Assassin's Creed (series)


Double Growth
Got this game for Christmas. Just a couple hours in. The "simplified" controls are giving me headaches because I'm used to the old ones, but I'm sure I'll adjust. But so far, the best part is hearing Balthier :D


Double Growth
He uses basically the exact same voice, I was racking my brain to figure out who it was and I realized it around the time they're sending Haytham to the colonies.

And I gotta admit, they got me pretty good with that plot twist. "How d'ya like them apples" trophy, lol


Double Growth
Just finished it, I must say, Carlie had me bracing for a much worse game than it was, I rather liked it. Connor was certainly a lot less interesting than Ezio, but when things do finally start to come to a head and Connor
stops believing everyone's (read: Washington and Haythem) bullshit
, I finally started to identify with him some. I think the biggest problem is his voice actor lacks a lot of the charisma that Ezio's had.

But even with a less-than-stellar Connor, I really liked the story going on around him. Haythem's a cool character and, once again, these games are so damn educational, regarding history. Some events that shoehorned Connor into were a little contrived (like the battles of Lexington and Concord), but others felt really natural and worked well.

The Homestead, although the game tells you *#&$-all about how you're supposed to get started with it, was more fun than the Villa I think. Making the inhabitants characters that you got to know made it feel more personal, and not just collecting stuff for the hell of it. You have to do a lot more work for money...which makes more sense, but I did miss money just rolling in all the time :) Once I got two double-barrelled pistols though, I was happy and didn't worry too much about more convoys.

I also thought the modern day missions were fun. There were only...what? 4 of them? But they were neat and gave Desmond brief glimpses of being a badass, especially the last one.

As for the present day While I kinda wish they explained
what exactly it is that Juno's doing...I guess that's the sequel bait? And I was kind of thinking the games were building to a game all about Desmond with all these abilities acquired over lifetimes...I also was never terribly attached to him.
So, after how much I got into the story, it is a shame the ending lacked so much oomph, but I still enjoyed the game quite a bit.
And I'd be lying if I said Connor's goodbye to Achillies didn't choke me up some.
I don't think I feel quite as betrayed as Carlie does.


Force said:
And I was kind of thinking the games were building to a game all about Desmond with all these abilities acquired over lifetimes...I also was never terribly attached to him.

I know I only really played AC2, but I can understand this even from having played just that game. How are you supposed to get seriously attached to someone and their story when you spend so little time playing as them, let alone in their world at all? I cared way more about Ezio than Desmond.


Chloe Frazer
I wasn't betrayed by this game,
I was betrayed when Lucy was revealed to be dead in Revelations and the reasons given for her death in the Truth DLC.
I thought AC3 was a B average game with nothing really standing out
well aside from the ending
. It tried mostly unsuccessfully to replicate some of the things that made AC2 great IMO, oh and the present was shit.


Double Growth
I was never any more attached to Lucy than I was to Desmond. And I thought it was pretty clear she was dead at the end of Brotherhood...

And I don't know what sucked so much about the present levels. Sneaking through the Brazilian stadium was fun, and marching through Abstergo with the Apple was sweet.

I liked the present-day framing device used in the series, but simply because they're never around, I was never invested in any of them and never cared a whole lot about what happened there. But it was a cool way to introduce us to the worlds we would go to, and way to get other "modern" reactions to what we would see in the past. So I just took it for what it was.

Also Desmond's dad is voiced by Q, so that was cool :monster:


Higher Further Faster
So still playing ACII.

The writers and voice actors must have really relished the fact that Ezio's uncle's name is Mario. I mean, they just HAD to do it, didn't they?

"It's a me, Mario!" I face palmed so hard. lol

But overall good game so far. :)
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Higher Further Faster
Yes, I do say so.

I mean, of course I laughed, but I was like, "Oh lawd I can't believe they actually went there..."


Higher Further Faster
Oh joy. :awesomonster:

I have a question about those glyphs that get you the files to hack into. The ones where you have the circles to spin in order to make an image. How do I spin the outside circles? I feel like I can only spin the inside ones. :(

EDIT: Nevermind, the moment I ask I figure it out... :P

Also, the puzzle where you have to pick out paintings with a theme are always hard. I can never properly figure out the theme. :P


Tenny said:
EDIT: Nevermind, the moment I ask I figure it out...

I always do this!

And the painting theme puzzles - there were definitely a few times that I constructed my own elaborate pattern by overthinking them :P


Higher Further Faster

I'm trying to think as simply as possible. Like, there's one where I was thinking, "Hmm, maybe the theme is angels. Five of these paintings have angels in them." But nooooope.

The second time, I was like, "I think I have to select paintings that all have swords," but double nope.



Tenny said:
The second time, I was like, "I think I have to select paintings that all have swords," but double nope.

Pretty sure I did the exact same thing and can think of the one you're talking about.


Chloe Frazer
When all else fails use the internet which is what I did all the time because I was too lazy to actually do the puzzles. :monster:
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