Assassin's Creed (series)


Joe, Arcana
What about length?

The single player alone, without any extra stuff (side-missions, etc.), how long would you say it lasts? Or compared to the other 2?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Probably slightly shorter (or slightly longer, maybe) than I. But, since the side quests have been woven more completely into the main narrative they feel like a natural extension of the story rather than extraneous quests. So you have a much better reason to go and do them without feeling like you're neglecting the main story. Including the sidequests it can take you much longer than the story in I, but still not as long as II's epic slog.


Joe, Arcana
I'm sure I will enjoy the sidequests, I got through a lot of them on II without ever feeling like I was just doing it for completion sake. I'll definitely be playing this game, no doubt. For me its just whether I ask for it for christmas or wait for LoveFilm to send it to me. I don't have the money to spend on it myself at the moment, and I'd rather only ask for money from the family members buying me presents this year, due to lack of cash and need to save.
Still will have to see just how long it takes to rent.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Absolutely. It probably has the best single player experience of the entire series.

Good to know. :monster:

When a game is advertised with multiplayer as a major selling point (like Brotherhood was) I assume that it means the whole game revolves around multiplayer & the single player is piss poor.


Joe, Arcana
Truthfully I was worried about that too, but the general consensus from everyone I know seems to be that the single player experience is fookin' fantastic.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Single player is great. Far superior to I, and even better than II, imo. It's worth it just for that. The side quests are fun too, and I think are more diverse than they were in II. There's also virtual training (which I haven't done), so there's plenty of stuff besides the multiplayer to keep you busy.

This was my first time playing a multiplayer game, and I really like it (even tho I suck). I like Wanted because I don't have to be on anyone's team, so there's no pressure to be good, lol.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
So I got AC: Brotherhood, loving it so far. :D

Even if you do need fucking clairvoyance to complete some missions first time. Complete the mission in under 8 minutes? How the hell am I going to do that the first time around?

And am I the only one that loves the whole Assassin-Scooby-gang thing?
I’m looking forward to more interactions with Shaun, Lucy & Rebecca more than forwarding Ezio’s plot. :P

Found this, made me lol:


Double Growth

There's Yahtzee's review, pretty good. I like when he outlines the threefold benefit to sending your assassin minions out on contracts. "The first is MORE FUCKING GODDAMN BY THE JESUS MONEY ..." :monster:

Anyway, I finished this two weeks ago and had a lot of fun with it. I probably won't bother with trying to platinum this one like I did II. First of all II's was pretty easy to get and this one's a bit tougher, but even beyond that it includes the multiplayer trophies. And while the multiplayer IS fun, I do not foresee playing it for nearly the amount of time necessary.

But yeah, some of those last missions are pretty sweet:

First of all the Romulus Lair in Saint Peter's Cathedral has a badass ending. Where the cardinal marvels at Ezio saving him from falling only to have Ezio grab the key around his neck and let go :P

Also I like that Ezio wasn't afraid to use the Apple. (Although it was a bit annoying that it was ALL you could use.) So often the hero will obtain the super-magical plot device but will refuse to use it because "its too dangerous" or whatever. Ezio had the far more realistic outlook - it is too dangerous to leave in common hands, but while I have it and the shit's hitting the fan I'm damn sure gonna take advantage! And holy crap do you kill a lot of people by the end of this game. Seriously, try to think how much death you've actually dealt in the last two missions alone.

Also, bah cliffhangers.

Also also, Altair's armor looked a lot cooler than Brutus'


Double Growth

Its just another fanmade music video, of which there are billions. But this one is actually getting the attention of game sites and apparently even a Ubisoft manager mentioned it on Twitter. I have to admit its quite impressive, to tie in all that footage from the three characters.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I swear to god I love the taunt and steal features of II. I hope they put steal back in Brotherhood.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
I must be in the minority of actually being quite fond of the Brutus armour.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I must be in the minority of actually being quite fond of the Brutus armour.

I like it cause it's the best. But if you're talking aesthetically...then I think it's hideous, lol.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
AC Brotherhood is actually one of two games that have came out this year that I thought were up to the hype. Originally i was a little put off at the thought of this being a spin off as opposed to the final installment but overall I can't imagine how they would have continued the plot without this game.

The first AC was a bitter dissapointment to many people and I think it's fair to say that it hindered their fanbase a considerable amount. The second game redeemed this brilliantly just by making minor tweeks that improved combat and the flow of movement. Brotherhood in my oppinion merely refined the new elements they brought over to the second installment and made the entire experience enjoyable.
Even the allowance of leaving the animus to explore the modern day villa was a welcome break from the tedious "lets do a big installment of memories and allow a small cutscene break to remind fans were actually setting this in the future"

I actually enjoyed going back over every memory just to complete it 100% because the challenges made it more interesting
(minus the challenge where you get the apple and cant bloody use it because your not meant to loose any health)

Also im with bex on this one but the ending to the game is just Hnnnnnnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhh

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Ending environment reminded me of
. :monster:

My personal opinion of the game is nothing but awe. The tweaks they made to further improve what ACII was are simply astonishing. The greater detail of EVERYTHING is just so impressive to me and it certainly did make the game better to allow more passage between Ezio's time and the present (future). The "Scooby gang", as someone put it, was certainly made more likable all around. I thought Shaun was a proper dick in II, but was given a more well-rounded personality in BH. Same goes for Rebecca. I've always liked Kristen Bell's character though, even if her face was compressed like a car at a junkyard for scrapping. Micro-managing the assassin's was interesting and fun, even if you were more or less pointing what direction they should take and what to do from a map. It was awesome and extremely amusing to see them all rank up to Assassin and kick major ass when you summoned them into a fight. The game, overall, was better (slightly) than II, imho. Also, multiplayer is hilarious and great.

I could go into finer detail, but cba.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Micro-managing the assassin's was interesting and fun, even if you were more or less pointing what direction they should take and what to do from a map. It was awesome and extremely amusing to see them all rank up to Assassin and kick major ass when you summoned them into a fight.

Summoning the assassins makes me feel badass. It's pretty kick-ass when they're full rank.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
"Total Synch 98.02%"
I CBA to get the other 1.98%. :P
Has anybody got 100% Sync? :huh:

And another to-be-continued ending that raises yet more questions, damn you Ubisoft! *shakes fist*


Joe, Arcana
Fuck Russell, how'd you get such a high sync, am still working on it.

Yes that ending was a good one though.
I was desperatly trying to not to do what it was making me do, but I did it >;

Celes Chere

Even if you do need fucking clairvoyance to complete some missions first time. Complete the mission in under 8 minutes? How the hell am I going to do that the first time around?

And am I the only one that loves the whole Assassin-Scooby-gang thing?
I’m looking forward to more interactions with Shaun, Lucy & Rebecca more than forwarding Ezio’s plot.

Found this, made me lol:

Haha, that's what I first thought with that whole under 8minutes thing. I thought it was going to be easy because of that... no, I fell once and got totally lost and... well fuck that. :monster:

You are not the only one! I love Shaun and Lucy, as for Rebecca... well meh. There's still time for her to make a better impression on me. xD I don't like or dislike her though so *shrugs*. Plus Desmond x Lucy is like.. ♥

Lmao, at that fanart. Have you seen DoubleLeaf?
Her work is genius. <3

"Total Synch 98.02%"

Wow! OAO

Ezio is just an adorable, charming guy. His character was awesome.

See Tangled yet? Flynn Rider may as well BE Ezio. XD Ever since fans pointed that out... cannot unsee.
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.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Lmao, at that fanart. Have you seen DoubleLeaf?
Her work is genius. <3

Ha! :lol:
Also found this on DA:

Now got 98.52% Sync, but 100% seems nign impossible.

I've got two missions to do under 8 minutes (I call bullshit), about 5 flags from the 'secret locations' & the thief guild challedge's.
I'm thinking I'll give up soon, I want 100% but I just don't see now I can possibly do those missions in under 8 minutes. <_<


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Now got 98.52% Sync, but 100% seems nign impossible.

I've got two missions to do under 8 minutes (I call bullshit), about 5 flags from the 'secret locations' & the thief guild challedge's.
I'm thinking I'll give up soon, I want 100% but I just don't see now I can possibly do those missions in under 8 minutes. <_<

I've completed all the missions (not all perfectly) except that one where you have to race to the finish. I CANNOT DO IT! I don't know why I'm so incapable. I couldn't do it in the previous game either. (Actually thinking about it, I can't do it in any game! Curse you too inFamous!)

I didn't get all the flags or anything. I'll probably go back and do that at some point. I'm just over 75% synch (cause I think that's what you need to unlock the last Christina mission). I haven't gone back to repeat any missions to get perfect synch, so I'll probably try that too when I go back to the game.

I even did the Copernicus missions, which are DLC. I recommend them if you don't have them. It was quick, but fun. And most importantly - free :awesome:

Celes said:
See Tangled yet? Flynn Rider may as well BE Ezio. XD Ever since fans pointed that out... cannot unsee.

I want to see this movie, lol. Ezio really is a great character. They've really done a great job with their main characters. I like Desmond and Altair too, but Ezio is my favorite (so far).
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I can't choose between Altair and Ezio. ;-;

I know. I really like them both, but Ezio just slightly more. Maybe I'm biased cause I'm Italian :awesome:

Ezio's character is a bit more in depth and has a deeper history. Although I haven't played any of the spin-off games. Have you? I own Altair's Chronicles (DS) and Bloodlines (PSP), but I haven't played either yet.

Celes Chere

Haha, I've always wanted to learn to speak Italian, because the language is so gorgeous to me. I wanted to learn it, and then visit Italy. <3 One of those... extremely far away dreams. Lawl.

For me, it's that they are two very different characters personality wise, but they are two separate personality types that I have a strong interest in. xD

I have not played Bloodlines yet. ;_; I heard it was awful. XD
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I think since Altair was at the birth of the series you really don't get as much depth and character from him as you do Ezio. With Altair you essentially view him at the peak of his skill as an assassin and then you go through the motions of him changing from arrogant douche to a decent guy. Ezio you get the entire story going from a normal kid all the way to becoming the chosen one of prohecy and such overall making people sympathise with him alot more than Altair.
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