Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra (SPOILERS)


Kaiju Member
You know, if anyone ever makes an Abridged Series of The Legend of Korra, they should totally use comedian Amon as their abridged series Amon.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Awesomely funny not only by itself, but is even more awesome when you get the other series/character reference.:D

"They said we were fools to invent a technique to destroy airships centuries before they were invented! We showed them! We're currently working on starships. Yeah, we're gunning for you, evil space empires!"

Also, Tremorsense probably requires bending to sound out the shockwaves, but Lin can probably substitute any other earthbending foot.


There is an abridged series, although they only have one episode up so far

Though I'm not sure if GanXingba(creator of comedian Amon) plans on making his own, he did do the original abridged series for atla though


Pro Adventurer
So.... Apparently it's been confirmed (via this "NICKFrog" who is supposedly the account the LoK writers use to post on the boards) that Iroh II is
Zuko's son


YESSSSS YESSSS YESSSSSS. So he's probably around 30 or 40 at the least. There's no way his mother is anyone but Mai, I refuse to believe otherwise.


Chloe Frazer
Figures, I thought he was probably in his 40's which makes Dante Basco's voice all that more out of place.


Kaiju Member
Hmm, interesting. Still, I'll take it with a grain of salt, since Iroh still looks a lot younger than Tenzin, Kya, Bumi, and Lin, who would be in his same generation if he is Zuko's son.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Higher Further Faster
Okay for the season finale, the only thing on my mind is really
when the flip is Korra going to enter the Avatar state?

Maybe Amon trying to take away her bending will trigger it? Would make for nice dramatic effect.

Or maybe she won't. :P


wangxian married
i want to see zuko's daughter

because then fire lordlady/asami would just be the classiest most badass ship in the history of anything (but until then korrasami is still the best ship in the show)

i was glad of a lot of things in ep ten.
i was glad asami called mako out on his shit, i'm glad we got more tenzin/korra moments to offset suddenlycaressomuch!mako, i'm glad lin got her bending taken away tbh because a heavy moment like that was really needed and it was done so well.

more of tenzin and his family in general made the episode better, as well as the krew tearing it up together in the streets of republic city.

the pacing of this season is still really jarring though and i wish they had stretched it out more to at least the second season, because often good concepts are suffering from speedy execution (asami going against her father, this dumb love triangle and whatever makkora is supposed to be, the attack on republic city would have had more of an emotional impact if the conflict was more drawn out and we had more attachment to it)

there was a good post about the pacing and why it's making the characters suffer so bad i have to find it again


yeah i just edited the three in, must be because we get an hour long korratastic weekend.


Chloe Frazer
Zealkin what are those videos about, adobe flash crashed in my comp and I can't see them. >_>

Zee -
Lin losing her bending reminds me of Zack dying because I have conflicting feelings about those two scenes. On one end their heroic sacrifices were so well done and it's an amazing defining moment for them that shows how incredibly badass, awesome and selfless they are and elevated their characters but on the other end they're my favorite characters so as much as I think those scenes were incredible another part of me desperately wishes that neither situation had happened.

I agree completely with you on the pacing of the story. One of the reasons why I hate the episode The Spirit Of Competition besides the romance and Mako in general was because most of the tournament went pretty quickly in just this one episode without a sufficient development. This pacing also doesn't help develop most of the characters, the best example of this would be Bolin who has pretty much been thrown in the background and other characters have had an unnecessary large amount of screen time than necessary like Mako, characters like him that aren't exactly great get exposed with too much screen time especially with a speedy storyline. Then there's the sotrylines that should've gone longer and explored more like Tarlock, on one episode we learn he's a bloodbender and on the very next episode he loses his bending. I love LOK but the pacing of the story is leaving more than a few things on the what could been section.


basically they hide out with the hobo we met in the first episode in an underground civilization for poor people I guess? It's made up of non benders and benders. Oh and there's some makorra which people on tumblr are getting really pissy about.


Kaiju Member
LOL there is so much Mako hate on tumblr. I'm so sick of this.
Oh and there's some makorra which people on tumblr are getting really pissy about.
This quote from a tumblr bog sums up the reactions on tumblr well I think.
Based on the korra tags, you'd think Mako just asked Korra to help him murder Asami, dump her body in the harbor, and run away to Vegas to get married instead of just paying a friend (who he admittedly has an unacknowledged crush on) a very sweet compliment.

And wow, even Bill Rinaldi (the Martial Arts Coordinator/ Videographer/ Production Coordinator/ Doorman of the show) has been asked to weigh in on the Mako-hate on tumblr: http://bill-rinaldi.tumblr.com/post/25402203452/bill-what-do-you-think-of-all-the-hate-that-a-good

firebenderfanatic asked: Bill, what do you think of all the hate that a good majority of the fandom is heaping upon Mako?

As this question has now crossed my box no less than 30 times today I guess i should publish my response…

Mako is just being a “typical” teenage boy. they make mistakes, no need to cast the man as being the devil himself!
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Kaiju Member
As for The Legend of Korra's pacing, I again think Emily Guendelsberger (a reviewer from the A.V. Club) comments on it really well.

Avatar: The Last Airbender had the luxury of a loose master plot spread out over 61 episodes, giving the characters a lot of leeway to meander around doing things not specifically related to the plot. Team Avatar’s nomadic lifestyle also was helpful in limiting the recurring characters the audience had to get to know; in the first season, at least, we were hanging out primarily with Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, and Iroh. (Arguments could be made for Zhao and Yue.) Most everybody else walks onstage, then off again.

Korra’s static setting means pretty much everyone is a recurring character: For starters, there’s Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Tenzin, Lin, Amon, and Tarlokk. (Arguments could be made for the four members of Tenzin’s family and Hiroshi Sato.) The first season of A:TLA, then, aimed to establish five characters in 20 episodes, and they didn’t really transcend their jerky-loving, hissy-throwing, hope-speechifying origins, parodied so well in The Ember Island Players, until mid-second season. Korra went to establish an ambitious eight characters in 12 episodes, plus fitting in a much more compact plot, plus a brand-new sport, plus makeouts. No wonder Bolin’s just shouting stuff from the backseat.

It’s a really ballsy thing for the writers to attempt, and so far I’ve found the pace exhilarating rather than off-putting — I enjoy shows that know where they’re going and pull me along at Maglev speeds. It’s a different show from the original in tone and production circumstance, and expecting the exact same things out of it is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I basically feel identical about the pacing, I find the pacing exhilarating rather than off-putting and I think I prefer it to A:TLA's pacing. And it is foolish to expect that it would be the same as A:TLA.
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Kaiju Member
An interesting commentary/analysis of the dinner scene with Gommu that I thought was worth reposting here:
“Mmm, this is the best tasting street gruel I’ve ever had! Seriously!”

Alright, now that all my Makorra shipper feelings are out of the way, I want to get to what is really important to me in these clips.

The brothers and by extension the living conditions of the people underground.

Now most of you, might look at this part and say “Oh Bolin you’re so precious.” “Oh Bolin, you’re so funny!”

No. This…this I believe that this is the least comical thing he’s said since episode four. Do any of you remember where the fabulous bending brothers were before they were fabulous? Right where Gommu is:

On the streets.

In fact I think that this year is the first year which they were not on the streets, if my assumption is correct then this scene is not unfamiliar to them in the least bit. I would be so impressed with Bryke if it was the bro’s who led the krew down here because that is where they used to live. I would even applaud them for this because it would be the only consistency the brothers have. Of course because I say this it probably wont happen and Gommu probably finds them shortly after episode 10’s ending and will be turned into a ”wtf GOMMU WHERE’D YOU COME FROM LOL” comedy scene…but wouldn’t it be nice?

Now lets look back at this quote. This is Bolin being polite of course, but there is such a layer of depth underneath it. They lived on the streets for most of their lives, meaning they probably had to eat food like this day in and day out with maybe some stale bread on good days. This isn’t just Bolin cracking a joke, this is him telling a bit of their story. He is being sincere. He continues to eat this while Asami throws it up because he knows.

He knows how little food there is to spare in the real world, and he would never in a million years pass it up. Mako probably taught him if he wanted to survive then that was what they had to eat so he did. That’s just how their life was. Heck even Pabu knows better, because he was used to it too!

I understand Asami had a cushy life with fancy chefs and in no way is this lifestyle wrong. But that sort of attitude is not a luxury Bolin or Mako can afford they never could. So of course they are going to continue eating, they knew what it was the second they sat down. They knew what they had to do to survive then and just because they lived a better life for a year doesn’t mean they threw their survival skills to the wind, they just adapted, and now they’re adapting back.

I really hope this is what Bryke had in mind when writing this down, and that I’m not looking too much into this. Because this little scene, though small and perhaps insignificant to shipping is important to me and all bromotional fans out there.

Long live the bro’s development and lifestyle.

Long live the bromotions.


Yeah! Insightful Bolin comments! He's moving up in the world ; ;
It did strike me a bit, but I didn't look as deep into it as this person, kudos to them for making the connection and finding the true depth in that statement. :3
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