Arkham Has Moved


Harbinger O Great Justice
Do you have a backup of that image anywhere? I'm really intrigued to see what it was.

EDIT: You can see if from here. Just click on the FlickrScreen1.png

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Arkham City OPM info blow-out: plot, setting, moves, vehicles, co-op, more


UK OPM’s Batman issue has dropped a metric fuck-load of new Arkham City info in its cover feature, which is full of both the game’s recently leaked screens and never-before-seen character art.

Warning: spoilers.

There’s a lot of new information here, gleaned from a Rocksteady demo seen by the British official mag.

Firstly, there’s the premise. Arkham Aslyum boss turned Gotham mayor Quincy Sharp has fenced off “miles” of Gotham City, filled it with criminals and “thrown away the key”. Their only rule is that they’re not allowed to leave. Aside from that, Gotham’s underclass is left to its own devices. Arkham City’s warden is Hugo Strange, a mystery character to Batman.

The fenced-off area is five times the size of Arkham Asylum. Batman, obviously, doesn’t like it: “He’s been monitoring this place,” said director Sefton Hill. “He’s worried. He thinks it’s a time-bomb waiting to explode into the streets of Gotham.”

Batman’s taken to patrolling AC. The setting is described as “a mix of Tim Burton’s original Batman movie and a touch of Escape from New York,” with spires and graveyards swapped for alleys and streets.

The mag was promised that despite the huge play area, “every nook and cranny has a story.” Also, thanks to distances, Bats will need a way to move around. When asked if vehicles will be included, Warner PR said it’s “something we’ll cover at a later date.”

Fly me to the moon

Wheels or not, Batman can essentially fly this time round. He has a new gadget called a Grapple Boost, which pulls him up and launches him into the air, and can be combined with a new dive which pulls into high-speed, street level flight.

He also now has a second zip line which he can shoot out while using the first: think classic Spider Man.

Hill promised the anti-hero now has new moves for “running across rooftops, blending in, running while grappling, sliding underneath objects” and “jumping between objects.”

Batman can also, “Slide and smash through vents, slide straight into hanging off an edge. You can dive through windows and over railings as well.”

The mag was shown a mission in which Batman needs to rescue Catwoman, as she’s been kidnapped by Two-Face. In it, Bats uses a Grapple Roll and a quick takedown to remove a sniper. He ends up facing 40 enemies at Two-Face’s Courthouse, although Hill promised the would be “bigger fights”.

Basic fighting is “the same,” according to OPM, with combinations of punches, kicks and throws. Additions include the ability to throw back projectiles, launch aerial attacks from walls and windows and unleash “beatdown” flurry attacks. He can also backflip and spray explosive gel on the floor before detonating it to stun opponents.

Twos-up on Catwoman

And get this. There’s a not-so-subtle hint that Catwoman is a playable, co-op character. She uses her whip in the mission in the same way Batman uses his zip line. Hill wouldn’t be drawn when asked directly if she was controllable.

“I’m not allowed to comment on that,” he said.

“Forensics” is something Rocksteady wants to push in the sequel, and Batman will be “solving crimes with multiple bits of evidence.” There are loads of side-stories in the game this time, Hill added, although the developer doesn’t “force you to do those. It’s your choice.”

Harley Quinn was also seen in the demo, as was the more traditional, Arkham Aslyum gameplay of hunting goons from above in closed environments. Additions here include a hanging takedown where Batman throttles a man from above with his legs, and the ability to punch through panels to get to enemies on the other side.

Arkham City is out next autumn for PS3, 360 and PC

I dunno if any of this info is new, but it definitely seems pretty familiar for a "blow out"

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
-There are special moves that can hit up to three enemies at once
- Batman will have new air attacks, one of them involves Bats hanging by a cord and jumping over the enemies and disarming them. You can return to the starting point of the jump or carry on with the fight. There is also a diving Swivel which hits two enemies to once.
- Batman now has special combat moves (or terminators), one of them is called "Fallen," a combination of quick punches with a vertical kick that launches the enemy into the air allowing Bats for a second aerial shot. Also there will be others attacks where Batman combines combos and equipment to take out foes.
- Batman will be able to climb all objects, climbing on buildings, including wires (Batman will be able to balance on them) something similar to what was seen in the Assassins Creed II, you will be able to slide underneath objects, cling to poles, rods or perform gymnastic maneuvers and also slide down ramps to grab an enemy. You are also able to get a flying start by leaping through windows.
- Batman now has a feature where he can dodge projectiles shot from firearms, it can also be used for normal attacks.
- Batman will be able to grab enemies mid flight.
- When Batman is soaring, if you go toward a window he performs a motion diving with his feet to smash the window and execute a surprise attack
-Batman can now run and use gadgets at the same time, you can also run, jump and hit at the same time. Batarangs can be thrown even when Batman jumps into the air.


- New gadget that upgrades Batmans "leap" (Translation is confusing but it seems to suggest some sort of cape upgrade that expands into wings, can also "attack enemies")

This is gonna be so awesome.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
What are you currently working on right now?
"The sequel to Arkham Asylum, Arkham City. We are completely sworn to secrecy it’s ridiculous. I mean people tell what characters they are playing and they get in trouble. You’re not supposed to let people know who's in the game, it’s crazy. The script is so thick and so complicated that I said I have the memory of a tsetse fly, I forget what happens yesterday so I’m not a security risk. Remember for a year and a half I knew Darth Vader was my father and I didn't tell anybody!"

Hamill goes onto explain the hype and secrecy regarding Empire Strikes back and relates it to his current situation with the Joker in Arkham City.
I go guys, we can’t top that first one, it made half a billion dollars lets go out on a high note and not do it. But you know, try pitching that to Hollywood. But that’s the way I feel, I mean I don’t understand games, when you’re recording something it’s hard to know how it plays. I thought the Wolverine game was great, I voiced Wolverine and my sons played it and they said no, it’s a bad game. You cant tell a traditional narrative. If you read a screenplay, television script or a broadway show you can judge. There’s an act 1, act 2, act 3, there’s an arc. With games you have to account for every kind of branching, it’s very schizophrenic. In normal scripts I know who the joker is, he’s mad as a hatter but at least I know where he is in his sickness but in this it’s mind boggling. It’s something that’s almost beyond my comprehension.

So this will be the last time we see you portray the joker right?
I told them I didn't want to do this one. I said it was to much to top something that was that successful and they wouldn't take no for an answer. They said, they wouldn't make the game or that they would get a sound alike. I don’t know, I said that but instantly everyone got mad at me, including Warner Brothers. They said, people were going to infer that you die in the game. Like The Joker hasn’t been killed five thousand times before! Does he never not come back?

So it seems Hamill’s original issue was the prospect of having to top the success of Batman: Arkham Asylum. And with him confirming people are getting in trouble for announcing their participation in the game it seems Mr.Freeze and Talia al Ghul are looking even more likely to appear in the game.

Teaser trailer for the VGA footage is supposed to land tomorrow.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'll be keeping eyes peeled for the Teaser, but I'll be more eagerly awaiting the real footage on the 11th.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Why are we acting like Strange is something special?

Ghost X

I think the cinematics to all the new trailers (in other games as well as this one) I've seen in the last day are pretty awesome to say the least. Getting to the point where its hard to discern from live-action, especially in some scenes. But yes, game play would be nice. Graphics don't make a good game.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
What a fucking lazy article.

Kotaku for the lose.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Strange is a mediocre villain. Hardly someone I'd call a "big bad".

I'd rather see more of the classics, and hell CREATE some new villains.
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