AC/CC >> Remake Buster Sword Changes


I'm guessing, based on Nomura's commentary that they really want to stick as close to the original as possible within the new aesthetic, and the teaser took a lot of creative liberties and introduced references to the compilation as well, which Nomura doesn't seem to want at this point.

I took it to mean the directorial style because I doubt they'd be able to include that many elements on their own accord. I think Nomura also said scenes from the reveal teaser will be in the actual game.

The Twilight Mexican said:
You're making our point for us. =P

No. Drop it.
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I took it to mean the directorial style because I doubt they'd be able to include that many elements on their own accord. I think Nomura also said scenes from the reveal teaser will be in the actual game.

That same logic would apply to the general cinematography of the video as well. If SE officials were working closely on it, rather than just sending them a few resources and some concepts for what they want, then I think it's safe to assume they'd be providing the story-board for the trailer too, which would establish the cinematography in either case.

The time-line for the production of the remake doesn't even allow for much overlap. They probably started working on the game and ordered the production of the trailer at about the same time given what we know, meaning that the resources for the trailer and the resources for the game are different, both in design and format.

Most likely, the scenes of Midgar in this trailer was built completely from scratch not using any of the in-game resources, designed only on directions and cues from SE that came in the shape of writing and sketches. That allows a lot of room for error and interpretation.

Now, of course Nomura wouldn't have allowed them to add compilation nods without his approval - however, I am taking this to mean he didn't like how it turned out.
Perhaps he was imaging it less blatant, more subdued.
Less "Advent Children-y" for the lack of a better word.

Also, I'm not aware of Nomura ever saying they would use the teaser footage - do you have a link?
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Pro Adventurer
Honestly RBS (Remake Buster Sword) to me is the best version of BS so far, so I have no problem imagining that Nomura and whatnot went with "OBS with CBS touch" look for RBS, because it just looks great that way.

I mean, those 5 bolts are somewhat iconic, so they're back. Besides that, OBS looks a little plain, so cool stuff from CBS is added.

Aya Lee

Pro Adventurer
Why put bolts into his single piece of shoulder armor?

50% rule of cool, 50% making yourself stand out against the other potential Shinra troops, or making him seem more Ex-SOLDIER for when he's wandering around in the slums.

Love that. Cloud says SCREW YOU SHINRA. Literally. :awesome:

Random Nobody

local roach
Why put bolts into his single piece of shoulder armor?

I'd always assumed the bolts were there for the same reason that his gauntlets look like they're being held together by duct tape and bandages: slum weapons and armour are probably actually just some banji-ass, tossed-together pieces of garbage. Tifa has the same thing going on with her elbow pads and the steel toes on her boots. For all anyone knows, they're creeping around in the dead of the night and chiseling pieces off the side of people's bus-houses onna Fallout 4 Oscar d Grouch ting.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
No. Drop it.
You know what thread this is, don't you?

EDIT: hian, I checked the new trailer and everything with the sword still looks on point. At the very end of the trailer in particular (when Cloud jumps off the train and twirls the RBS onto his back) you can plainly see the top of the CBS crossguard sticking out from under the box thing.
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Right no, my foot is down. We are not using the acronym for Royal Bank of Scotland to talk about Final Fantasy VII. I don't need to be thinking about my declining finances in the place that makes me happily drain my finances (on games and merch) :closedmonster:

Aya Lee

Pro Adventurer
Right no, my foot is down. We are not using the acronym for Royal Bank of Scotland to talk about Final Fantasy VII. I don't need to be thinking about my declining finances in the place that makes me happily drain my finances (on games and merch) :closedmonster:

Yeah, reading CBS makes me think of the TV channel. I get the convenience though, ha!
On the one hand, my eyes keep telling me that the Remake Buster Sword hilt would have to be taller to cover the gold hilt. I see no definitive part of the gold hilt, repainted or not, sticking out of the new hilt. This is my general impression when I watch the new trailer and freeze-frame through numerous scenes.

On the other hand I am emotionally invested in the Compilation design because of its long history and because I would prefer some aesthetical consistency. The redesign of Barret's gun, albeit cool, bothers me a little but not as much as this Remake Buster Sword. So a part of me still hopes that my intuition is proven wrong and that the riveted hilt will be removed and that the dark colorings around the materia slots and the handle will be removed to show off the gold pattern which is not limited to the hilt.

My eyes/mind side with Tets...most of the time. My heart sides with X-SOLDIER.

Also if we go with CC, Cloud was still using CBS during his first mission with AVALANCHE, which I believe the Remake disagrees with. If the Remake "retconned" that, why is there so much belief that it did not "retcon" the whole CBS?
I enjoy this observation. This confirms at least that the epilogue FMV of Crisis Core has been retconned aesthetically.
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Pro Adventurer
Never really cared about the design of Buster Sword, all version looks the same to me a giant broadsword. Heck when we all play the remake everyone here will drop that weak sword after leaving Midgar. Now im excited to see the HD ultima weapon design....beast....

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
@Shad: I don't you guys don't see it. The shape of the sculpt is exact. And they aren't even trying to.hide it. With those camera angles, it's in plain sight.

If we do get an interview with SE, there needs to be a question about this -- something like "Some fans have noticed that the detailing on the Buster Sword in these trailers is more similar to that of the redesign seen wielded by Zack in the Compilation than to Nomura's original design. Is the disguised crossguard a vidual metaphor for Cloud's state of mind at the beginning of FFVII?"
Did some measurements and I still have to consider myself undecided.

The question I pose: Is the Remake Buster Sword hilt is too short to cover the golden hilt of the Compilation Buster Sword? To confirm this we need to see if the ratios of the hilts with the rest of the blade matches up.

First I took a snapshot from the remake trailer and checked the ratio between the height of the hilt and the height of the hilt + sharp-side-of-the-blade.

- Remake Buster Sword: Rotated image + added lines

Hilt Height = 18 pixels
Sharp side of the blade + Hilt = 406 pixels

RATIO! 18 / 406 = 9 / 203 ≈ 0,0443

This is the approximate ratio of the Remake Buster Sword hilt with the *hilt + short side of the blade.
*(Technically I am making the calculation more complicated by adding the hilt and the short side of the blade instead of just using the length of the short side of the blade, but meh the results are still valid.
If the corresponding ratio of the Compilation Buster Sword is much higher, in other words a value much closer to 1, then we can be sure that the Remake Buster Sword hilt is too short to cover the golden hilt.

- Compilation Buster Sword: Rotated image + added lines

One can argue that the dark-beige line to show the hilt height is too short, but an argument is being made that a curved part of the hilt is peaking out in the remake trailer, ergo why I'm making a generous measurement for the 'bolted-hilt-covering-golden-hilt' camp.

Back to the measurements.

Hilt height = 25 pixels
Sharp side of the blade + Hilt = 558 pixels

RATIO! 25 / 558 ≈ 0,0448


Remake Buster Sword ratio ≈ 0,0443
Compilation Buster Sword ratio ≈ 0,0448

Although the ratio value of the Compilation sword is slightly higher than that of the Remake sword, thus revealing that proportionally the golden hilt is sliiiiightly too tall to be covered, these values provide no definitive proof.

Taking into account the possibility that the blade length and proportions may not be pixel-consistent throughout the franchise AND admitting that angles can affect the perceived length of any given object, not to mention the way that color and lighting can influence size perception, we have a scenario where the analytical mind will remain indecisive as to whether the bolted remake hilt is too short or not to cover the golden Compilation hilt.

Ergo why I'm right back where I started: In a spot of uncertainty and not knowing which camp to support. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I disagree with your height of CBS handguard. It's the top 2 golden "steps" that are visible outside of the metalbox, not the widest one.


Handguard height is the orange line, not purple.

But you can tell just by looking at

The handguard is obviously lesser in height than CBS's.
I disagree with your height of CBS handguard. It's the top 2 golden "steps" that are visible outside of the metalbox, not the widest one.

If I update my measurement accordingly, the hilt height measurement goes from 25 pixels to 31 pixels.

25 / 558 ≈ 0,0448
31 / 558 ≈ 0,0556

This ratio makes it more difficult to argue that the remake hilt is tall enough to cover the golden Compilation hilt.


This reminds me of the time I swapped the models of the buster sword and ultima weapon in the PC version so that Cloud would have the Buster Sword against Sephiroth. You know that graphical effect on Ultima whereby it goes more transparent the less HP you have/ the less powerful it is? It works on every weapon in the game. Watching the Buster Sword go transparent as I lost HP was really cool. If you use an editor you can even attach the weapon's damage calculation (more power the higher his HP) to any weapon in the game, and it has the same effect.

/fun little anecdote


I disagree with your height of CBS handguard. It's the top 2 golden "steps" that are visible outside of the metalbox, not the widest one.


Handguard height is the orange line, not purple.

I don't trust the proportions of this image, in which the Buster Sword is only big enough to up to Zack's crotch, frankly. He's not THAT big much bigger then Cloud.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Okay, this may (or may not) help some folks make up their mind. I zoomed in very close on the screenshot X provided at the beginning of this thread, and you can actually clearly see the line of separation between the widest part of the Compilation Buster Sword's hilt and the edge of the metal box, which is fit snugly around it:






And since the forum automatically resizes huge images, here are the naked links if anyone wants them:

For some this may still not be a "drop the mic" moment, but I'm utterly convinced.


Pro Adventurer
I found a better quality pic:

Check the right side.

Proves nothing, though. The metal box is still shorter than the golden handguard.

EDIT: Gotta install Photoshop for better image manipulation. I was thinking about comparing the handguards' (CBS and RBS) heights to the height of the Materia Slot Wrapper™.
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I was about to post an insignificant opinion then I saw the comparisons and the maths and the pixels and now I forgot what I was gonna say :awesomonster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I found a better quality pic:

Check the right side.

Proves nothing, though. The metal box is still shorter than the golden handguard.
The metal box is shorter than

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I like how you guys can argue about a difference that, were it in real-world proportions and shit, would be millimeters, :monster:. I'll call it plausible.

Is there a 'top-down' view of the s0rd-with-cover (i.e. the hilt)? If the bottom isn't covered, you should be able to see the oval shape.
I like how you guys can argue about a difference that, were it in real-world proportions and shit, would be millimeters, :monster:. I'll call it plausible.
That's a good summary of the argument without further data. We are talking about millimeters deciding the difference as to whether or not the remake hilt even can be hiding the golden Compilation hilt underneath.

Is there a 'top-down' view of the s0rd-with-cover (i.e. the hilt)? If the bottom isn't covered, you should be able to see the oval shape.
The bottom is covered. (Not sure if that's the bottom you meant)

- Exhibit A (a bit dark but you can make out the flat surface)
- Exhibit B
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Pro Adventurer
I found a better quality pic:

Check the right side.

Proves nothing, though. The metal box is still shorter than the golden handguard.
The metal box is shorter than


Oh my God, I didn't realize the gold part was that small. :awesome:

Edit: Here's a good pic from CC on how big the gold part is too, in comparison to the hilt.
And also, a similar shot from the one of the Remake, this is Angeal with the Buster Sword on his back:

After looking at Angeal, I'm pretty positive the metal box is just that, a box around the true golden guard beneath.
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