I thoroughly agree with the aforementioned comments. The walking felt a little awkward at first, but I think it's more of a "pacing back and forth," and running around is a bit less clunky. I like how you can crouch, and snap to cover on the walls, and that the overall feel of the combat is really fluid like they showed, and the little cinematic cuts make it less monotonous than it would've been without it.
It makes me remember all the things that made me Batman when I was a kid. He's super smart in a Sherlock Holmes sort of way, and the detective mode gives you a really good feel of everything around you - heart rates, emotional status, etc. and lets you analyze your combat situations. You can drop, creep around, and move without a sound, and take down someone without being noticed. And when it comes down to it, he's got the sheer brawn to go toe to toe with just about anybody, and even when it comes to breaking grates to get into a vent, he uses his strength to open it, but he does so totally silently, rather than kicking them out across the room.
Either way - After watching the first 10 minutes (glad I did, so I got the full intro) and then playing the demo, I'm even more stoked about this game.