Advent children Jap Version and English Dub


Rookie Adventurer
I didn't see this topic, but if it has been posted before, I do apologise.

1. Out of the original Jap version and English Dub which do you prefer?

2. Are there any Voices that you were unsatisfied with (either Jap or English Dub)?

For me, I had no problems with the Jap Version(voices were all prefect. Only part annoying me was that I had to read the sub all the time which can become tiresome, and I like listening more than reading)

For English Dub I could see some problems:

- Terrible Lip-syncing compared to Crisis Core
- All of Aerith's lines in AC (the voice was just not there for me)
- Vincent's Voice sounds more hissing-like compared to Jap version
- Cloud's reaction of saying "Sephiroth, what do you want" having no feeling in it - in Jap version Sakurai put it nicely having voice tone of fear in it, Burton just seemed to have dubbed it as if Cloud feels just annoyed with Sephiroth.

Over time, I have gotten used to Vincent's voice(I guess it kinda grew on me, although I first didn't like it), and I can let go of lip syncing faults. But Aerith's voice, I can't help but shake my head in disbelief whenever I hear it.

Hmm, I know its most unlikely to happen, but if they do the English Dub for ACC, I wish they would redub Aerith's voice in ACC with the Crisis Core Voice actor - I think she was much better than Mena Suvari.

As for Cloud's reaction to Seph, it would be nice if they could change it, but if they can't, no biggie. Other than that part, I think Burton did a very good job as Cloud.


Original Japanese version, I have serious problems with dubs, they often ruin or completely change the characters' personalities, and the sound doesn't match the visuals. Of course, for Japanese stuff the former only applies because with dubs I can actually hear what they say, and some dubs can be pretty poor.

I have the DVD with the English dub, but I haven't bothered, nor will I ever, to use said dub. I'm used to reading subs and it doesn't bother me at all.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I liked the Japanese version better. The voices fit the characters perfectly and all seems natural, while the english dub sounds too artificial.


Rookie Adventurer
Yeah Jap version voices are all perfect, and although I do get tiresome reading subs, I still prefer the Jap one over the Dub

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I love good dubs, there's quite a few that are really great and pleasant to the ears.

But AC's was just awful. From the shitty dialogue to the bad acting. Just awful.


As much as I love listening to the Japanese or English language...I really prefer good dubs in my language.
AC's was full of hit and miss. Though mostly miss.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I sure do hope ACC's dub will be better.

I cut AC some slack since it was essentially the first dub of the Compilation.

But DC sounded better, and CC did as well. So I have high expectations for ACC. Steve Burton was good but he should sound better and more in character. Same for George Newburn. He was very mediocre in AC, but really good in CC.

So I just hope they'll be better.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have to go with dub by default since I never understood the appeal of subs. To me most Japanese people have the same 3 voice ranges, and I can't understand what they're saying ("WAZIUKUA YAMATO UZUKUKUUU") so I just don't see the appeal.


That One Person
I preferred the Japanese. I can forgive the lip sync to an extent, because the CGI style made it a bit difficult, but the voice are an entirely different matter. Reno was alright, though I wish there was more slang added to his speech, to help get his personality across. I'm fine with a few others, but most of characters were in it so little that I have no opinion. Kadaj was probably the one I enjoyed the most. He sounds like a lunatic and wasn't actually that bad, IMO. But still not, y'know, awesome. It could've been better.

I still don't like Zack's English voice. His Japanese voice had this...tone, sound, something like that, which his English voice lacks. I don't have much of a problem with the way Cloud sounds, but his voice is almost always emotionless! Many characters had okay-sounding voices, but didn't carry any tone or emotion. Mena Suvari just, IMO, doesn't make a good Aerith. I hope that ACC is redubbed with the CC voice.

It makes me wonder whether they'll do a full redub or just dub the new parts and keep the others. My guess is on the latter, but who knows.


Fiat Lux
The original Japanese for AC was brilliant, and I'm not surprised considering the time they spent on it. I'm sure Kadaj's seiyuu said he spent a year or so perfecting one line. I didn't think recording took that long, but hey it's serios bisnis over there. Tifa didn't sound exactly how I imagined her to be. I thought her voice was a little too high at times, and Rufus sounded surprisingly old too.

English? Oh ho ho ho. It was terrible. Yes, terrible. The whole thing was completely rushed. Bad lip-synching, shoddy dialogue, wooden acting. Gargh. I can hardly think of any voices I liked. Oh, Denzel! He was spot-on.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's okay M.O.G., keep that torch up! :monster:

No but seriously, I try to appreciate both. In regards to my anime, I like listening to both depending on my mood. Sometimes I'll want to hear the Japanese dialogue and then sometimes I'd just rather hear it in my language.

I think its best if one can appreciate both. With AC, I find myself appreciating the subs a bit more than the dub and thats just because the subs invoke more emotion and passion to the scenes. I can kinda get more into the story that way. The AC dub is good but not as good as the original Japanese track.

DC is totally different. I find its dub to be overall more entertaining. I'm very pleased with it.

CC is....good and very enjoyable. I just didn't really dig Angeal's voice in some parts.

So yeah, a good dub can be just as good or better than the original Japanese voices. But I also like to appreciate the Japanese voices because they were the first and how it was meant to be.


[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=497.msg16693#msg16693 date=1234303469]

CC is....good and very enjoyable. I just didn't really dig Angeal's voice in some parts.

I didn't dig Angeal at all. Same with Tseng. Everytime I listen to their monotone performances I want to raaaaaaage.

I want a Metal Gear Solid-like dub. In terms of quality and performance.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Tetsujin link=topic=497.msg16698#msg16698 date=1234304228]

I want a Metal Gear Solid-like dub. In terms of quality and performance.

Or Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, or Full Metal Alchemist level.

I really do prefer my shows in english, but only if they're actually good.


Now you mention it, I never realized MGS was a dub. But that's also because lipsynch in video games hasn't been done properly yet.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=497.msg16717#msg16717 date=1234305674]
But that's also because lipsynch in video games hasn't been done properly yet.


I have to call bullshit on that one. Lipsynching is most of the time a point of contention for games translated from japanese to english, where the words are revised to match mouth movements.

But plenty have done extremely well. Almost to where it's not noticeable at all.

Half Life 2 comes to mind pretty quickly.


Alex T
i don't know, i honestly thought the english dub sounded great. I especially liked Cloud's and Sephiroth's VA. The japanese dub just sounded... well like any other japanese dup out there, i can't tell the difference between most voices.
[quote author=The Notorious M.O.G. link=topic=497.msg16681#msg16681 date=1234302865]
I have to go with dub by default since I never understood the appeal of subs. To me most Japanese people have the same 3 voice ranges, and I can't understand what they're saying ("WAZIUKUA YAMATO UZUKUKUUU") so I just don't see the appeal.

Nah, you aren't alone, I feel the exact same way. I can't tell the difference between good or bad voices in a language I can't understand (when it comes to animation).


~The Other Side of Fear~
I ususally perfer the Japanese voices, as the english ones tend to sound "underacted", almost as if the voice-actors didn't give a shit. But like what Tets said, I really like to hear it in my own language, for me, I don't care to see a subtitle. I don't want to have to keep looking a set a words on a screen. It's annoying and distracting.



I hate hate hate Zack's japanese voice actor. He makes me want to strangle Zack. His english voice is just so much better, IMO.

Otherwise I thought the Japanese VA's were good. Even the ones I didn't like too much weren't too bothersome (other than Zack).

As for the English AC dub, I'm half and half. It had some good some bad. Pretty much, I viewed at such

I liked: Yuffie, Tifa, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, Reno, Cloud, Denzel
I disliked: Cait Sith, Red, Cid, Barret, Zack, Rufus, Aeris
I didn't mind: Sephiroth... anyone else, pretty much

I thought DoC was done pretty well, same with Crisis Core actually.

Anyways, it doesn't really apply to me anymore since I mainly watch AC in French anyways (excellent dub IMO, sans Aeris who sounds a little to mature for my tastes).

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Zack's voices sucked both ways for me.


AI Researcher
I liked the Japanese one better :monster: I can't think of a voice I really disliked.

But with the English one, though I haven't watched it a while, I can remember disliking a few. From memory, I didn't like Vincent. I haven't bothered getting DC Internation since I don't know if I can be bothered going through a whole game of that voice. Or Sephiroth, who always sounded flat to me. Yazoo, and the obvious Aerith. The ones that weren't that bad I didn't like more than the Japanese cast, so it wasn't enough to make me watch the English over the Japanese.

I hope they don't lipsync ACC to the English voice on the Japanese release at least, since that would mean they'd need to either have two video tracks so less space for anything else, or not have the Japanese track synced. And I'd watch to watch that one more.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I felt that AC's dub actors just didn't seem to give a shit for the most part it was dissapointing. CC was so much better especially in regards to Sephiroth & Cloud, Zack, Angeal and Genesis were excellent aswell. I know some people found Angeal's dissapointing but I think it suited his character.

I prefer English dubs simply for the greater level of immersion when they are done well but in terms of quality on average the Japanese do so much better.

I've noticed people expressing the hope ACC is going to do better and I'm wondering are they going to redo all the voices rather then just do the new parts? Square have a habbit of reusing things like movies, The firescene and Jenova's release from AC were reused in CC and Sephiroth's hair was the wrong length in that, so with such lazy developers will they really redo all the voices?


~The Other Side of Fear~
Exactly. I highly doubt that SE will go through the effor to redo AC's entire vocals just for ACC. And why would they? That's a lot of extra cash they probably know they wouldn't need to get the movie flying off the shelves. They know people will buy it anyways, so why put in extra effort?
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