Chit Chat Thread

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Higher Further Faster
Who knows. My dad was a crew chief gunner, and him and his crew were randomly ordered to fly some unknown dude to some place in the jungle. He thinks they might have even crossed the border into another country. They set the guy down at some random camp, then flew back to their base and never heard anything about him ever again.


Great Old One
Well let's get better acquainted. I'm Atticus. Previously called Lone Valentine when I was interested in FF and just a new internet forum browser.
Sounds good. :monster: I'm A, and I joined here because I needed to promote my forum love Final Fantasy VII. :monster:

Good luck Nocturne! ^_^


Kissed by Fire
wow that's cool stuff. Its kind of like the stuff I was doin in China.

What's your dad do now?

@A: is that your forum in your sig?

@V: good night.


Higher Further Faster
wow that's cool stuff. Its kind of like the stuff I was doin in China.

What's your dad do now?

Ah I see.

And right now he's unfortunately unemployed. Shit economy is shit. Luckily I just got a job in a small general store. $9/hr but it's better than nothing. I'll be starting in a few weeks so my TLS postage will probably decrease.


Kissed by Fire
What time is it in Florida now? 2:42?

edit: ah that sucks. For doing top secret stuff he ought to have a real good job. How long has he been unemployed for? Do you pay the rent?


Higher Further Faster
edit: ah that sucks. For doing top secret stuff he ought to have a real good job. How long has he been unemployed for? Do you pay the rent?

Well I don't think what he did counts as being some high top secret thing. He was just a normal member of the army so far as official things are concerned. lol

And I'm currently living back home with my parents in a house that's paid off so no rent needed and no thread of foreclosure which we can be thankful for. :)


Kissed by Fire
that's good. so you're job pays the food and electrical bills then?

btw, what's advent children combined... that one just released in Japan?


Higher Further Faster
Well no. I haven't started yet and my parents do have money set aside in accounts that covers our basic needs such as those. :)

My brother also moved back home because my sister-in-law is a bitch, but I won't get into that. His job pays him very well so we all have each other in case things get really bad. :)


Pro Adventurer
hows everyone doing in here?

Anywho need some advice , leave my job at an arcade which pay kinda sucks since its more like a mom and pop place (but there super lineant on me using the pc at work :P) or leave it to work at a game stop where pays slightly better and the hours are stable yet ill be bored as fuck o.o


Higher Further Faster
hoshite 500 is right! lol

Also Atticus I will be working in a small gneral/grocery store. I'll be opening up in the mornings and working with venders to order stock and also keep the store stocked, etc. I also might have to supervise the younger summer help that works during the day. lol


Pro Adventurer
What's teh difference in pay?

a buck litterally , but i figure it will stack up since the hours will be more stable.
I currently only work when the boss needs someone around , which is often but just not often enough to keep a decent budget.


tenny herding the noobs at a job suuuucks, its a total frustration especially with the ones that dont pick up what needs to be done right away or who are just slackers.


Great Old One
Whoah, 500 pages already? I remember when this thread had like... only forty.

I feel like such an old person. T_T


Pro Adventurer
Can you work at both places?

Do you want to work at both places?

Well since its at a mall and the hours range from 9 to 9 it would be difficult and im sure i would probably get booted from the arcade if i couldnt help out as much due to already working elsewhere.
so yeah its kind of an either or , ive already applied for gamestop but still on the fence i really love working in an arcade theres not awhole lot to it , other then convincing my DDR obssessed friends i cant get them in for free :P

@ atti , i think theres a certain %off you can get on some games at gamestop so it would be ideal for my gaming needs lol. And the hours would probably be full time :)


Higher Further Faster
tenny herding the noobs at a job suuuucks, its a total frustration especially with the ones that dont pick up what needs to be done right away or who are just slackers.

Well it's a small place so there wouldn't be many. Plus the people that own the place are usually there during the day so if I have a lot of problems I can get assistance if need be. :)


Kissed by Fire
ooh I <3 ddr.

Well if you like the place you're at why not stay there? as long as it pays most the bills I guess...
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