Assassin's Creed (series)


Chloe Frazer
I think it makes sense for where the next installment its set in the present. It could be interesting considering that George Washington had a Piece of Eden. I just want a female assassin already.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
While admittedly I never much cared for American history, I do love Wild West settings, so if they could make an Ass Creed game taking place in that time period and make it interesting I'd more than give it a shot.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I think it makes sense for where the next installment its set in the present. It could be interesting considering that George Washington had a piece of eden. I just want a female assassin already.

I don't see that happening if it takes place during the American revolution.


Chloe Frazer
Terry Bogard said:
I don't see that happening if it takes place during the American revolution.

Neither do I but I can still dream. They could at least give us a main female character that doesn't get screwed over.


Double Growth
How many open world games take place in japan? Especially western games. The only games I can think of are the Yakuza series and those are hardly open world like AC games are.

There are a lot of freaking games that take place in Japan or if not in Japan, than in very Japan-inspired locales. Why would only open world ones count?

Even if the Renaissance was pretty random, the time period was interesting it had so much potential and they siphoned out that potential really well, but the American Revolution?

Given the series Knights Templar slant, there is a metric ton of Free Mason/Knights Templar crap going on in the American Revolution history. In fact it's the only other period that comes to my mind besides the Crusades when thinking about the Knights Templar.

I just can't see it being as free as the other games. Could you get away with running on the rooftops in the colonies, and not shoot everyone you see? That's what really bothers me

I dunno...why not? The guns of the period weren't really much better than the ones the guards have in Revelations. And buildings still had rooftops, right?

Also for all we know the game could easily move back and forth between the colonies and England. Given that Washington has the apple, you're likely going to be on the British side.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
There are a lot of freaking games that take place in Japan or if not in Japan, than in very Japan-inspired locales. Why would only open world ones count?

Because you don't explore a japanese city and its culture? None of those games feature a full realised game world? This is an open world game series about history and how it ties into an old conspiracy. Why the hell would any other kind of game count?

Japan has only ever really been depicted superficially. The amount of detail and life that an Assassins Creed game brings to these time periods would be more than welcome in that kind of setting.


Double Growth
Japan has only ever really been depicted superficially. The amount of detail and life that an Assassins Creed game brings to these time periods would be more than welcome in that kind of setting.

But that's my point. The amount of detail and life that an Assassin's Creed game brings would be more than welcome in just about any setting. Even Open world games set in America haven't really given any more depth than any other sort of game. GTA has come the closest I suppose but that's decidedly one-sided. Also you drive a tank through Times Square.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
But that's my point. The amount of detail and life that an Assassin's Creed game brings would be more than welcome in just about any setting. Even Open world games set in America haven't really given any more depth than any other sort of game. GTA has come the closest I suppose but that's decidedly one-sided. Also you drive a tank through Times Square.

That's not what we were discussing. Also, GTA4, Mafia 2, and LA Noir, have created worlds with an assload of death more than any other genre, and all of these take place in America.


Double Growth
Sure it was, all I was saying with my first comment was that Japan and America were two equally predictable choices. But my overall point is that with the effort and detail put into an Assassin's Creed game, they seriously cannot pick a wrong setting.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sure it was, all I was saying with my first comment was that Japan and America were two equally predictable choices. But my overall point is that with the effort and detail put into an Assassin's Creed game, they seriously cannot pick a wrong setting.

No, you said Japan was just as overexposed as America, and I took issue with that, because when it comes to this kind of game, it isn't. That's what we were talking about.


Given the series Knights Templar slant, there is a metric ton of Free Mason/Knights Templar crap going on in the American Revolution history. In fact it's the only other period that comes to my mind besides the Crusades when thinking about the Knights Templar.
I can see that being relevant for outside of the Animus exploration, like subject 16's Truth videos, but how they would actually make the assassin your controlling get the bigger picture doesn't seem likely, even Ezio and Altair who had seen a lot of mind blowing things still didn't full grasp everything.

I dunno...why not? The guns of the period weren't really much better than the ones the guards have in Revelations. And buildings still had rooftops, right?
The problem I have with it mostly is that it's a war era, and you can't really avoid a bunch of troops shooting you down at once, the guns in the revolution were much better than the ones form the Renaissance too...

And it's not the fact that they have rooftops it's just that I don't think it would be as believable, I dunno I just don't like it...

Also for all we know the game could easily move back and forth between the colonies and England. Given that Washington has the apple, you're likely going to be on the British side.

Evil King controlling the colonies wouldn't be Templars? The American Revolution is generally something seen as positive and incentive for other revolutions(like the french) so I think that Templar's would be the British, Queen Elizabeth had the apple at some point too, maybe Americans(Assassins) stole it from the British?


Joe, Arcana
Evil King controlling the colonies wouldn't be Templars? The American Revolution is generally something seen as positive and incentive for other revolutions(like the french) so I think that Templar's would be the British, Queen Elizabeth had the apple at some point too, maybe Americans(Assassins) stole it from the British?
Gotta remember that most of these colonies were granted full independence and the such. That's probably the least Templar thing there is. Could be swung the other way where Assassin's control the colonies as a means of protection from the Templars. Independence was given when such places could fight the Templars back on their own.
The Templars aren't about handing power back to the people. Not at all.


Gotta remember that most of these colonies were granted full independence and the such. That's probably the least Templar thing there is. Could be swung the other way where Assassin's control the colonies as a means of protection from the Templars. Independence was given when such places could fight the Templars back on their own.
The Templars aren't about handing power back to the people. Not at all.

When taxes like the stamp act and quartering act came into play things seemed more templar to me than assassin, and it was those limitations on freedom that caused the revolution in the first place, but who know it might just be another mindfuck.


I only ended up doing it once, it was bad enough that i was pretty conscious of my notoriety....


Bribing them heralds left and right :monster:
btw, minor aside, does anyone else think Ezio's accent sounds kind of different this time around? Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it's bugging me because according to everyone I've talked to it's IN MY HEAD :\
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Double Growth
he problem I have with it mostly is that it's a war era, and you can't really avoid a bunch of troops shooting you down at once, the guns in the revolution were much better than the ones form the Renaissance too...

You're right I should have said the guns didn't really fire any faster than the ones in the Renaissance. And AC1 took place in a war era, you usually don't take part in large scale battles, that's why you're an assassin.

Evil King controlling the colonies wouldn't be Templars? The American Revolution is generally something seen as positive and incentive for other revolutions(like the french) so I think that Templar's would be the British, Queen Elizabeth had the apple at some point too, maybe Americans(Assassins) stole it from the British?

George Washington and most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Free Masons. Free Masons have the order of the Knights Templar. Masons deny that it's linked to the medieval Templars, but that seems ripe for Ubisoft's picking if you ask me.

Wikipedia said:
One theory of the origins of Freemasonry claims direct descent from the historical Knights Templar through its final fourteenth-century members who took refuge in Scotland, or other countries where the Templar suppression was not enforced. This theory is usually deprecated on grounds of lack of evidence, by both Masonic authorities[82] and historians.[83]


George Washington and most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Free Masons. Free Masons have the order of the Knights Templar. Masons deny that it's linked to the medieval Templars, but that seems ripe for Ubisoft's picking if you ask me.
That would be pretty intense then

Though I remember the real problem I had it being in The States, all the other games took place in different lands with great architecture, it might be a bit silly to you but I always took joy in climbing those huge landmarks in the games, and America doesn't really have that in the colonial era :/

Celes Chere

When taxes like the stamp act and quartering act came into play things seemed more templar to me than assassin, and it was those limitations on freedom that caused the revolution in the first place, but who know it might just be another mindfuck.

THIS. It was the stupidest most pointless thing EVER. Every time my den was under attack I just didn't give a fuck. Which is bad of me, but idc. :awesome:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Log cabin

*insert prospector playing a banjo here*
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