Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra (SPOILERS)


Pro Adventurer
I'm just gonna leave this here....


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
regarding bolin's development: it is really fuckin hard to see his development, especially when you see him do something notable maybe once an episode (i think the most recent thing he did was earthbending during korra's capture. besides that, it's pretty difficult to think of significant things that showed his feelings during the show). i think last episode he had a handful of lines, maybe, and those were honestly throwaway lines that you could have gagged bolin and tossed him in the back of the car and let anyone else say them.

at this point, it seems like he's taken a backseat to mako's internal korra drama and his problems with his girlfriend. is korra even gonna learn airbending this season? WHO KNOWS but maybe mako will finally realize who he likes and stop being such a jerk to asami


Chloe Frazer
Honestly both girls attraction to Mako are shallow, there's no real reason for either of them to have feelings for him especially with his behavior. The only thing they add to the storyline is romantic plot tumor.
I wonder what the second "book" will be called. This first one is air and in the previous series they already covered water, earth and fire. So the next one should be...chi? Energy? LOVE?! jk jk


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I wonder what the second "book" will be called. This first one is air and in the previous series they already covered water, earth and fire. So the next one should be...chi? Energy? LOVE?! jk jk

Metal. Thunder. Spirit. Bending disciplines not yet covered in books and apart from Spirit, untouched by earlier Avatars.

I did not even think of those three alternatives. In the context of Korra's story, "Spirit" sounds most likely. If this is the season that ends with Korra learning air-bending, the next one should be about her learning how to reach the Avatar state (via spiritual exercises).


Chloe Frazer
I've wonder that myself. She mastered all the other elements so I guess the next name will cover something different.

edit: Like what Ryu said. Spirit sounds appropriate.


Kaiju Member
Some Avatar/Korra fan website did a nice summary of P.J. Bryne's (Bolin's voice actor) Q&A on Twitter today:
You asked questions and P.J. (Bolin) responded! Here are a few things we got from the session:

• Byrne watches Legend of Korra when he gets the chance and "feels 10% stronger" when Bolin kicks butt
• He eats lots of noodles and jellybeans to channel Bolin's sassy and funny character
• He was a fan of Avatar before working on Legend of Korra
Pabu or Naga? Byrne replies: "Pabu. All day and all night."
• His favourite Bolin line: (to Naga) "I want to be on your back."
• Byrne would want to play Bolin if there was a live action movie of Legend of Korra. He comments: "Fo Sho! Need to hit the gym beforehand, though."
• Byrne has 11 Red Pandas (fire ferrets)
• Bolin will get more character development in Book 2
• Byrne doesn't feel that Bolin has been taken a backseat in the last few episodes, he replies: "Not at all! WE are team avatar!"
• His favourite part of Legend of Korra is hanging with the cast and us fans
• He would call his pro-bending team "Bo-Nasties" if he had one
• Byrne gets emotional after watching Legend of Korra episodes
• "Do you think we'll get a big surprise saturday?" Byrne replies: "Does yes start with the letter "y""
• Byrne loves all animals, even bugs.
• Byrne identifies a lot with Bolin, and if there was one thing he could want from Bolin that he doesn't have is Bolin's hair
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Kaiju Member
The Legend of Korra: Bend It Like Bolin
The Legend of Korra's P.J. Byrne talks about his character, Bolin.

Interview summary/prompt
Since its debut back in April, The Legend of Korra has been making huge waves, not only in the Avatar universe but among the fan community as well. Creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino have definitely proven that its new cast of characters resonate just as much as their Last Airbender predecessors.

With the Season 1 finale just a few days away, IGN recently got a chance to speak with P.J. Byrne, the voice behind Bolin on the show. As one of the three main players on the new Team Avatar (alongside Korra's Janet Varney and Mako's David Faustino), Byrne discussed his approach to developing an animated character, his deep appreciation of the material and even offered some insight into what the series has in store for Season 2...


Kaiju Member
**Remember: The actors are not the characters, so be nice to David. He isn’t Mako. He just plays one on TV.

Which reminds me, I caught wind that there was a brutal war in the fandom this week. In lieu of me having time, let’s all just pretend I drew a really funny comic about that and posted it just now. And we laughed. And it brought us joy. And the fandom hugged it out.
Wow, apparently the Mako hate/rage has gotten bad enough that Bryan Konietzko (and reblogged by the official Nickelodeon Korra tumblr) felt the need to remind people not to be mean to David Faustino at the Sand Diego Comic-Con.


Kaiju Member
The second part of the Wall Street Journal interview with Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, in this part they answer some fan questions about the show. Here are some of the more interesting highlights of the questions.
[SpiderHyphenMan] Is there anything you wanted to put in but couldn’t because of the 12 episode format?

Konietzko: I actually prefer this format…Mike and I are mostly interested in telling a really driving plot. We feel that 12-14 episodes is a better length for that. Now that we’re really trying to improve the quality of the animation and we’ve raised the bar on that, it takes longer just to make those twelve. It’s like the HBO series or AMC. They don’t do 26 episodes. I think they’re more crafted and I think a tighter story comes out of it. You don’t have a lot of meandering and fluff and exposition and stuff. So I think we like it.

[Dr. Dardo] Will book 2 stay confined to Republic City the way book 1 did?

DiMartino: I would say it’s a mix of both. There’s definitely a significant part in Republic City, but there’s also a little more exploration of some other areas which we won’t tell you about just yet.

[They both laugh, like they're in on some secret joke.]

Konietzko: It’s definitely not as confined, but like Mike said, about half and half.

[BrowningWilliam] What inspired the baby’s name, Rohan?

Konietzko: That’s my nephew’s name. His father’s from India. He and his brother both have really cool names. Now I have to figure out a way to work his brother’s name into the show or he’s gonna be really mad at me.

Cool to know that Season 2 will venture out of Republic City more. Also interesting that Bryke prefers the tighter narrative of the shorter seasons.

Elisa Maza


Everything in my dash is LoK finale and I'm like,


Sorry for the stupid post, but for this half hour I've been too jealous. Green, I tell you!


Pro Adventurer
This pretty much sums up the last two episodes of Book One:


(from my facebook wall, made sure not to mention anything too much, as I didn't want to spoil it, and didn't want to take my eyes off for too long while writing updates via my cell)


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, I caught a live stream of it that was linked on Tumblr.

Pretty freaking fantastic.

I still wish Korra didn't have a love story, though. I don't think Korra needs a love interest. I don't care if Mako is wit Asami or not or whatever. I just think a love story for Korra herself didn't really work. Just my opinion, though. :P

But hey! At least Lin got her bending back! :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
Season finale was amazing,
The revelation that Amon (or should I say Noatak) was bender and was lying about his backstory wasn't surprising since it was highly unlikely that he could resist bloodbeding without being one himself and I just didn't believe his suppose story about friebenders killing his family but I didn't see coming the plot twist that he was in fact Tarlock's brother, I'll be honest it kind of reduced his magnificent bastard status a bit. That scene were Tarlock blew up the boat apparently killing himself and Amon, didn't see that coming but I don't think they're dead. The scene with the airplanes attacking the ships gave a World War feeling. Iroh was surprisingly better than I expected and I didn't mind the voice at all. Asami was fantastic in this episode, she has come a long way from her first appearance. Ok seriously Tenzin Lin does a heroic sacrifice and losee her bending so you and your family can get a away and you still get caught? C'mon man. I love how the series at least attempts to use Bolin in something other than comic relief, oh wait no they don't I have put up with Mako instead which is greeeaaat. When Amon 'took away' Korra's bending I figured she was probably going to hit the avatar state at end of the episode and get her bending back, that was a pretty awesome moment, seeing all the avatars especially Rokku, Kyoshi and Aang giving Korra her bending back. The ending was almost ruined with Makorra and I'm sorry but they suck bad, it's almost unbearable to watch. But I don't care because LIN GOT HER BENDING BACK!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER? I TOLD YOU AMON LIN WAS TOO BADASS FOR YOUR ENERGY BENDING. Also Bumi at the end was hilarious and Tenzin's face priceless, guess they got his name right. All in all great season finale, looking forward to Book 2 but they need a few improvements.

Elisa Maza

I just got the gist of it and I have two things to say:

Children's. Show.


WTF was that with Tarrlock and Amon? That's Shakespearian tragedy, right there!



I loved the finale. I love this series. I now understand why they could have only done one season, but I'm glad they're doing more to tie up loose ends and everything.

I saw the tarrlok amon connection, but I was still surprised it came up! Honestly i didn't see much makorra in the show until the end, and it wasn't that heavy handed, so for people that didn't like it it you could ignore it. KORAA MEETING AANG THOUGH. OMGGGG. AND ALL THE AVATARS, AND SPIRITUALITY~~~~~I CAN'T.

I'll probably be more coherent later on but I LOVED THIS EPISODE XD


Higher Further Faster
I like how people are freaking out on Tumblr over how
Tarrlok blew up the boat, apparently killing himself and Amon (I bet they both survived, though).

Yes, we get that it's a kid's show. I actually was a tad surprised they were so blunt about it. I thought Tarrlok was only going to stun Amon, but then he like, blows up the gas tank. Dang. lol It was good, though.

And lol at how everyone loves Tarrlock again now. :P

Elisa Maza

Can anyone give a link for online watching? Seriously, I want to see and the time it'll take to be uploaded (and me to download it), will be too much.

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