Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

Celes Chere

Omg, that picture is GORGEOUS Brookie! I think I've seen that artist before, though. Do they have Zack and Aerith art too? :) I think that's how I know.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Count me in! They make such an interesting pair. Tseng is stoicism offset by Aerith's bright, lighthearted personality.





Celes Chere

Tseng became agitated as he couldn't get a grasp of the situation at hand and because of that he treated Aerith with an attitude of such pretense evil that even his subordinates turned cold towards him. He would always think of what to say to them.

This isn't pretense evil. To Aerith, Shinra itself is evil. That's why evil should act like evil—

* * *

I love this last bit. It really explains a lot, lol. Tseng is just amazing. I'm glad this came out, so I could dig into his emotions a bit more.

he still won't be able to lie to her.

Aww. <3
Me too. He's developed in the original game, even though he's only a minor villain you don't even fight, but it never seem enough. There was so much mystery... and yet... I never thought many other people were that interested.

Then CC comes out and it's all, "You know that minor character from that video game you like... well... now he's a main one! Have fun Balthea, love the guy up in the clouds"

Seriously... if any of you guys have a better explaination... :P
Found the nicest vid to revive the thread with.

No moar letting this thread die! Post Tserith love <33!
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Celes Chere

Lol. I posted there a few times, most of them speak English for me... probably so they don't have to see my bad Italian, LOL. Rosetta Stone has been helping though. xD

I love that even though there are few Tseris vids out there, the ones that are there are usually more awesome than most of the other pairings. xD

Celes Chere

Ashamed?! I really like your art style, you should start a thread here so that I can see more. :) Also, do you have DA? I totally want to add. :D
It's been a long time since I spoke Italian, but Google helped me understand some of those threads and it made me all "I want to discuss Tseng wanting to get revenge on Cloud for not protecting Aerith with you guys!!!" :P
Thane, are those your sketches? I love them.
I've been on these boards for almost a year and only just found this club. I love this totally crack pairing which was so nearly possible and in an AU could well happen. These two could actually make each other happy. He really does understand her. They say that in every relationship there's always one who loves more, and I think Tseng would always want to be the one who loves rather than the one loved.

Normally I promote other people's fanfiction, not my own, but in this case may I humbly suggest that you might enjoy reading:


It's a mammoth novelisation of BC and CC combined, and it's a WIP. Because it's handling so many plot threads, it takes a while to get round to Tseng and Aerith, but it does go into their whole backstory in some detail. There's also Zack/Aerith, Zack/Cissnei, and Reno/Cissnei. If you give it a try, please let me know if you like it.
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