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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
That impaling is more than enough to kill a person Isabella.

Completely disagree. It clearly is not easy.

So, looking at the part where Sephiroth has Cloud impaled, your telling me he would have had a hard time finishing things right there. Or when he's slicing his arms and legs in the air, it would be hard to end things then? How about after dropping him to the ground, would it be hard to end it right there?

No, it wouldn't, Sephiroth did not go for the fastest possible kill, he instead opted to bleed Cloud out, which can take a short while, and is extremely painful.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Zack had all the enhancements of a SOLDIER too but shooting him in the chest and face was enough to kill him. It's more of a testament to Cloud's own unique resolve than SOLDIER enhancements. Zack still died after being bled out from wounds that would kill a normal person.

Sephiroth picked out the most opportune time to find an opening and he took it. Right there. There was no hesitation or dicking around. Cloud flew at Sephiroth and ended up on the end of the Masamune through a fatal wound. That's not dicking around or slowly taking his time. Cloud left himself open and Sephiroth fucked his shit up hard.

An impalement is more than enough to kill a human being. That's about as lethal as you can go before making the movie a guro fest.

Cloud can suffer while dying from his fatal imaplement from the chest.

The point is, that it was not the fastest possible kill, Sephiroth was not in any hurry, he was perfectly happy to let Cloud bleed out. Thats the POINT.

Somehow you have fooled yourself into thinking I'm trying to deny Sephiroth's lethal intentions. Not at all, I'm just saying he didn't finish things as fast as possible, he opted to give Cloud a somewhat slower, more painful death.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So, looking at the part where Sephiroth has Cloud impaled, your telling me he would have had a hard time finishing things right there. Or when he's slicing his arms and legs in the air, it would be hard to end things then? How about after dropping him to the ground, would it be hard to end it right there?

No, it wouldn't, Sephiroth did not go for the fastest possible kill, he instead opted to bleed Cloud out, which can take a short while, and is extremely painful.

I don't see how it's so very easy for him to kill Cloud, seeing as how Cloud found his way out of those situations.

Sephiroth clearly thought STABBING A PERSON RIGHT IN THEIR CHEST WITH A GIANT SWORD would be enough to take the fight out of them.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Sephiroth DID finish off things right there. When you have your enemy impaled through the chest, bleeding out, and hanging from your sword. That usually is indicative of them being dead and gone. No one but Cloud who's the hero would survive such a truamatic and brutal finisher. You're taking the fact that Cloud's special and capable of overcoming such an extraordinary attack as the norm.

No normal human being survives getting impaled, and when someone goes for a kill shot like that, they expect it to be the end. Sephiroth fucking ended it there, and Cloud was as good as dead had he not had the resolve and power that he had.

Being impaled and slashed repeatedly isn't bleeding someone out. He didn't just poke Cloud in the arm and let him slowly bleed to death. If you go Jason Vorheese on someone like that, they'll die.

All I'm telling you, is that you stating Sephiroth is going about this slow is crazy. Impaling, slashing, slicing and then putting them on the tip of your sword is not slow at all. You can't call an impalement and then being slashed repeatedly a slow way of killing at all.

Holy shit people must either be extremely bloodthirsty or forgetting anatomy here.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't see how it's so very easy for him to kill Cloud, seeing as how Cloud found his way out of those situations.

Sephiroth clearly thought STABBING A PERSON RIGHT IN THEIR CHEST WITH A GIANT SWORD would be enough to take the fight out of them.

Sephiroth's sword is long not giant. Plus, Cloud has gotten out of the chest stab before, Sephiroth knew this, he was there when it happened. So tell me, what possible reason would Sephiroth have for thinking that Cloud would just up and die this time, when he didn't last time he did the same thing? That makes no sense, if Sephiroth wanted a faster kill, he would've gone for a decapitation.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Sephiroth DID finish off things right there. When you have your enemy impaled through the chest, bleeding out, and hanging from your sword. That usually is indicative of them being dead and gone. No one but Cloud who's the hero would survive such a truamatic and brutal finisher. You're taking the fact that Cloud's special and capable of overcoming such an extraordinary attack as the norm.

No normal human being survives getting impaled, and when someone goes for a kill shot like that, they expect it to be the end. Sephiroth fucking ended it there, and Cloud was as good as dead had he not had the resolve and power that he had.

Being impaled and slashed repeatedly isn't bleeding someone out. He didn't just poke Cloud in the arm and let him slowly bleed to death. If you go Jason Vorheese on someone like that, they'll die.

Were not talking about what normal humans can do. Sephiroth knows Cloud is not normal. He knows it will take more to kill him than a normal human, yet he doesn't go for the fastest kill, which is the only damn point I'm trying to make. Unless you really think you die faster from a chest stab than a decapitation.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sephiroth's sword is long not giant. Plus, Cloud has gotten out of the chest stab before, Sephiroth knew this, he was there when it happened. So tell me, what possible reason would Sephiroth have for thinking that Cloud would just up and die this time, when he didn't last time he did the same thing? That makes no sense, if Sephiroth wanted a faster kill, he would've gone for a decapitation.

Are you intentionally ignoring the shitty condition Cloud was already in when this happened? He obviously thought he won, and opted to humiliate Cloud in his last moments.

Cloud was tired when the fight started, and Sephiroth put him through even more punishment slashing at him repeatedly. Cloud was beaten, bleeding, and fatigued, and now dangling from his giant sword(yes I know it's goddamn long it means the same fucking thing as far as I'm concerned. A nine foot sword is giant by my standards).

There was reason to assume Cloud had any fight left in him and that only doesn't make sense if you ignore all of the factors in the situation.


Pro Adventurer
I had a friend who got impaled after falling out of a tree. Didn't kill him. It's entirely possible to miss vital organs, it happens all the time. People have been empaled on all numbers of things and survived. It's also extremely common for skilled fighters in manga, anime, comics, and video games to intentionally miss striking vital organs with their attacks.

The fact that Sephiroth procedes to fling him into the air and fuck him up even worse is probably evidence of the fact that he was just toying with him, the same way a cat toys with a mouse by batting it around.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Sephiroth's sword being overly long still makes it a giant sword, dude.

And yeah, Cloud's gotten out of the chest stab before, but he STILL nearly died and would have died had he NOT gotten medical attention afterwards. Furthermore, Sephiroth wasn't going to be fucking stupid and just hold onto the handle in shock and fear at being challenged, thus allowing Cloud to overpower him and defeat him. Sephiroth is harder, better, faster and stronger now. He was able to predict all his moves and then turn that entire tussle against him. He was in total control there.

Cloud isn't a normal human but he still has normal human anatomy and I'm sure Sephiroth was not expecting that Cloud somehow would get back up after being IMPALED, STABBED, SLASHED and BLED OUT all in one go and he even had him on the tip of his sword. Sephiroth is smart but he can't foresee everything. :monster:

Again, they couldn't have Sephiroth decapitate Cloud because then the movie would end. But in terms of lethality, if I impale some guy straight through the chest after repeatedly slashing them, rather than decapitate them, their death won't come that much slower. It still is essentially instant. They'd die from the sheer trauma of having their chest cavity penetrated that violently.

And it totally depends where your friend was impaled Suzaku. Being impaled through the chest is not the same as the gut, shoulder, or other areas of the torso. Being sticked straight through the chest doesn't leave much room to miss vitals. At all. There are the lungs, heart, aorta, and countless other arteries and blood vessels there. It's extremely unlikely Sephiroth just aimed for an area where there wasn't anything major to hit. Very unlikely.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Are you intentionally ignoring the shitty condition Cloud was already in when this happened? He obviously thought he won, and opted to humiliate Cloud in his last moments.

Cloud was tired when the fight started, and Sephiroth put him through even more punishment slashing at him repeatedly. Cloud was beaten, bleeding, and fatigued, and now dangling from his giant sword(yes I know it's goddamn long it means the same fucking thing as far as I'm concerned. A nine foot sword is giant by my standards).

There was reason to assume Cloud had any fight left in him and that only doesn't make sense if you ignore all of the factors in the situation.

SEE! You just admitted my original point was right. The only point I've tried to make is that Sephiroth did not go for the quickest kill he could have, and you've just agreed with it. You yourself said he decided to huniliate Cloud in his final moments.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Sephiroth's sword being overly long still makes it a giant sword, dude.

And yeah, Cloud's gotten out of the chest stab before, but he STILL nearly died and would have died had he NOT gotten medical attention afterwards. Furthermore, Sephiroth wasn't going to be fucking stupid and just hold onto the handle in shock and fear at being challenged, thus allowing Cloud to overpower him and defeat him. Sephiroth is harder, better, faster and stronger now. He was able to predict all his moves and then turn that entire tussle against him. He was in total control there.

Cloud isn't a normal human but he still has normal human anatomy and I'm sure Sephiroth was not expecting that Cloud somehow would get back up after being IMPALED, STABBED, SLASHED and BLED OUT all in one go and he even had him on the tip of his sword. Sephiroth is smart but he can't foresee everything. :monster:

Again, they couldn't have Sephiroth decapitate Cloud because then the movie would end. But in terms of lethality, if I impale some guy straight through the chest after repeatedly slashing them, rather than decapitate them, their death won't come that much slower. It still is essentially instant. They'd die from the sheer trauma of having their chest cavity penetrated that violently.

Except you again disregard that not only is Cloud superhuman, but Sephiroth is aware of the fact. Cloud can survive wounds that would instantly kill a normal human. Sephiroth knows this. He still did not go for the quickest kill. Whether its for plot reasons, or otherwise, Sephiroth did not kill Cloud as quickly as he could have.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
SEE! You just admitted my original point was right. The only point I've tried to make is that Sephiroth did not go for the quickest kill he could have, and you've just agreed with it. You yourself said he decided to huniliate Cloud in his final moments.


Nor does it mean that it would have been that easy to kill him, clearly Cloud found a way to defend himself from the barrage, otherwise he'd be dead. All it means is he gave up a chance to attempt to do so, doesn't mean it would have been successful.

I had a friend who got impaled after falling out of a tree. Didn't kill him. It's entirely possible to miss vital organs, it happens all the time.
Did he remain suspended on the tree after already losing a hefty amount of blood? I also imagine he received medical attention not long after.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad

Nor does it mean that it would have been that easy to kill him, clearly Cloud found a way to defend himself from the barrage, otherwise he'd be dead.

Did he remain suspended on the tree after already losing a hefty amount of blood? I also imagine he received medical attention not long after.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I doubt Sephiroth really cared if he hit the heart, lung, trapezius muscles, aorta, inferior vena cava, or the countless other important things the chest area holds. He just wanted to fucking stab Cloud and kill him.

And Sephiroth knows Cloud is superhuman, but after beating the shit out of him like that, I doubt he's going to be superparanoid when he has the upperhand and think "OH GOD, BETTER CHOP HIS HEAD OFF AND BURN HIM TO MAKE SURE I WIN"

The fucker was toast and defeated. There's no reason for Sephiroth to disbelieve he had him and Cloud wasn't going to die. A fatal blow, is a fatal blow. And whether he chose to slash his throat, take off his head, or stab and impale him from the chest, that usually is indicative of a coup de grace that would end it quickly.

It's a matter of choice and convenience, that's all.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I doubt Sephiroth really cared if he hit the heart, lung, trapezius muscles, aorta, inferior vena cava, or the countless other important things the chest area holds. He just wanted to fucking stab Cloud and kill him.

And Sephiroth knows Cloud is superhuman, but after beating the shit out of him like that, I doubt he's going to be superparanoid when he has the upperhand and think "OH GOD, BETTER CHOP HIS HEAD OFF AND BURN HIM TO MAKE SURE I WIN"

The fucker was toast and defeated. There's no reason for Sephiroth to disbelieve he had him and Cloud wasn't going to die.

Whether he could fight back in Sephiroth's mind or not, the point is its not gonna kill Cloud as fast as a decapitation, a fact which Sephiroth is well aware of, which is the only thing I'm trying to say. Honestly, I don't see why your still arguing with me when you don't even seem to know what were arguing about.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

So? He's still doing his best to kill the man and make it as painful as possible.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
So? He's still doing his best to kill the man and make it as painful as possible.

Thats not the damn point. The point is he could have tried for an instant kill at any moment, but he opted for a more drawn out and painful death. That is the only thing I'm saying. And since you already said the same thing I can't fathom why your still arguing with me, is it some general hate or something?


Pro Adventurer
Tiff, Tifa,Or Tiffany
Thats not the damn point. The point is he could have tried for an instant kill at any moment, but he opted for a more drawn out and painful death. That is the only thing I'm saying. And since you already said the same thing I can't fathom why your still arguing with me, is it some general hate or something?

I know what your saying. He wants him to suffer more before death. Then own him xD
Thats not the damn point. The point is he could have tried for an instant kill at any moment, but he opted for a more drawn out and painful death.

Lol. I agree. At least, thats what I got from the scenes, and quotes and stuff. x:
Bickerin'...Like married couples.


Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
THEY DO! Probably bored with it so they found some fresh meat. All in good fun around these parts.

Dang, well I hope they find some new fresh meat soon. I find it annoying when people try to argue with you even after you've basicly reached middle-ground.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Thats not the damn point. The point is he could have tried for an instant kill at any moment, but he opted for a more drawn out and painful death. That is the only thing I'm saying. And since you already said the same thing I can't fathom why your still arguing with me, is it some general hate or something?

Oh, so those numerous wide strokes couldn't have sliced Cloud in half? Any one of his attacks could have killed Cloud instantly. He only started playing around when Cloud lost his stride.

And what the hell, I'm arguing because I don't agree with you on that, are you intentionally ignoring that in favor of making inane statements?

LOL, Noctis they just argue for arguing's sake.

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