Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

Oh, that's all official art, isn't it? I might be able to get a clearer scan of the Before Crisis Tseng with long hair from my ultimania, but the others I've never seen before. I shall add them up when I do my update (hopefully soon since I have a few days off).
Oh, that's awesome.  Do you by any chance know anyway to view the BC trailer?


Have a Merry Tserith Christmas!  <3

Celes Chere

Merry Tserith Christmas! Teehee. That fanart is of course, lovely.

And those LO pics of Tseng are awesome. (Though I admit I like seeing Rod in the background. :duhard: )


Pro Adventurer
Do you by any chance know anyway to view the BC trailer?

Couldnt find it at youtube, ll try to upload it myself a lil later. (must.go.sleep.now zzz...)

(Though I admit I like seeing Rod in the background. :duhard: )

he`s pure yum! =D
I call him Teyron btw (because he looks Irish to me, lol =D and damn, its good to have an opportynity to name characters by yourself! 8)) loved his voice in LO too.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Well, I had joined Discreet Affections at acf shortly before it went down, so I see no reason why I shouldn't join this one.

I think Tseng would have been the perfect guy for Aerith to move on with. He obviously cared a lot about her.
Welcome back then!

I wonder if Tseng had ever planned on telling Aerith his feelings before Zack came into the picture. It seemed he was trying to hold his jealousy back and let his friend and her be happy... but if Zack and her hadn't met, I just wonder.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Thanks. ^^

I think Tseng would have told her eventually, but I think it would have taken him a while.


Pro Adventurer
Im a Zerith & Tselena shipper... but I believe that Tseng and Aerith had a chance =D

Before Crisis Trailer
Sorry guys, it took me so long to upload it. All blames goes to slow inet connection.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC9L15TDCko"]YouTube - Before Crisis Trailer[/ame]


Pro Adventurer
Sure 8)

Btw, this is a Tseng tribute I made awhile ago ^.^
Hope you dont mind me posting it here.
Posting stuff about Tseng and Aerith on their own is also really good for the club. The club is about Tseng and Aerith.

Message me if you want me to teach you how to make Crisis Core videos without those awful subtitles.


Aerina, Elle
A Tserith club? Oooh count me in. :D

Although i'm more of a Tselena , I love Tserith as well. It's just a shame that fanart etc is so hard to find for it *looks back through thread at fanart* :P

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Oh my, count me in. XDDD

I don't know why there is no fanfiction for this pair. I think they are cute~ 8D With all the stalking and stuff. LOL
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