Chit Chat Thread

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Higher Further Faster
It's because of ACC most likely. And I'm sure there will be more when it is finally released outside of Japan. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
A bit of both, I think. ACC definitely has drawn a lot of people to the site, but I think we've also passed the threshold where our Google pagerank is high enough to bring in a large number of new members on its own.


Great Old One
Oh yay, Kanga is back! :awesomonster:

And I'm going to Korea in May, and they sell a bunch of AC stuff there, so I hope I can get some ACC related stuff. :monster:

And new members are a lot. o_o

And hi guys. :)
I sense approaching a looooooooooooooooooooooong time of nothing but crickets in the great hall of the FFVII Compilation.

Been such a long time since we had recess. Guess it is alright with only minor news for a year or so :monster:


Great Old One
And an approaching of a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time of nothing but the LTD. :awesome:

Hi Shade :)

And also, I still haven't watched the damn movie.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, it'll probably be a while before a new game comes out, but that's okay. It seems like a lot was thrown at us in a short time. Better take a breather before we all become sick of it. XD


Great Old One

My mom just got one of those letters where people claim that they'll give you half of their money and all that - of course, my mom doesn't know that this has been going on for awhile so she thinks it's real. :wacky:


Great Old One
Yeah, I think my mom's a bit pissed off now. :awesome:

The letter reads something about someone dying so they want to but twelve million under her name - and that she'll get 30% of it. They even went so far into adding a phone number, e-mail address, and a website link to show "proof," that his relatives had died of a bomb in Iraq, lol.


Great Old One
And even more, it says that his Italian dead bro. shares the same as my mother's, which is an Asian surname - even more, in the letter, it says Miss -insert her name here-, when in the letter it says, "DEAR SIR."


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I get emails like that all that time from Punjabi's that are stationed in Britain because they wanna send me a billion pounds. :wacky:

Also, Ali's sig is full of win. :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Isn't the English version out yet, or something? I heard someone got a rip of that.


Great Old One
The amount of new members we have here is epic. :awesome: I've been saying hullo to new members over thirty times, I think.

And yes, the English version is out.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
The Cloti forum has a lot of new members too. :awesome:

FFVII will take a long time to die out. SE is too much in love with this title. :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I have (I think) the English version 720 downloading atm... but I need subtitles for OTWTAS: Denzel. ;_;


Great Old One
The Cloti forum has a lot of new members too. :awesome:
Yeah, very surprised with the amount of new members we have. ._. Though, the quickest time would have to be the first three days. It was like, thirty members within three days I think.

FFVII will take a long time to die out. SE is too much in love with this title. :monster:
Not to mention that the novellas and revised Ultimania hasn't come out yet. :monster:

I have (I think) the English version 720 downloading atm... but I need subtitles for OTWTAS: Denzel. ;_;
I think following the book helps. :)
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