of J cells.

Point of distinction here is the following - Sephiroth's clothes in this instance are permanently attached to the main body of Jenova. Nowhere in the entirety of the compilation as far as I know do we get Jenova parts separated from the main body retaining a shifted shape. Not once. It's not even alluded to, and it doesn't even make sense.

We don't even know the extent to which the shape of Sephiroth actually feels like or has the same physical properties of Sephiroth's real body since Cloud and co never really have any meaningful physical contact with it.

In either casd, why would a cluster of Jenova cells retain shape after being discarded?

The reason it would be important that the fake masamune made up of Jenova cells is presumably the same reason it was important to have Jenova locked up in the first place.
You'd think a lump of Jenova being left behind at Shinra HQ would be worth a mention if that was indeed what the authors intended the sword to be the first time around.

They clearly didn't though. Like most other human beings, they are fallible and make mistakes/oversights etc when writing. This is not a suprise nor really a point worth harping on about. What is extraordinary though is FF7 fans general aptitude for rejecting and jumping through hoops to justify even the smallest of flaws in FF7's plot.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think you misunderstand. The objective isn't to justify or explain it away like it's not there. No one has once disagreed that this was a plothole the developers didn't think about, have they?

The objective is identifying an explanation that maintains the structural integrity of the fictional reality. You've heard the term "break the fiction" before, right? It's about avoiding that. Establishing an internal explanation that fits the setting and paves over those gaping holes in their false reality before the characters start peering through them and see us looking back.

So when Advent Children is brought up, it's not to suggest that anything in it was planned when the original was made. It's to say, "Hey, look. It's explained. Those tremors in reality are gone now." It's not saying anything about quality in the writing of the original -- which I get is what you want to talk about. It's not what you actually said, though.

What you said was "If you mean the why's and how's from a perspective of in-world consistency, or plausible story-telling - no, certainly not. 
There is no reasonable way of explaining why Jenova has Masamune in Shinra HQ after Sephiroth clearly took it with him when he fell into the Mako pool."

Which is simply not true. It is easily, soundly and irrefutably explained by spirit energy and the many, many examples of it being used to do such things -- including make swords out of thin air.

Even the Jenova cells explanation isn't awful. That's what some fans used to explain the Masamune thing back before AC.

Yes, before. This plothole has been a longstanding observation. I really can't imagine anyone disagreeing that being what it was at the time of the original's release. From an out-of-universe perspective, it's a plothole. It's a flaw in the writing. It isn't good story planning.

It can, however, be explained quite easily and consistently from an in-universe perspective. This is why I spoke of a distinction between mistakes and accidents above.

Make sense?
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Double Growth
Yeah, I thought Jenova just made the sword. You can say she only does biological shape shifting all you like, but the fact remains that you're not chasing a naked Sephiroth around the whole time :monster:
Because the cllothes on Sephiroth's body being organic tissue made to look like clothes, which is maintained constantly as a guise, and an object left behind in Shinra HQ are clearly the same =S

Nobody noticed or took care to mention a giant cluster of Jenova Cells sticking out of president Shinra.

Stop trying to rationalize this. It's a plot hole and it's bad writing. The longer you people try to stretch stuff to make this make sense instead of just going with Occam's razor and accepting what you'd probably have already accepted if this was a story you were less emotionally attached to (FF8 lol?) the less the cognitive dissonance is going to bother you =p

And people, stop bringing up AC on this point - it's irrelevant. A sequal made several years later, neiher planned for nor envisioned to explain inconsistencies in the original plot is inane, since nobody had that going through the original. Saying "now it can make sense" is an admission by proxy that it didn't make sense when it was first written hence a capitulation to the point I was making.

WE'RE rationalizing, but you're insisting that Sephiroth's clothing are biological cells made to look like clothing. What are you basing that on, exactly? Nothing, really.

Why would it be relevant to mention that a collection of cells was left in President Shinra? Jenova leaves behind pieces of itself the entire freaking game. Sephiroth is entirely confident that it will all gather for the Reunion, so what does he care. You kill a piece of Jenova on the cargo ship, so what exactly are you suggesting is the sephiroth we're chasing after that? Obviously it's another piece of Jenova. Your suggestion that two different chunks of jenova can't maintain their shape is laughably absurd and ignorant of the game you're declaring has objectively bad writing.

We're the ones being unreasonable? You're being difficult. But you're accusing us of bending over backwards to justify the game when we're giving better reasons than you are for it being irrational.


Pro Adventurer
It is easily, soundly and irrefutably explained by spirit energy and the many, many examples of it being used to do such things -- including make swords out of thin air.
That doesn't sound good :( Where can I read about this? Why does Seph need J body/cells if he can create shit out of spirit energy that can withstand a giant sword clashing into it with full force (if we take AC into consideration, but if we do the spirit energy thing which I assume is from compilation, then AC should be in too). Or is this taken purely from the feats shown by S remnants in AC? I still think their existence is a load of bullcrap.
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Maybe Sephiroth teleports the Masamune to his person with magic. Because in this setting people can use magic?


Think of it this way:

Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz made their own clothes in that same way.

Also, Kadaj has his sword again after the Sephiroth right. When did he go pick it up? Or did he just make a new one?



Harbinger O Great Justice
Regardless of the possible material construction of Sephiroth's clothing and weaponry being a facet of Jenova cell users taking advantage of her incredible shape-shifting bio-magical properties, I don't believe that the cover on the Buster Sword is made manifest of Jenova Cells, any more than the bolts in Cloud's pauldron are.

So... where are we with the rest of the non-tangentially-related topic at this stage, since even I'm not entirely sure how we've ended up here or where we're looking at going with the current line of thought.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I don't believe that the cover on the Buster Sword is made manifest of Jenova Cells

We had already figured out that CBS golden handguard must be made of Jenova cells that shrink in order to fit under RBS metalbox, so it's sort of relevant.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't believe that the cover on the Buster Sword is made manifest of Jenova Cells

We had already figured out that CBS golden handguard must be made of Jenova cells that shrink in order to fit under RBS metalbox, so it's sort of relevant.


So, glossing over the reason that you'd make ONLY the weapon's original guard out of Jenova cells, and the fact this idea woefully fails Occam's Razor, this still fails a huge set of criteria when scrutinized:

• Who commanded the cells to take that specific form?

The singular example of this weapon transformative capability is shown by Sephiroth – who has exceptional control over said elements – and even Sephiroth's physical form and that of the Masamune ceased to remain manifested when he died in ACC. Both Angeal AND Zack died without any deformation or de-transformation happening to the Buster Sword's hilt.

So, insofar as I can tell, you're lacking any credible evidence to support that hypothesis, and the minor explanation it offers is vastly outweighed by the number of utterly ridiculous questions that it leaves unanswered in its place.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Are both of you taking the piss while neither is in on it, just one of you, or am I still reading a serious conversation at this point?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Honestly... I have no idea.

My initial post was meant to be a, "so this is all fine and tangentially related, but where is the trajectory of this conversation ACTUALLY leading us at this point insofar as the primary topic is concerned" – to which I received this reply, hence my "not sure if serios" image followed by the "there's no way this is serious" reply.

So where ARE things at this point?

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I don't believe that the cover on the Buster Sword is made manifest of Jenova Cells

We had already figured out that CBS golden handguard must be made of Jenova cells that shrink in order to fit under RBS metalbox, so it's sort of relevant.

...Where did this happen? I'm reading back through the thread and can't find it?

There was never any indication -- OG or Compilation -- that the Buster Sword was anything other than just a metal sword, regardless of what Masamune is or isn't.

Seems like this would be more easily explained by presuming the gold hilt was there and got damaged and removed. The metalbox, then, would be a replacement and therefore wouldn't be too small.
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