Assassin's Creed (series)


So...apparently Altair is not Ezio's ancestor. Hmm. What do you know.
It's kind of funny that most people had assumed this, because looking back now it's never really stated and yet everyone, including myself, assumed so. Probably because they all look alike.

Which btw is also apprently not because they are all related. The Animus just sticks Desmond's face on his ancestors while reliving memories and that's how they all share that damn scar. WHAAAAT?

(btw how does this make sense? Ezio gets it after a fistfight??)




Ha, I assumed the same.

I wonder whether Ezio and Altair are from different sides of the family or whether Ezio fathered a child with one of Altair's descendants.


Double Growth
Well, it's not like it was something irrational to assume. It wasn't stated in as many words, but obviously they are both Desmond's ancestors, so it stood to reason.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I had assumed the same. Although I did consider the fact that if that were true then Ezio wouldn't be 100% Italian, which didn't make sense to me.

It's likely that one of Ezio's descendents married one of Altair's descendents.

The Animus just sticks Desmond's face on his ancestors while reliving memories and that's how they all share that damn scar.

Also, Ezio doesn't have Desmond's face. At all. And if he did, he certainly wouldn't age (considering Desmond doesn't age) and he wouldn't have facial hair.

I mean... they copypasta'd Desmond's face in the first AC and I don't think anyone cared. So let's not make this something it isn't XD They could have given Altair his own face in Revelations and just say "oops" on the first one. Would anyone care that they couldn't look past it? I wouldn't care.

They could pass it off as an "Animus 4.0" thing or something. Like the new Animuses (pl?) don't copypasta faces.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Why would Ezio have to be 100% italian?

I didn't say he had to be, just that it seemed highly unlikely to me that he wasn't. It's renaissance Italy, not modern Italy. And if he was Altair's descendent, it would have been prior to that since both Ezio's parents are Italian. Not that I know much of history, but I didn't think mixing races (or even migrating) was all that common back then. Especially for nobles (which Ezio was).

And I just remembered something. Wasn't it at the beginning of ACII (or somewhere in there) that they showed Altair getting it on with that lady? Then right after that Ezio was born? Am I remembering correctly? That's probably why we all assumed they were related.


Double Growth
It was in the middle of AC2.

But to have one Arabic ancestor when, 200-300 years before you were born a bunch of Italians were over in the Middle East for the crusades doesn't strike me as particularly unlikely.


Oh, I definitely don't think it was a stretch since it seems like pretty much everyone assumed the same: that Altair was both Ezio and Desmond's ancestor.

I have a lot more trouble buying the fact the Animus apparently integrates Desmond's looks into his ancestors. Yes, Altair looks identical to Desmond, but Ezio did not. So they share similarities and enough differences to come off as distantly related rather than just some freak occurrence of the Animus. Also, as you said, Ezio ages so I don't know how that works. Does it just integrate Desmond's face into Ezio's aging one? It's so weird, it makes little sense to me. Also, Desmond clearly relives his ancestor getting that scar (Ezio gets is injured durign a fight at the start) so it's not just Desmond's face overlayed over Ezio's.

It doesn't look like the Animus-makes-everyone-look-like-Desmond was somethign that the team began with. I think it's something they've added for either Rev or ACIII. It's not a big deal, just wish there were hints and shit, or somethign more solid. The animus thing is kind of out of left field for me.

On the other hand, they did say there was a specific reason Altair had a modern American accent, which I take now to mean that the Animus used Desmond's voice. But this is not consistent with Ezio later on, so again. Strange.

Not to mention this seems to suggest that we don't know what Altair & Ezio really looked like. Which on the one hand is kind of interesting, but also kind of disappointing. Aaaand...I guess this rules out a female ancestor in ACIII? Unless she looks liek Des too....minus the penis.

a bunch of Italians were over in the Middle East for the crusades doesn't strike me as particularly unlikely.
Ja, there were a bunch of Europeans around. I heard German in AC1 too, iirc
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I have a lot more trouble buying the fact the Animus apparently integrates Desmond's looks into his ancestors. Yes, Altair looks identical to Desmond, but Ezio did not, Tifs. So they share similarities and enough differences to come off as distantly related rather than just some freak occurrence of the Animus. Also, as you said, Ezio ages so I don't know how that works. Does it just integrate Desmond's face into Ezio's aging one? It's so weird, it makes little sense to me. Also, Desmond clearly relives his ancestor getting that scar (Ezio gets is injured durign a fight at the start) so it's not just Desmond's face overlayed over Ezio's.

Oh yeah, that's what I was saying. I agree.

It doesn't look like the Animus-makes-everyone-look-like-Desmond was somethign that the team began with.

No, they just did that because it was easier. That's what I mean. And players didn't really put much thought into it. It wasn't until ACII when they made Ezio look different and showed how he got an identical scar. That's when everyone started questioning Altair.

Same with the American accent. I don't think much thought was put into it. And no one really cared much until ACII, and now they need to explain it. Or, like I said, with Revelations they could have given him a new face (complete with scar XD) and, if he talks, an accent. A sort of retcon, if you will, to make it consistent with ACII and what their plans are for the future.

But to have one Arabic ancestor when, 200-300 years before you were born a bunch of Italians were over in the Middle East for the crusades doesn't strike me as particularly unlikely.

I suppose. I guess I didn't realize that. Still... it was unusual to me.

And hey, Altair's lady-friend was English. They had two sons: one of which had two daughters. Not necessarily relevant, but I didn't know that. EDIT: Because I haven't read the book yet :monster:
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Same with the American accent. I don't think much thought was put into it.
I seekretly think it had more to do with him being a "terrorist" and they might have thought that having a Middle Eastern accent would turn most people off :awesome:

Sad as that is, but it's a reality.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
No, you could be right about that.


Ja, but not the one they gave him in that game -- what was it? Bloodlines?
I think they could easily do it now though, he's a really popular character and AC is already doing just fine.


The Bloodlines VA doesn't fit Altair at all though. It's not hsi accent, it's his delivery? Tone? I don't know. Compared to that I'll take AC Altair any day. At least he sounds badass :neo:


Joe, Arcana
Also. When is Ezio going to father a child?

'Cos you know, it'd be impossible for that random ancestor memory generator to work if he didn't. He is pretty old now.


Also. When is Ezio going to father a child?

'Cos you know, it'd be impossible for that random ancestor memory generator to work if he didn't. He is pretty old now.

Sometime shortly after his story in Revelations I guess. I mean, it couldn't happen in the middle, would be hard to follow him otherwise...
I'm guessing we'll get to know the mother in this game at least.


Double Growth
True. I guess they could pull out the tired "he fathered a child with Christina and she never told him!" crap, but that's kind of a cop-out, imo.


Joe, Arcana
I am just worried they are going to pull something else out of their asses and have it somehow follow him without this happening. Again, Ezio is getting pretty old.


Joe, Arcana
True. I guess they could pull out the tired "he fathered a child with Christina and she never told him!" crap, but that's kind of a cop-out, imo.
They couldn't, because that Ancestor would never have access to Ezio's memories during Brotherhood and Revelations.
I'm fairly certain the Assassins aren't completely clairvoyant.


They couldn't, because that Ancestor would never have access to Ezio's memories during Brotherhood and Revelations.
I'm fairly certain the Assassins aren't completely clairvoyant.


If he fathered a child with Cristina without knowing about it, that child couldn't be Desmond's ancestor.


Double Growth
A good point, I forgot that whole memories-in-genes plot thing. Which means whatever you see in the Animus must have happened before the given person fathered/mothered your ancestor.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Joe, I hear men can father children into their 70s :monster:

I do hope Revelations shows/mentions something though.
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