When Dirge makes you rage so much you want to punch a hole through the ground, you know it's time to stop. Seriously. My mind is snapping.
I have researched the variations of two scenes in Chapter 1. Because I number scenes according to the Event Viewer which doesn't include all the scenes, I label the omitted "inbetween" scenes as Scene-X-1, Scene-X-2 etc. The two scenes I researched are Scene-10-2 and Scene-10-4.
10-1: Vincent meets up with WRO soldier who can sell supplies, talk about the WRO and tell where the church is.
10-2: The saved WRO members in the caféteria alley (right path after 10-1) thank Vincent. If nobody is saved there is no cutscene.
10-3: Three WRO members and four civilians are grouped in a corner (left path after 10-1) and are then discovered by Deepground.
10-4: A WRO member or a civilian from scene 10-3 will thank Vincent for the rescue.
In regards to scene 10-2 there were no surprises. Each of the three soldiers has a pre-determined line and it is spoken if that soldier survives. Those who survive will speak. Simple as that.
Unlike the majority of scenes though, both 10-2 and 10-4 will have Vincent's model reflect his equipped gun and barrel. Normally the default model, no matter your equipment, will be to show Vincent with the Cerberus and Normal Barrel. Equipment such as scopes (blue accessory type) and crosses (the red accessory type) are not shown. In Ex Hard mode you will already have the Hydra in your inventory, so that weapon model can be seen in 10-2. For some reason though scene 10-4 can't show Vincent with the Hydra and will instead have Vincent's model with the Cerberus and Short Barrel.
If you trigger either cutscene while in Galian Beast form, Vincent's model will have the Cerberus and Short Barrel. So scene 10-2 and 10-4 have a lot of variations when it comes to which gun and barrel Vincent will be shown to have in both cutscenes.
With scene 10-4, the cutscene variations surrounding the saved WRO members and civilians become a little complicated. Here is my research.
I have researched the variations of two scenes in Chapter 1. Because I number scenes according to the Event Viewer which doesn't include all the scenes, I label the omitted "inbetween" scenes as Scene-X-1, Scene-X-2 etc. The two scenes I researched are Scene-10-2 and Scene-10-4.
10-1: Vincent meets up with WRO soldier who can sell supplies, talk about the WRO and tell where the church is.
10-2: The saved WRO members in the caféteria alley (right path after 10-1) thank Vincent. If nobody is saved there is no cutscene.
10-3: Three WRO members and four civilians are grouped in a corner (left path after 10-1) and are then discovered by Deepground.
10-4: A WRO member or a civilian from scene 10-3 will thank Vincent for the rescue.
In regards to scene 10-2 there were no surprises. Each of the three soldiers has a pre-determined line and it is spoken if that soldier survives. Those who survive will speak. Simple as that.

Unlike the majority of scenes though, both 10-2 and 10-4 will have Vincent's model reflect his equipped gun and barrel. Normally the default model, no matter your equipment, will be to show Vincent with the Cerberus and Normal Barrel. Equipment such as scopes (blue accessory type) and crosses (the red accessory type) are not shown. In Ex Hard mode you will already have the Hydra in your inventory, so that weapon model can be seen in 10-2. For some reason though scene 10-4 can't show Vincent with the Hydra and will instead have Vincent's model with the Cerberus and Short Barrel.
If you trigger either cutscene while in Galian Beast form, Vincent's model will have the Cerberus and Short Barrel. So scene 10-2 and 10-4 have a lot of variations when it comes to which gun and barrel Vincent will be shown to have in both cutscenes.
With scene 10-4, the cutscene variations surrounding the saved WRO members and civilians become a little complicated. Here is my research.
We have three WRO members and four civilians. No matter which WRO member survives, or if one, two or three survive, you get the same two lines with the same exact voice clip.
"WRO Member: Sir! Thank you for your support, sir!"
"WRO Member: And good luck."
This ignores that scene 10-3 allows us to hear three distinct voices for the WRO members. This situation is quite fortunate though because I have no way of distinguishing between the WRO members while they are fighting off Deepground.
If none of the WRO members survive, then a civilian survivor will speak. If two or more civilians survive, the NPC will have two lines.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
"And good luck."
If only one civilian survives, the NPC will only speak the first line.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
This implies that there exists a scenario where the WRO Member will only speak his first line. However, I simply can't control the game enough so that only one or more WRO members survive and no civilians. The DG units attack the WRO guys too eagerly for me to group the enemy with the civilians in time. Even if I manage to lure one or two DG soldiers to the civilians, the surviving WRO members will quickly shoot down those few enemies I have lured to kill civilians. Ergo, this implied scene 10-4 scenario of the WRO Member speaking only his first line is impossible for me to unlock and I can't be sure if it even exists.
Who among the civilian NPCs speak is determined by which of the survivors have "top priority" in the code. In the video below, from 0:24 and onwards, I show the civilian NPCs starting with the highest priority NPC to the lowest priority NPC. I also show that civilian as they speak both lines or only the first line (the latter which happens when they are the sole survivor).
With the final guy, the one with the brown-beige sweater, I can't unlock a variation where he also says "And good luck." because if any other civilian survives then he or she will be the one to speak. It is possible that a hidden scene exists where this NPC of lowest priority says "And good luck." but I can't confirm this without learning how to hack the game.
In short there are still some question marks surrounding scene 10-4 but I have unlocked all the scene variations that are available within reasonable parameters.
So what was that about my rage at the beginning of this post? Well I was trying to unlock the two final variations of the "only civilians survived" scenario. Strictly speaking unlocking these were not necessary because I had already proved the patterns but I wanted to unlock them for the sake of completion. First I forgot to record one specific variation...twice. Then I repeatedly failed to get the desired civilian kills/survivors. This is not like the Chapter 8 Scene 6 scene where I can easily manipulate what the friends and enemies will do. >___>
It feels good to finally know the structure behind the scene 10-4 variations. If we had a DC Ultimania I wouldn't have to figure this stuff out myself though.
"WRO Member: Sir! Thank you for your support, sir!"
"WRO Member: And good luck."
This ignores that scene 10-3 allows us to hear three distinct voices for the WRO members. This situation is quite fortunate though because I have no way of distinguishing between the WRO members while they are fighting off Deepground.
If none of the WRO members survive, then a civilian survivor will speak. If two or more civilians survive, the NPC will have two lines.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
"And good luck."
If only one civilian survives, the NPC will only speak the first line.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
This implies that there exists a scenario where the WRO Member will only speak his first line. However, I simply can't control the game enough so that only one or more WRO members survive and no civilians. The DG units attack the WRO guys too eagerly for me to group the enemy with the civilians in time. Even if I manage to lure one or two DG soldiers to the civilians, the surviving WRO members will quickly shoot down those few enemies I have lured to kill civilians. Ergo, this implied scene 10-4 scenario of the WRO Member speaking only his first line is impossible for me to unlock and I can't be sure if it even exists.
Who among the civilian NPCs speak is determined by which of the survivors have "top priority" in the code. In the video below, from 0:24 and onwards, I show the civilian NPCs starting with the highest priority NPC to the lowest priority NPC. I also show that civilian as they speak both lines or only the first line (the latter which happens when they are the sole survivor).
With the final guy, the one with the brown-beige sweater, I can't unlock a variation where he also says "And good luck." because if any other civilian survives then he or she will be the one to speak. It is possible that a hidden scene exists where this NPC of lowest priority says "And good luck." but I can't confirm this without learning how to hack the game.
In short there are still some question marks surrounding scene 10-4 but I have unlocked all the scene variations that are available within reasonable parameters.
So what was that about my rage at the beginning of this post? Well I was trying to unlock the two final variations of the "only civilians survived" scenario. Strictly speaking unlocking these were not necessary because I had already proved the patterns but I wanted to unlock them for the sake of completion. First I forgot to record one specific variation...twice. Then I repeatedly failed to get the desired civilian kills/survivors. This is not like the Chapter 8 Scene 6 scene where I can easily manipulate what the friends and enemies will do. >___>
It feels good to finally know the structure behind the scene 10-4 variations. If we had a DC Ultimania I wouldn't have to figure this stuff out myself though.