It's a fine idea, imho. >D
Don't you DARE >=/
Well, "last night" (lulz), met up with some friends, who took me out barhopping in downtown Ft. Worth. I've so far had four VERY strong drinks, and come home with two of the shot glasses, and the best material gift I have ever gotten from anyone, ever. We had a LOT of fun, and there are a couple dozen pictures, half of which have me making RIDICULOUS faces xD
I've also found myself a girlfriend, which is the best gift I've ever gotten, period
Ed: Forgot what I was editing in.
Second ed: ORITE! AT midnight, though, I was taking a shot. Technically, it's not my birthday until half past three, though, and then I've the whole day ahead of me. Dunno what I'll be doing. Possibily hanging out with more friends, and getting all goony with Tiff