Bashing of either Tifa or Aeris.


Fire and Blood
I love how people make assumptions about me, it makes me LOL.

I'm an RPG, a real one gamer. You know. Pen and paper lolz. And you know what? I've been playing mages in AD&D way before I played any RPG in video games. So I know pretty much how mages are indeed squishy LOL.

And as I said, love in games is just one thing that is boring IMHO. FFVII was the first game that included love stories that I ever played, figure out when I played "RPGs", usually, it was from Diablo to Baldur's Gate, the latter being the closest to what a real RPG is to me, because hey, AD&D player there.

And yeah, I'm an unromantic woman, so what. To me, love has to be really well written to appeal me, sorry if something like Aerith flirting with Cloud was more a grating nerve than anything else.

You just have to understand that while you loved it and you can't understand that some people will tell you they hated flirting!Aerith, it's not a bashing traits because this DO aggravate some people. There are all tastes in nature. Now, let me be clear; I'm not certifying that those people aren't using this because they are indeed shippers who hate Aerith because of the LTD. I've never said that.

But there are people like me who will highly dislike Aerith's behaviour during the game and find it truly irritating, because they will be more "WTF" when that happens, and it's a part that they don't really care about. Love is a subplot in FFVII, and that IS a good thing, because that was not the thing that got me hooked in this game. Even if CloTi is the only game pairing that I indeed love, I didn't play for them either [as I said, I fell in love with them only during the LS sequence anyway, Aerith was already dead by then].

Alexia Ashford


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Oh. Hi there, thread that I don't think I've posted in (or maybe I have, not sure anymore).

I guess since there's a discussion I can't really join going on, so I'll just respond to the first post. :monster:

LongnameGirl said:
You know what really gets my goat about this fandom, the fact that it seems next to impossible to have a mature reasonable debate about the LTD without bashing of either girl entering the picture.

The things I've been subjected to regarding Tifa and Aeris.

Especially Tifa, that girl seems to get more bashed than Aeris for some reason, hmm maybe it's the fact that Cleriths are jealous that Cloti is the confirmed canon pairing now, eh who knows.

So discuss....what are your favorite bashings of the girls?? What's the funniest/most absurd bashing comment you've heard about them?? Who do you think gets bashed/hated on more in the LTD Tifa or Aeris.

Currently, I see mostly Tifa bashing on public sites and some private pink site. It's countered by a lot of comments of how awesome she is in Duodecim though. People still think she's nothing but fanservice (I blame SE for the jigglies--not really :wacky:), and call her a slut based on appearance.

But she's a fighting slut! :monster: Beware, this slut can kick your arse.

Really, though, it's not the girl's fault that she has huge boobs. It's her designer's fault. I'd still like her even without them, as I love fighter females as opposed to the weak, mage types.

As for the funniest bashing comment? I'd say it's the one saying Tifa bullied Cloud as a child. :awesome: The thought of this makes me facepalm and LOL at the same time. I mean, Tifa bullying Cloud as a kid contradicts everything that Tifa is made out to be, as well as making it seem like Cloud is a masochist (he falls in love with his bully? Must've felt good for him :wacky:). The illogic and the hint of Cloud's masochistic side makes me LOL everytime.

As for Aerith bashing... not much. Maybe MarySue!Aeris but I think it's only funny because I can make fun of it. :monster: Though I really hate it when people bash either girl.

I hate Rinoa. /random


Don't see much point in this, but I used to (back in 06/07, when it was worth debating) support Aeris, but she got a whole lot of hate back then, and still does I guess. They both get hate, and who cares, they will always get it, leave the LTD alone, its becoming a joke of a joke now.


Way to contribute User.

Cheers, more than your last post anyway.

And while I'm on the subject, I know this whole Tifa/Aeris/Cloud love triangle is very popular within forums, but there must be a point to stop it altogether, it has gone on far too long, and just needs to stop.


This is not the LTD. And why are you being a dick to me again?

Its just as good as the LTD, might aswell be called 'LTD, questions about thread'

I mean why make the thread and asked about why Tifa and Aeris get so much hate....thats like asking why does fire burn things....because it happens ffs.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
No, I do not think one can really liken a discussion about why retarded fans bash characters and principles of thermodynamics and combustion. One of these things makes sense, the other does not. And while this thread is tangenitally related to the LTD since that is the source of much of the bashing, it is not the same thing.

Also, if you don't like the subject of a thread, try just not reading it. It's not that hard dude, just gtfo and it won't bother you anymore.

Still waiting for an answer, why are you being an ass to me again?


No, I do not think one can really liken a discussion about why retarded fans bash characters and principles of thermodynamics and combustion. One of these things makes sense, the other does not. And while this thread is tangenitally related to the LTD since that is the source of much of the bashing, it is not the same thing.

Also, if you don't like the subject of a thread, try just not reading it. It's not that hard dude, just gtfo and it won't bother you anymore.

Still waiting for an answer, why are you being an ass to me again?

At the end of the day, anyone who has half a brain cell could make this thread (not bashing on the thread starter, your cool/sexy/whatever) everyone knows Tifa and Aeris get insults and whatnot, if they didn't, the whole debate would be stale.

Your reasons fail, this is just such a easy thread to create, it could of been created 5 years ago, infact, it must of been created 60 times already. I want to participate in the thread to give my opinion, not that you or anyone cares, but it is my right to give my view on things.

And I must ask, why you are so persistent in asking me about being an ass? are you that bothered?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm sure this subject has been addressed before, yes. Obviously, since some of us are posting in here, it is clear that some of us want to discuss it again. Or for the first time, in my case, as (if there was a thread like this one before) I missed it.

You've given your opinion. Your opinion was that the thread was a joke. What else could you have to add aside from repetitions of the same? In which case I ask, why are you still here if you find it to be such a joke? Why are you still posting here.

You still have yet to answer me. I am persistent because I want an answer. But I am gonna take that somewhere else so as not to further sully this thread, which some people still enjoy posting in.


Basically all you are trying to do is get rid of me, if you had any sense, you would ignore me altogether, but meh, its your choice.

I think that the whole thread is pretty worthless, whether you or anyone else likes it, thats my opinion. The fact that this thread has over 100 posts in a week proves how popular this trash still is, I just feel mabey its worth moving on from all this repetition.

However, looking at how slow things are moving in the last few years 2009/2010/2011, these threads provide a bit of easy discussion for members. Fair play to them I say, all they want to do is post, but its so slow now days. *sigh*

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ok, I am gonna say this one more time, and then yes I will be ignoring you. I will not feed the trolls and all that.

But yes, yes I am in fact trying to get rid of you (from this thread) for the good of all denizens of TLS, yourself included. If you do not like the thread, if you think it is trash, then stfu and gtfo. You've said the only thing you had to say multiple times now, we get the point.

I take my leave now, until someone posts something worthwhile.
I think Username you're forgetting that there's a lot of Tifa/Aerith hate over things even beyond the LTD. In general they are pinned up against each other and while yes, LTD is a main factor for most of the hate, there's a lot of people who just seem to hate either girl while playing the game because they preferred the other. It's silly and yet it keeps happening and the thread is to discuss why that is and possibly vent over the frustration that it won't ever end.

Any topic on FF7 is old and a rehash. You think there's still stuff that hasn't been discussed?

However, there are NEW PEOPLE who want to discuss them, which makes the topic fresh.

You're entitled to your opinion, but you've been told before coming into a topic and just saying 'it's stupid' is spam.


Respectful comment, you cleared a few things up for me there.

I still have my opinion, and I hope you and others have took notice...however, I shall leave it for now, until I feel like I need to stress my point again..I won't spam... like Black Mage has been doing for 4 posts.
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Left, came banned...came back like a killed...resurrected....came back. Anyway back on subject peeps please!

Tifa was annoying because she was the obvious pick for cloud, ever since the promise he made for her..If Aeris was still alive she would be with cloud and have kids with him....

I posted that for the sake of the thread, don't bother debating that rubbish.


I believe you mean if Aerith was still alive Tifa would've been liked SEE YA CLOUD I FOUND SOMEONE BETTER and the two of them lived happily ever after~

Meanwhile Cloud has his left hand.

Oh come off the crack. Granted, Aeris saw Zack in Cloud, but she also perfectly knew that Cloud was Cloud and that she was attracted to him because of his familiar traits to Zack.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh come off the crack. Granted, Aeris saw Zack in Cloud, but she also perfectly knew that Cloud was Cloud and that she was attracted to him because of his familiar traits to Zack.
This proves Cloud loves her... how?

and... she was implying lesbians, not sure what you're going on about there.


Lesbians...give me a break, as nice as that would be for me and other men, That would not of happened, you're being silly now.

And Cloud loved her because she actually cared for him...more than Tifa ever did, he was her bodyguard, at that time, Cloud and Aeris were more connected as a pair, you could clearly see as a player that connections between the couple were far better than Tifa, who was trying so hard to be a divider, but failed.
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