ACC Pics

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
:bigmonster: I apologize for fangirling. It is inevitable, judging by the most recent events.

Forgive me? :puppy:


Lv. 1 Adventurer
guys....i found a download link for the case of dezzel ova....
here is....


check it out....
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Your Mom
I just now noticed the background on Cloud's cell.



Rookie Adventurer
nah, its a a wolf...lone wolf, then as u go through the movie, its always there with him, and it disappears at the end, when he says he knows he isn't alone


Unknown Hero
WOW.... O_O

Is my eyesight bad or do I see LOTS AND LOTS of blood?
More arguements to get ACC...

Oh and how does Cloud get free of Sephiroth's Impale-people-and-hang-them-in-midair-FFVII-nostalgia-inducing-stab thing?
From what I see on the screens - He does not get free, in fact it looks like Sephiroth frees him taking him up in the air and cutting the wound even deeper(By the way cutting his arm too) O_O If that's it Sephiroth gets +1 Badass point from me.... And Cloud +1 pity point x).....

And the new Omnislash v.6 is something I MUST see....

I hope somone gets a clue that Sephiroth lost legitimately in this fight.... I mean if I am right about what he did to Cloud there, then.... Hell, that's some sadistic shit right there, and you can't say he WASN'T trying...:monster:
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Nobody makes the claim he wasn't trying,or at least I don't, but if he's taking the time to make Cloud's death long and painful, then I would say he wasn't taking things 100% seriously.

Its like I said in another thread once, I think Sephiroth just fights in the "I'll kill you, in my own good time," Mind set up until he impales Cloud, at which point it turns into the "Lets see how horrible and painful and drawn out I can make your death," Mindset.


Pro Adventurer
Tiff, Tifa,Or Tiffany
And the new Omnislash v.6 is something I MUST see....

I hope somone gets a clue that Sephiroth lost legitimately in this fight.... I mean if I am right about what he did to Cloud there, then.... Hell, that's some sadistic shit right there, and you can't say he WASN'T trying...:monster:

Cloud gets owned till Zack comes :D :whistle: :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome:


Someone steal the images in this thread and post them on the frontpage, posthaste :monster:.

Spoilers won't be a problem as long as the images don't show on the frontpage itself.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Umm, the fact Sephiroth is stabbing and slicing Cloud brutally doesn't mean he isn't serious. He's as serious as a fucking heart attack if he's vivisecting him and shit and turning Cloud into an anemic. That's trying. Hard. That would kill a person, clearly. That's deadly. If the lethal intent is there, then yes, he's fucking trying.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Umm, the fact Sephiroth is stabbing and slicing Cloud brutally doesn't mean he isn't serious. He's as serious as a fucking heart attack if he's vivisecting him and shit and turning Cloud into an anemic. That's trying. Hard. That would kill a person, clearly. That's deadly. If the lethal intent is there, then yes, he's fucking trying.

I didn't say he's not taking him seriously, and he's clearly not having to try very hard to tear Cloud apart at that point due how weak Cloud was by that point. Secondly, he clearly isn't in a hurry to kill Cloud. If he were he would just take his head rather than draw the kill out by bleeding him out with a bunch of smaller cuts, which says he wasn't taking things 100% seriously at this point. Finally, you are complete disregarding my statement that Sephiroth might not be fighting seriously UNTIL they reach the roof.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
...Okay, so unless someone decapitates and quickly burns the body they aren't in a hurry to kill someone? That logic makes no sense. Killing is a choice, and the modus operendi of how you do it is entirely the choice of the killer. Bleeding to death after being brutally impaled and sliced in the chest is definitely not a drawn out death. If you fucking ram a sword through someone's chest I guarantee you they'll quickly go into shock, bleed and die. There's nothing half hearted or playful about it at all. Impaling a person through the chest after repeatedly cutting them is not slow. And those aren't "smaller cuts" those are fucking slashes.


Your Mom
Considering Sephiroth's fixation with Cloud, it's no surprise he'd want to draw out his suffering, rather than kill him quickly.

And I do think that's what he's doing, Mako. He could just chop Cloud's head off or something. But no, he has to get all his little smirks and taunts in.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So stabbing someone straight through the fucking chest and probably hitting their aorta is a slow, half-hearted way to kill someone?



Decapitation isn't the only way to seriously kill someone. If you imaple someone and make them have a hole in their chest that's a pretty fatal wound. There's nothing drawn out with getting impaled through the chest where one of the largest arteries of the body is held. That's basic anatomy. Massive trauma to the chest isn't torture, that's murder.

They couldn't illustrate Sephiroth's lethality anymore than that without him actually decapitating Cloud because then the movie would be over. :monster:
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
...Okay, so unless someone decapitates and quickly burns the body they aren't in a hurry to kill someone? That logic makes no sense. Killing is a choice, and the modus operendi of how you do it is entirely the choice of the killer. Bleeding to death after being brutally impaled and sliced in the chest is definitely not a drawn out death. If you fucking ram a sword through someone's chest I guarantee you they'll quickly go into shock, bleed and die. There's nothing half hearted or playful about it at all. Impaling a person through the chest after repeatedly cutting them is not slow. And those aren't "smaller cuts" those are fucking slashes.

Except were talking about Cloud here, who has all the enhancements of a SOLDIER, and is arguably tougher than Zack was, and remember how many bullets Zack took before going down, and even then he lived long enough to give Cloud his sword.

Sephiroth could easily kill Cloud at any moment, but instead he draws the kill out so Cloud will suffer. Even you can't deny the fact that a decapitation will kill anyone far faster than an imaplement mixed with some gashes, especially when talking about superhumans.

I'm not denying Sephiroth was trying to kill him, I'm just saying he was not in any hurry to finish things off.


Pro Adventurer
Sephy is a crazy sadist..

Cloud was certainly getting owned for a while though..
I agree with Isabella though.. you lose Mako :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
That impaling is more than enough to kill a person Isabella.

Sephiroth could easily kill Cloud at any moment

Completely disagree. It clearly is not easy.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Zack had all the enhancements of a SOLDIER too but shooting him in the chest and face was enough to kill him. It's more of a testament to Cloud's own unique resolve than SOLDIER enhancements. Zack still died after being bled out from wounds that would kill a normal person.

Sephiroth picked out the most opportune time to find an opening and he took it. Right there. There was no hesitation or dicking around. Cloud flew at Sephiroth and ended up on the end of the Masamune through a fatal wound. That's not dicking around or slowly taking his time. Cloud left himself open and Sephiroth fucked his shit up hard.

An impalement is more than enough to kill a human being. That's about as lethal as you can go before making the movie a guro fest.

Cloud can suffer while dying from his fatal imaplement from the chest.
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