I don't have it, and I had wanted to pre-order but I forgot (too much going on in mah life). Now I'm thinking maybe of asking for it for Christmas if I can wait that long, lol. But I would love to hear what people think of it!
Not out here until tomorrow but im going to be picking it up post haste
Fucking love the series despite all the monotinous crap the 1st had, the book is also a very good read for helping to understand the new game
Assassins creed renaissance, it does follow the game really well but you learn more about the time that lapses between assassinations.
More in depth conversations between Di Vinci and the other key members of the game.
Worth a read.
So it's a simultaneous thing? That's interesting, I might look into it.
I kinda liked the Oblivion novel. Which really had nothing to do with the game apart from taking place in Tamriel. Which was fine with me, its a cool setting.
Well it starts off with the exact scene of introduction with Ezio, you have the skirmish the introduction of the brother yet it goes from this to explain the relationship with his brother and the introduction of the bloodline in his movements.
If nothing else it is a really good book for trying to understand just what the motivations of the key parties were.
The book more or less follows Ezio through the game. So you'll see certain key events again. But there are some extra things in between what you see in the game, and more of the thought process of Ezio and some of the other characters which you don't get to see in the game. For $10 or so, I think it's an entertaining read. I enjoyed the Oblivion book too.
Granted, I've only completed two sequences, but this game is even BETTER than the second. I honestly did not think it was possible, at least in the numerous aspects that they improved on everything. Also, multiplayer is to die for...PUN INTENDED.
I'm two sequences in and I am about to sit down for a nice long session. I enjoy what I've played so far,
seeing the villa in modern day is pretty cool, for whatever reason
, and I look forward to this ending. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet.
A very minor nitpick though, was it really necessary to make the Borgia towers such a pain to climb? Why can't I just go up? Why do I have to figure out a very specific route wile guards are throwing rocks at me? I understood the "puzzle climbs" on the REALLY tall towers in the other games because it was something you really wanted to get up for the view, to 'conquer' it. But you have to go up a bunch of Borgia towers, just let me go up, lol.
But that's just me complaining, not a significant strike against the game at all
I actually loved every single refined point to this game, even very early on when you first go against the
wolf pack and you have to complete 100% syncchronisation by killing them all without attaining damage. I managed to kill all of them merely using the hidden blades and even with this i found the combat so much better than the last. No longer do i have to endure being hit just as your pulling off an execution kill...Also killing a solider with a broom was an epic achievement lol.
Cant wait to go home later and play a tonne more.
Also looking forward to the brotherhood novel that is due out soon also
Once again I find myself fascinated by what's going on in the present. The story in the past is interesting too don't get me wrong, but I remember in AC1 I was always anxious for the next time you'd come out of the Animus for another tiny little hint of what was going on. There was less mystery in II as it didn't really seem like any of them knew what was going on. But here once again you're obviously in the dark - and the ability to leave the Animus at will is nice.
I just realized you could actually go out into the villa and poke around, so I ran around a bit and found 2 'artifacts' and that was pretty cool.
But the emails can be pretty interesting. The way you get everyone else's passwords from that mysterious email early on and you get to see the stuff they're not telling you.
Anyway, the IV drip story in the present always has me curious and keeps me pretty interested, so I think they've done a good job with giving me just enough to keep caring.
I've yet to find a single artifact in the present day city.
I actually loved one scene in memory block 3.
Just after Claudia takes over the brothel you go and talk to Ezio's mother and agree to do a quest from her. I was really impressed that they give you the scene regarding Ezio meeting Cristina, especially considering it's perfect word for word from thr original book.
Once again I find myself fascinated by what's going on in the present. The story in the past is interesting too don't get me wrong, but I remember in AC1 I was always anxious for the next time you'd come out of the Animus for another tiny little hint of what was going on. There was less mystery in II as it didn't really seem like any of them knew what was going on. But here once again you're obviously in the dark - and the ability to leave the Animus at will is nice.
I just realized you could actually go out into the villa and poke around, so I ran around a bit and found 2 'artifacts' and that was pretty cool.
But the emails can be pretty interesting. The way you get everyone else's passwords from that mysterious email early on and you get to see the stuff they're not telling you.
Anyway, the IV drip story in the present always has me curious and keeps me pretty interested, so I think they've done a good job with giving me just enough to keep caring.
Is anybody else really starting to get hooked on the micromanaging of your brotherhood? Its one thing for the game to tell you that you're the leader of the assassins, and quite another for the game to put you in a position where you have to fufill that obligation. It really adds to te immersion. Well done game, good job.
Yay! I'm so happy to hear other people enjoying the game. I'm only in sequence 3, and I'm liking it so far. I haven't gotten to the "brotherhood" part, but I'm looking forward to it.
Is anybody else really starting to get hooked on the micromanaging of your brotherhood? Its one thing for the game to tell you that you're the leader of the assassins, and quite another for the game to put you in a position where you have to fufill that obligation. It really adds to te immersion. Well done game, good job.
I haven't actually delved into yet, really. The only time I looked they all had a 0% chance of success on any of the contracts. Do you just call them at random times to kill some guards to level them up? I haven't had a mission yet that it occurred to me I should summon them except the ones that you had to.
I haven't actually delved into yet, really. The only time I looked they all had a 0% chance of success on any of the contracts. Do you just call them at random times to kill some guards to level them up? I haven't had a mission yet that it occurred to me I should summon them except the ones that you had to.
Are you sure that you checked all of the contracts? There's loads, and I just sent them on 1 star level difficulty ones that they could easily do until they could tackle the harder ones. Go back and have another look and you'll find something they can do.
I suppose you never really need to summon them in combat, but they do have quite a few uses. Especially if you need to maintain undetected, or if you're stuck in a particularly nasty Borgia area and you need to use the supremely badass insta-kill arrow storm move that opens up once you have recruited enough recruits.
Even better than the second? Intriguing. I'll have to hurry up and finish it. I'll put in another hour or so tonight. I've got the rest of the week off to see how AWESOME the ending is supposed to be. :3
Thank you very much for making Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Please don't fuck this series up if you do plan to continue making games under the Assassin's Creed name. You're doing a fantastic job so far.
I'm enjoying 2 so far. Stealing never felt so good ; v ; I originally wanted to go for Brohood but my cous kept pestering me to finish what I started months back.