Assassin's Creed (series)




This would be a lot more amazing had the male cosplayer not resorted to brown-facing...


Higher Further Faster
Dang, those are some impressive costumes, though.

On top of that, though, I do have to say that I am stuck in the first game

In Damascus middle district, so getting pretty close to the ending. Why the flip has this game suddenly become so dang hard?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Looks like a lot of photomanip going on there imo


Dang, those are some impressive costumes, though.

On top of that, though, I do have to say that I am stuck in the first game

In Damascus middle district, so getting pretty close to the ending. Why the flip has this game suddenly become so dang hard?
Are you trying to kill Robert at the funeral? I remember getting out of there after the "kill" was a bitch


Higher Further Faster
I'm not that far, no. I'm in Damascus trying to do the Informant assassinations. Every time I get close to killing one of them I get discovered. I'll just be standing there waiting for the guy to come by, not doing anything, and then suddenly everyone is after me.


I'm not that far, no. I'm in Damascus trying to do the Informant assassinations. Every time I get close to killing one of them I get discovered. I'll just be standing there waiting for the guy to come by, not doing anything, and then suddenly everyone is after me.
oh i skipped most of the informant missions, they were really annoying lol. It might just be since it's an informant mission your notoriety or chances of getting caught are higher and so the guards will automatically be out to kill you if they see you.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Informant assassination missions are soupah long and tough. It's just a matter of taking the time to trail them around until you have the perfect time by pure serendipity :monster:

I spammed throwing knives in the final Damascus faceoff lol, considering they're instant-kills.


Higher Further Faster
I have done every single informant mission in the game so far. Sure, a couple of them I had to do multiple times but these ones have me stumped.



New Aveline Trailer

Aughh I really want this, but i really cannot afford another system right now, PLUS ac3?? They should have timed this better....or they could have just put this on the damn ps3 in the first place jeezus...

I know they SAY that Aveline isn't related to Desmond in anyway, but i honestly don't believe them..
I mean the lip scar?? Thats been the trademark fro Desmond, Altair and Ezio, why stop there??


I used to think Ubisoft thought scars were hereditary, but AC2 confirmed its just a mighty big coincidence.

All of them were coincidences,'s not like they all purposely marked them on their face. Desmond accidentally got his through training, I'd bet the same for Altair, and Ezio got his through a fight by accident. I don't mean hereditary like a birth mark, I mean it's kind of been passed down as a trademark of Desmond.


Chloe Frazer
So who else is playing it?

So far I'm loving the scope of the game, jumping around on trees and hunting. As for the present: Remember before info on the game came out that I argued that most of the emphasis of the game should be in the present? Yeah I take that back, the present is absolute shit.


Yeah I'd really like to know whether or not it's worth buying. Revelations kinda pissed me off.


Double Growth
I've heard that a lot, and I've wondered exactly what people were referring to. What did everyone hate so much about revelations? It didn't blow my mind or anything and playing a little more Altair would've been nice, but... I dunno, I enjoyed it well enough.


The present day faces are all totally fucked up, I found the story a shit excuse just to reuse the elements from AC2/Brotherhood,
there's not enough focus on the fact that Desmond killed Lucy, we're left dangling on the edge wondering what's actually happening,
it's just more of the same with some semi-new ideas tacked on.

I went through a phase of playing every Assassin's Creed from start to finish last January, and I just found myself incredibly disappointed with Revelations. I dunno, maybe if I'd stopped with Brotherhood or played it when it originally came out then had to wait for it I'd have been salivating like a good little Ubi doggy and dying to throw all my money at them, but it just disappointed me in so many ways. I just found the plot ridiculous and boring.

/strong opinion

But I'd really love to know (without spoilers) whether III is worth playing. I know Carlie said their faces are fucked up again but I can kind of live with that, even if it's annoying.


I understand not liking Revelations, it was just meh to me, like there was no big reveal. Everything that was plot relevant in the game were things that I already understood. I guess it was more of a "twansition!" game than anything. I actually learned more about the plot from revelations dlc files on subject 16 then the actual main storyline, which is pretty sad actually. It explained Lucy's death, and made subject 16 my favorite character though.

I'm loving ac3 so far, connor is pretty adorkable, and I am interested in Desmonds story including his fathers(he's being kind of a douche right now, but understandably so)


Double Growth
I was just glad they finally explained what the hell Desmond meant when he said he wasn't an assassin "anynore" in AC1


Chloe Frazer
Regarding Revelations: My opinion one the game is not exactly objective, once I heard Lucy was dead I was fucking done with it unfortunately that happens early so I had to finish it anyways. My dislike of the game was made even worse when the Truth DLC came out which I'll continue to ignore for being utter bullshit. This is why I hate the game: the present was an embarrassment, Desmond looked ridiculous, the Lucy situation was handled badly to say the least, the mini games and crafting system were awful.

Ezio's story had very little left to offer made abundantly clear when you have a scene with him picking flowers for a date with his hidden blade, that time could've been better served with Altair who had hardly any screen time which is ridiculous since the game was promoted to be about both of them. My opinion now hasn't changed, the game still sucks and Ubisoft can still shove it up their asses.

As for AC3: The game is most definitely worth buying so long as you stay inside the animus. For starters obviously the group dynamic from past game is gone, Lucy's role is now taken by William who's a completely unlikable douchbag, unapologetic about anything he's done and in the running for worst father of the year.
Juno is making more than a few appearances and the game and characters have taken the position of ignoring the giant elephant in the room and pretending the events at end of Brotherhood never happened. As I now how the game is going to end I can say that it's going to get much worse.


Double Growth
But his father's voiced by Q!! How could that be bad?!


Also I wouldn't say I was ever terribly attached to
. No one in the present has ever seemed to matter. Brotherhood, I guess, was the only time it looked like they might threaten to have personalities.


Scary fact - the only reason I was interested in the series is because of the actual continuing storyline in the present. Since Revelations really fucked that up, it pissed me off.

Yes, the gameplay in the animus is incredibly fun, and I do love the time periods and characters of previous Assassins, but it bugs me that it's almost just the same game with a different face on.


Chloe Frazer
Force stfu Lucy is awesome and by far the only female with an actual role consistently thorough the series. AssCreed may have a lot of qualities but treating females good is not one of them.
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