AC/CC >> Remake Buster Sword Changes


Double Growth
The way Angeal, Zack, and Dissidia!Cloud sheathe the Buster Sword will never fail to annoy me. Why would you ever carry it like that? It means you have to turn it around after drawing it. To say nothing of the high possibility of cutting your calves while running.

Yes, I know Zack claims in CC to strike enemies with the back of the blade, which would mean he wouldn't have to turn it after drawing but I don't need to go into why that's stupid.

I imagine it originally existed simply to further differentiate Cloud's model from
, so I grudgingly accept that he carries it that way. But I hate that Dissidia screwed that up.

[/off topic minirant]

On topic: I definitely think the metal is covering the gold base.
While we are making observations. The Compilation Buster Sword has a single rubber covering around the handle, while the Remake Buster Sword has what appears to be leather (or leather-y rubber) spiraling around the handle.

I find it amazing how people who look at the same picture can have two very different impressions. When I view the pictures Flare posted, my eyes tell me that the golden hilt is too big to be covered by the metal box of the Remake Buster Sword. Yet others are intuitively convinced that the metal box is big enough BECAUSE they have looked at the Compilation images. It's just...amazing.


Pro Adventurer
A quick search on the materials used for sword grips tells me sword grips are often wrapped in shagreen, which is a term for rough, untanned leather. In the case of the compilation Buster Sword, the wrapping resembles shark or ray skin. Katanas have an additional wrapping of another material but you can still see they use it too, as do other sword styles. Other leathers used included the skin off the rump of a horse or onager (wild ass).

The leather wrapping for the remake Buster Sword appears to be something more supple, like the leather seen on
It seems to be relying on the ridges caused by wrapping the material to provide traction. Rubber only came into use in the 19th century so you only really see it in modern weapons and tools.






The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I find it amazing how people who look at the same picture can have two very different impressions. When I view the pictures Flare posted, my eyes tell me that the golden hilt is too big to be covered by the metal box of the Remake Buster Sword. Yet others are intuitively convinced that the metal box is big enough BECAUSE they have looked at the Compilation images. It's just...amazing.
It's both fascinating and frustrating. :monster:

What do your eyes tell you when you look at that line of separation between the edge of the box and the third/widest ridge?


Pro Adventurer
I find it amazing how people who look at the same picture can have two very different impressions. When I view the pictures Flare posted, my eyes tell me that the golden hilt is too big to be covered by the metal box of the Remake Buster Sword. Yet others are intuitively convinced that the metal box is big enough BECAUSE they have looked at the Compilation images. It's just...amazing.

My thoughts exactly. I can't understand how one can post a pic of golden handguard and claim it perfectly fits under the metal box, while the way I see it, it doesn't at all.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well, like Yop said, we are talking a difference of millimeters at most here. I don't know who that makes more eagle-eyed in this disagreement.

For myself, even if we could definitively establish that the box was three millimeters off in one or more pictures, I'd defer more to the matching design and remain convinced for the simple fact that every design choice we see is just that: A deliberate choice rather than something imposed by real-world constraints.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Until my partner gets back from Sweden this weekend, I'll be pissing around in Mac's version of MS Paint to make these, but when she gets back, I'll see if I can't throw a better transparency image together in Photoshop. Until then:


Same size orange boxes -- despite the Remake one suffering from foreshortening because of the angle. That means that it's at LEAST large enough vertically (again the lower golden steps are NOT being covered by it). The steps still visible outside of the boxed in hilt, they're just grey/black now (coloured in Red & Blue), just like the collar (outlined in Purple) goes from gold to grey as well, and the hilt was re-wrapped.


Just something worth noting -

I don't know if there are much difference between the game-play trailer sword and the teaser trailer sword, but shouldn't really use the teaser trailer for comparison since :
A.) it was outsourced
B.) Nomura said they really weren't happy with its style, saying it strayed to far from their own
C.) It's unlikely to be featured in game. It was a just a teaser trailer made and directed specifically for the reveal, not for the actual game.

A) Despite that, they'd be using the same visual assets, so that shouldn't matter.
B) This is likely CC2's construction for their cinematic format, and not the assets themselves, otherwise they'd've commented on the assets themselves and not just the cut of that trailer.
C) I'd call it 50/50 at this point. We don't know if they will or won't use cinematic cutscenes -- not to mention that many if not most of these are just partial clips, and it's likely that if we see them, they'll all be in different parts -- especially with the likelihood of the Midgar Part coming out relatively soon.

tl;dr - none of that really invalidates anything about the design of the Buster Sword used there.

I took it to mean the directorial style because I doubt they'd be able to include that many elements on their own accord. I think Nomura also said scenes from the reveal teaser will be in the actual game.

That same logic would apply to the general cinematography of the video as well. If SE officials were working closely on it, rather than just sending them a few resources and some concepts for what they want, then I think it's safe to assume they'd be providing the story-board for the trailer too, which would establish the cinematography in either case.

I'll just flat out disagree with that. Most of what CyberConnect2 does and has a big reputation for is their heavily cinematic game content, and if they're working together with SE, it's likely that the cinematic storyboarding is being done by them with SE's assets, and then they'd get feedback on what was presented to make adjustments.

Most likely, the scenes of Midgar in this trailer was built completely from scratch not using any of the in-game resources, designed only on directions and cues from SE that came in the shape of writing and sketches. That allows a lot of room for error and interpretation.

Now, of course Nomura wouldn't have allowed them to add compilation nods without his approval - however, I am taking this to mean he didn't like how it turned out.
Perhaps he was imaging it less blatant, more subdued.
Less "Advent Children-y" for the lack of a better word.

Also, I'm not aware of Nomura ever saying they would use the teaser footage - do you have a link?

Again, I find that INCREDIBLY unlikely for how a partnership like theirs would be working. Everything I've heard about the criticisms is the cinematic style not feeling SE-like, and not about the construction of the assets used. To think that CC2 would be building all of that super high-resolution content in the dark without SE seeing it until a trailer was cut sounds ridiculous.

CC2 and SE have different cinematic styles, and it's more than probable that they're just working on refining them into something that's further from CC2's norm and a little closer to SEs standard fare, so that the Remake feels like it matches that -- which is a good thing.

(same tl;dr as the first comment)

While we are making observations. The Compilation Buster Sword has a single rubber covering around the handle, while the Remake Buster Sword has what appears to be leather (or leather-y rubber) spiraling around the handle.

I figure that they re-wrapped the handle and covered over the hilt all at the same time. It's worth noting that the collar has also gone from gold to grey, which means they'd have just been re-working that section of the Buster Sword entirely to be less flashy & ornate and more just scrappy big-ass sword-like. Again, probably a good move if you're traipsing around in the slums.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
The angle for RBS is not perfect, but the difference is clear.


138px vs 433px: RBS handguard is 31.87%


52px vs 133px: CBS handguard is 39.1%

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The angle for RBS is not perfect, but the difference is clear.


138px vs 433px: RBS handguard is 31.87%


52px vs 133px: CBS handguard is 39.1%

[Aside: I love when we do nerdy shit like this. :monster:]

So, as with Shademp's comparisons, the difference is pretty much negligible even before taking into account possible foreshortening due to the angle on the RBS.

For the sake of my own curiosity, would you be willing to see what you get when doing that comparison with a shot of the CBS that's at a similar angle to what we have of the RBS? Maybe
(My apologies if this isn't high quality enough to work from.)

[Another aside: It strikes me as especially fascinating how some of us are more inclined to put the most stock in design vs. putting the most stock in whatever best measurements we can get. Wonder what makes one more inclined to lean one way or the other.]


Pro Adventurer
I don't think it's a good angle, but


We have to keep in mind that the bottom of the metal box is smooth (I'd argue the same goes for the top part, as the corner "line" appears to be part of the metalbox, as it's not as round as the golden handguard top part) without any part of the golden handguard visible, meaning that if there's a golden handguard inside of it, then the metal box has to be slightly bigger in order to fully enclose the golden part.
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Pro Adventurer
So I tried to do some fanagling here by overlaying two images and yada yada, and here's the best I could get so far (okay, it's poor quality but it was sort of a rush job):
At first glance, this does make it look like the metal box of the Remake is smaller than the gold, but there's a couple things to keep in mind too. I couldn't get the images to perfectly overlay; either the guard was off or the blade was (not sure why), and also that the Remake image is still titled forward slightly compared to Angeal's image, I realized this when I couldn't line up the bottom of the guard correctly.

Also, another thought; the gold guard could be slightly resized/redesigned along with other stuff in the game already, and they've just made it shorter to suit their interests. I just feel like the gold has to still be there and there's going to be some nice story thing with it's reveal. It's much more fun that way. :awesome:


Harbinger O Great Justice
[Aside: I love when we do nerdy shit like this. :monster:]

[Same! It's the whole reason I started this thread. :awesomonster:]

In looking through Shademp's images again, I noticed that the Compilation Buster Sword he grabbed looked a little different, and (for the sake of internal consistency), I'm wondering what - if any - are the percentage/dimensional differences between the Buster Sword itself.

hleV -- since you've been the one breaking down the percentages so brilliantly so far, I was wondering if you could take a look at the %age breakdown of these images comparatively speaking. If nothing else, it'll give us something that looks like a fairly reasonable margin of error -- both for the sword's angle and for inter-Compilation Buster Sword design.

(Note, all the images here auto-resize for the boards, but the original links for most of them should be fairly large for good comparison)


While digging around for other images that I/we should play around with:


I think Flare did a damn good job with the overlay, despite angle difficulties, and while I don't think that we're likely to find a perfect 1:1 match to sort this out for certain at the moment, I think that looking over what's here might give us an idea of how angle plays into sizing, and what our expected "millimeters of wiggle room" are gonna be for whichever side of the table the fall on.


Also, I grabbed some more images from the trailer, of Cloud walking away in the cinematic in case there's a better one to be had from those split seconds, and also some of him facing off against the MPs, where we can see UNDER the new hilt. When the light is hitting it, and it's not in shadow, it looks like we can actually see what exists of the old steps, and seems to have a slightly more golden coloration than the other bits of the sword, especially in the very last image:











Aaaaaand last, but not least, while I've just been grabbing these from the internets or screenshotting them from the 1080p YouTube trailers, if we find anything particularly intriguing, I'm sure that I can poke Cloud_S into ripping some proper HQ images from the best versions of the trailer for better analysis, since that's kind of his jam.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Only when the angle is really ridiculous. In the earlier image, the Materia Slot Wrapper is not that much closer to us than the handguard, as opposed to the last one. It's easy to tell from the way the blade expands going from top to bottom of the pic.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm wondering if we aren't overlooking an easier way to check this just with simple measurements:

• Take the vertical measurement of the top to the bottom of the Materia Slot Wrapper like before.
• Then also from the top of the Materia Slot Wrapper to the top of the Collar (where it meets the handle).

From that, we should be able to get a ratio between the two that is much less impacted by the change in angle, since they're closer to being on the same plane (at least much closer than the blade and the hilt are), and the height/depth doesn't change between the two versions, and we get our result as one continuous length split into two parts.

If that ratio greatly differs between the Compilation and Remake versions between those two, it'd indicate that the overall height of the hilt was reduced, yeah?

You might even be able to take the Blade width & Materia Slot Box width into account, since that would give you an indicator for difference of rotation, just to show consistency between an X&Y value's ratios.

X :neo:


Only noticed now? :monster:
Also, the two belts below the SOLDIER wrestling championship belt are Compilation additions as well.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, we now have it confirmed that connections to the Compilation are being integrated into FFVIIR (Nomura: コンピレーション作品で登場した設定について、説明不足なんだろうなと感じる部分もあり、そこをきさんとつなぐということですね).

Also, I just remembered that the Mobius Final Fantasy promotional event for FFVIIR features Cloud openly using the Compilation Buster Sword:

I'm moving my certainty about the RBS being the CBS underneath from 99% to 100. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Got us a new shot of the CBS to work with from the FFVII Remake promotional event in Mobius Final Fantasy. It's pretty similar to the close-up shot we have of the RBS.

Can't promise I did this as well as hleV did it, but this is what I got:



Got 30.23%. Well below the 31.87% hleV got on the close-up shot of the RBS.

Even assuming I went a little long on the yellow line, there's leeway of up to eight pixels (164) before we get close (31.71%), and somewhere between that and nine pixels (163) before we get too long (31.90%).

Assuming I did all this correctly, of course.

Anyway, as near as i can tell, this most recent model/depiction of the CBS has us well within the required space. :monster:

EDIT: Here's a higher quality image --

Got basically the same values off of it.
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Tres I am beyond astounded that you are one of the people championing this idea. Not that I don't like the idea or don't believe it (I'm pretty much on the fence and just hope it's true because it's neat), I'm just making an observation :P

Also I wasn't kidding about this:

Right no, my foot is down. We are not using the acronym for Royal Bank of Scotland to talk about Final Fantasy VII. I don't need to be thinking about my declining finances in the place that makes me happily drain my finances (on games and merch) :closedmonster:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to find another abbreviation ;-;

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Tres I am beyond astounded that you are one of the people championing this idea. Not that I don't like the idea or don't believe it (I'm pretty much on the fence and just hope it's true because it's neat), I'm just making an observation :P
Well, it's been a while since I had an FF theory to champion. :monster:

Lex said:
Also I wasn't kidding about this:

Right no, my foot is down. We are not using the acronym for Royal Bank of Scotland to talk about Final Fantasy VII. I don't need to be thinking about my declining finances in the place that makes me happily drain my finances (on games and merch) :closedmonster:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to find another abbreviation ;-;
This works too well. I ain't gonna go with BSotR ("Buster Sword of the Remake") just 'cause you can't put your money in an American bank. =P


Higher Further Faster
I've been thinking about this every time I see someone use RBS. I'm all like, poor Lex. :sadpanda:

But yeah, I was kind of surprised you are championing for this as well, Tres. This seems like the kind of thing you would think was silly. But maybe that's the appeal? It is kind of extremely nerdy, but I find the passion to be rather endearing. :monster:

I personally still think it's a silly idea, but it does sound like something SE would do. So I'll just casually read the thread. :P
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