Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith


Discreet Affections, the TsengxAerith club.​

Tseng and Aerith's relationship is complicated throughout the compilation, and very little is ever explained. Tseng is in love with Aerith, and though he kidnaps her, she still cares about him. She goes as far as to say he's one of the only people in the world who really knows her.

This club is for fans of the pairing and the characters. Whether you want to share fanart, or discuss their relationship as it appears in the compilation, all is acceptable and encouraged.
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Higher Further Faster
Ah, finally, another club. I was wondering when and if you would make this. :)

Count me in. I find the very idea of it intriguing, as you well know. :)


Ooooh, I'm in. I like the idea. What with her reaction of his "death" in the Temple of the Ancients, I think she must've held some sort of affection for him.

Plus... it's just sexy :monster:
Yes and yes.

So, to start some discussion, what does everyone think of her reaction in the Temple?

Aerith: ...Tseng's with our enemy, the Turks, but I've known him since we were little... There's not a lot of people I can say that about. In fact, there are probably only a handful of people in the world who really know me.
She says this right in front of the party and well... I always took it to imply Tseng knows her better than even they do, perhaps because it seems like an awkward thing to say if the group you were with falls in the "handful" category.


Higher Further Faster
Did she say, "Since we were little," or, "Since I was little?" Because wasn't Tseng already a Turk in that flashback scene during Elmyra's story? (which makes me wonder just how old he is lol)
That's the way it appears in the game, but she's meant to say, "Since I was little." because yes, he is already a Turk when she's still a little girl.


[quote author=Balthea link=topic=145.msg2604#msg2604 date=1229624874]
That's the way it appears in the game, but she's meant to say, "Since I was little." because yes, he is already a Turk when she's still a little girl.

I always had a thing for the way older guy/much younger girl thing.

I always got the impression that Aeris sort of knew about Tseng's feelings, so she could never really bring herself to really hate him, even when he did kidnap her. Tseng obviously loved her very much, but because of his dedication to his job/promise to Zack he never quite made a move.

Plus, if I were Aeris and a really hot older guy that kept hanging around, I'd feel a little something, you know? :monster:
I always had a thing for the way older guy/much younger girl thing.
This :monster:

And I think loving someone so much that you can literally watch them be happy with someone else and deal with it... it shows he's a very strong man. He's watched this girl her whole life, fallen in love, and then watches as this young handsome guy "falls" into her life and she falls for him almost instantly. You never know, Tseng could have been watching their entire first date. It's obvious that he's the one who watches her the most, probably cause he's the boss now and can tell the others to go do something else. ;)

I still feel like she was oblivious to his feelings, because if she's in your party in the caves, he tells her to take care and she thinks it's weird coming from him. So I took her lines at the end when he's "dying" to be like, "he probably never cared, but I still cared."

Also, fangirl view of the game, before the whole Zack stuff was made clear, I thought there was something extremely romantic about them both "dying" within a short time frame by being stabbed by Sephiroth. Well, I still do think this a bit. Cause I'm weird awesome. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Damn you SE for bringing him back from the dead! It could have been really meaningful! lol XD

But now I hear that the Japanese version makes Tseng's death a bit more ambiguous instead of having the finality that the English version did.
Elena's line is the key. In the English it sounds like she's saying she thinks the party killed him, and in the Japanese it's more like she thinks they beat him up. So, he must still be knocked out/hospitalized at that point if he hasn't told anyone what happened yet.

It hurt even more that they kind of "brought him back" and then he did nothing in the movie. I get Reno and Rude are popular, but him also not appearing in DoC makes me extremely curious to his current situation.

Like... is he still in love with Aerith or if he moving on with a hopefully matured Elena? There's more to his character than that, but for this thread's sake that's a question I do want answered.


Balthea said:
I still feel like she was oblivious to his feelings, because if she's in your party in the caves, he tells her to take care and she thinks it's weird coming from him. So I took her lines at the end when he's "dying" to be like, "he probably never cared, but I still cared."

Hmm, that actually makes sense too, actually. Alot of the lines concerning Tseng and Aeris have escaped me, unfortunately.

Balthea said:
Like... is he still in love with Aerith or if he moving on with a hopefully matured Elena? There's more to his character than that, but for this thread's sake that's a question I do want answered.

From what I recall, the last we hear on that matter is in FF7, when he asks her out for dinner. I never thought too much about Tseng/Elena much myself, it's ok. But that maybe because I'm a little partial to Reno/Elene for some... reason :monster:

Hopefully, with ACC coming out, we'll hear more from Tseng with the Case of the Turks. If Square made sense, they'd elaborate on what the heck Tseng and Elena were doing for the majority of the movie/events leading up to it.
Agreed, like HOW did Vincent rescue them, etc.

Tseng asks her out to dinner, but it's not random or out of the blue. They are talking about their mission, and for once Elena is acting like a Turk. She shows concern and asks him to be careful, in which he replies with asking her if she wants to go out to dinner. Elena goes a little fangirl and walks away, while Tseng shakes his head. I've never quite understood whether he's shaking his head because of her, or the current situation with Sephiroth.

I think he's asking her out though because no one probably ever really cares about him or tells him to be careful, etc. My interpretation is that he was a littlegratefuland wanted to return the kindness by asking her to dinner. I also see this as the same way Zack asks Cissnei or Cloud to dinner.

Plus, I think if we are suppose to see Tseng and Elena as together now, or if he had feelings for her, that they would have been mentioned somewhere like this ultimania profile, which only talks about Aerith.

Celes Chere

Count me in, of course. Tserith is totally adorable/sexy. ;D

I think TsengxElena is kinda cute, but as for it being an official deal... I'm not so sure about that one. Tseng just asking Elena out to dinner isn't enough to really tell. Besides, I always took it as an attempt to move on that failed, lol.


Tseng/Elena never was very prominent. Especially since it doesn't even mention it in his Ultimania page. Tseng/Elena to me is like House/Cameron from House, if anyone watches it. It's sort of a crush bread from respect/admiration - she'll always have feelings, but shell eventually move on. I dunno, maybe decent fanfic/fanart could change my opinion on this :monster:

Plus, Tsebg's love for Aeris was a pretty big aspect to his character, Elena seemed a little reboundish. Plus, after she died he probably had alot to think about. I always wondered what his reaction would be like - knowing him, he'd tear up on the inside while on the surface he'll keep cool.
[quote author=looneymoon link=topic=145.msg3182#msg3182 date=1229847189]
Plus, Tsebg's love for Aeris was a pretty big aspect to his character, Elena seemed a little reboundish. Plus, after she died he probably had alot to think about. I always wondered what his reaction would be like - knowing him, he'd tear up on the inside while on the surface he'll keep cool.

I've wondered as well. He was in the hospital at the time, but if he hadn't he might have been still chasing Sephiroth and her... probably has a lot of regrets.

Elena's feelings seemed like a crush thing to me. She admired him for being so mature and whatnot, but is that the kind of man a girl like her would get along with?


Balth, you made a club for my secret otp~~~! *joins up* I was in love with Tserith even in the original game. My first (and only) Aerith fanfic was devoted to her and Tseng.

I never really took his relationship with Elena seriously. The only time he asked her out on a date seemed more because she'd been bugging him for one than genuine interest. I think his heart was always with Aerith. I would have loved to see more of how he'd met her, but he's such a minor character that we'll never get more than the few hints from Crisis Core.

As I said, I was a Tserith fan from the original game too.  Tseng was just really awesome, Aerith was sweet, and then SE gave them a connection that made me go all, "Awwwwwwwww!"  XD

Well, there's two possibilities of when he first met her.  One would be when she's a test subject in Shinra for those seven years, though why a Turk would be needed is questionable, or he met her during that flashback where he's trying to bring her back.

I don't think Elena had been bugging Tseng for a date or anything like that.  Personally, I thought he didn't even know about her feelings.  I do think it is rather sweet that she tells him to be careful, and then he thinks for a moment and asks her to dinner after.  It's also meant to make you a little sad because at this point you already know he's a goner, and that she won't be getting that dinner anytime soon.

Back on Tserith, would we ever get to read this fanfic?  I used to have a bigger collection of Tserith stuff (and a fansite), but I gave that up.  Perhaps we'll makes a photobucket and fanfiction collection for the club.

Since I've only posted one fanart, here's some of my favourites:





Higher Further Faster
Those are really nice. The third one is adorable. First one is my favorite, though. It has a rather epic feel to it. :)
Oh yes, it's so pretty and has some neat ideas about their relationship. Tselena shippers are welcome because I like to hear their side of things, as you can see, we were having discussions on them too.

I'll be adding more information soon (and possibly redoing the layout again... I'm not sure about it.  It's probably the sixth or seventh layout I've done now, hehe).

Oh, by the way, Tennyo, do you still have that coloured Tserith drawing I commissioned from you?  I don't think I have a copy anymore.  *sadface*
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Higher Further Faster
I was wondering why you weren't using my colored version! lol

I have a copy somewhere. I'll have to plug in my external drive *is lazy atm*.

But here's one of my screenshot WIPs:



Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Balthea link=topic=145.msg3487#msg3487 date=1229984991]
Oh yes, it's so pretty and has some neat ideas about their relationship. Tselena shippers are welcome because I like to hear their side of things, as you can see, we were having discussions on them too.

If Tseng's your favourite character ever like mine, might want to visit my fansite http://tseng.amoretta.nu

I'll be adding more information soon (and possibly redoing the layout again... I'm not sure about it.  It's probably the sixth or seventh layout I've done now, hehe).[/quote]

Im a huge fan of her other manga `Sink` (as well as the fanfic).

Havnt read the discussion yet.
I hold a strong hope that if SE `ll remade FFVII there would be more of his story. His relationship with Aerith seems to be very intriguing, but I really like Elena more for him.

And I already visited your site! LOVED it! You`re doing a great job <3 Tseng def needs more love and attention (*still feels angry at SE for not showing CG Tseng in CC >:( *)


Oh man, when reading that comic I never expected each panel to be so detailed o_O Damn, hats off to the artist. Very sweet story aswell.

Balthea, I'm slowly looking through your site. Good to see there's such a detailed Tseng fansite, I'd never actually come acress any before :monster:


Wow, so much Tserith love. <3 The fanart and the manga are great. I'll have to dig through my collection to bring up some Tserith for us too. <3

Balth, your site is lovely. So detailed. <3 Thank you for sharing it. (And unfortunately, my fanfic is long since lost to a computer crash, but it was very poorly written anyway, so that's probably a blessing. XD)

Thanks. It's why I made it. Tseng needs more love and a place for information about him like his ultimania page (had to bug my brother for a month to translate that). XP

I also wanted to make sure the information was as unbiased as possible. Obviously it's my own retelling, it's going to be my perspective, but I still tried anyways (cause I could have said "Aerith totally digs Tseng too and they would have been going out if it weren't for that pesky Zack" XP)

I'll be adding Tseng's side story from BC, and a scan of his 20th anniv ultimania page soon.

Awww, sorry to hear that fainessae. I will share some of my favourites when I get the chance.

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