Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Well the load times are horrible. So very slow. I decided to take an hour out of my time and just do the data install. That is how bad it is.

I will say one thing after actually being able to see this on something other than youtube I have to say that the FMVs are a lot more shiny.

Also I haven't checked yet (installing the damn game) but is Feral Chaos able to be fought later in the game? I'm assuming so...it would take forever to beat the damn thing without leveling up.


Pro Adventurer
Keith David is always awesome

I met him once (long story short, HS English class went to see a play at the NYC Public Theater, the play was Othello, and Keith David was in it as Othello.... oh and Liev Schreiber was in it too as Iago...... in fact here's an article on it. So yeah, I seemed to be the only one who knew of his voice acting work, and after the play, he was up in the balcony area talking to I think his agent... well, I walked over, noted how wonderful his performance was, and how I loved his work in Gargoyles. He asked me my name, and he said "Hey, my name is David too!", and so I handed him a piece of paper for him to sign). Have I that autograph somewhere....

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I met him once (long story short, HS English class went to see a play at the NYC Public Theater, the play was Othello, and Keith David was in it as Othello.... oh and Liev Schreiber was in it too as Iago...... in fact here's an article on it. So yeah, I seemed to be the only one who knew of his voice acting work, and after the play, he was up in the balcony area talking to I think his agent... well, I walked over, noted how wonderful his performance was, and how I loved his work in Gargoyles. He asked me my name, and he said "Hey, my name is David too!", and so I handed him a piece of paper for him to sign). Have I that autograph somewhere....

That's fucking awesome.


AI Researcher
Also, RLC may have done a lame job, but it's Ali Hillis who gave us these two gems.

I don't really see what's too bad about 'Ruinga', honestly.

But that 'Thundaga'. Yeah. What was going on there.

Well the load times are horrible. So very slow. I decided to take an hour out of my time and just do the data install. That is how bad it is.
When weren't they, even with the data install? It's nice to see that in the midst of making what is basically an expansion pack for the original Dissidia, they didn't bother fixing the trivial stuff like load times :awesome:

Not that I'd know myself, since I'm still waiting for my copy which was supposed to have shipped on the 4th to actually arrive :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Steve Burton is a terrible Cloud and I don't care that you all love him. If I can't imagine him saying "Let's Mosey" he should gtfo of Cloud.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Steve Burton is a terrible Cloud and I don't care that you all love him. If I can't imagine him saying "Let's Mosey" he should gtfo of Cloud.

I just gotten used to him as the English speaking Cloud. I do not like particularly like him as Cloud.

I don't really see what's too bad about 'Ruinga', honestly.

But that 'Thundaga'. Yeah. What was going on there.

Maybe that's how it's supposed to be said?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Because it was from the Turks' point of view, Dacon. Gawd.

...whoops, wrong cop-out, sorry.
OMG I love you XD

Keith David is always awesome

Like I said before, I don't agree with Dacon often but when he's right, he's right ^_^

Also watching Cloud's death makes me sad for two things. 1. That Tifa dies... 2. That horrible acting D:


Double Growth
I don't care that you all love him

Who all loves him? I'm pretty sure I'm in the distinct minority on that one.

As for Lightning's spell casting, it sounds like they tried to stick to the Japanese pronunciations. That's how they pronounce "Ruinga" and doesn't sound that awful. And moving the emphasis off of "ThunDAga" to "THUNdaga" sounds like that's what they were trying to do there, too. Still sounds mighty strange though (and isn't quite right anyway). But I pin that on directing, not Hillis.

I just started playing my copy, beat the first 2 chapters so far. At least Lightning acknowledges Tifa's strength (specifying that "it's the other two [Vaan and Laguna] I'm worried about.") I'm also enjoying the greater variety of music.
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Pro Adventurer
So anyone want to upload their DLC files, so I can try to extract the models and all that good stuff? I mean, I can't use them with my own game (one of the drawbacks of being on CFW... or at least until that is 'cracked'). :whistle:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Nope, 012 pretty much confirms the Dissidia series is canon to the main timeline somehow - Yuna makes explicit reference to her travels with Tidus, Gilgamesh refers to his travels to other worlds, and Kuja and Zidane are (initially) on friendly terms like the end of FFIX. The original game toyed with this, but 012 pretty much confirms it.

Canon and Alternate Timeline are NOT Mutually exclusive. FFT is a prime example.

Its one of those things that if, no one retains their memories of the events, does it matter if its canon? (Again, with the exception of Garland, Chaos, and maybe Warrior of Light.)

Actually, I think Garland is the Maybe, at least until his rebirth and apotheosis.

Cloud's appearance in FFTactics, for instance. Tactics seems to make it fairly clear that Cloud is pulled from FF7's world while OD-ed on Lifestream, or thereabouts. So is it canon that he went there? Who knows, but would it matter if it were?

Yes, and No, in that order.
Glorious Bifurcating Timelines.
Ooh, now that's another interesting timeline idea- Cloud comes back from Ivalice... doesn't come back alone.


unsavory tart
The idea of Dissidia being canon makes me weep for the franchise.

Also, I hate how fucking hard it is to use Tifa. But I am stubborn and a fantard and I will main her arrrggggggggggggg


Save your valediction (she/her)
The idea of Dissidia being canon makes me weep for the franchise.

AGREED. I don't understand how wiping everyone's memories makes this okay. There were thirteen wars. Every one of those characters has suddenly aged a year at least, even if they're transported back to the moment they left. Who was their barber in Dissidia-land, so that they wouldn't notice an extra five feet of hair upon their return?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well considering the heroes have died several times again and again, and even villains who're supposed to be dead are a live and kicking...

I doubt such a thing as age and the like will matter in terms of a goddess sending them back home intact, in terms of how they were before the clusterfuck ever began.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Also, Cloud managed to sit in a tank for 4 straight years without his hair ever growing. Perhaps Final Fantasy characters suffer from the Saiyan problem regarding hair changes :monster:


Yeah, Zack carried Cloud around for a year and apparantly didn't notice he went from 16 to 20 and nobody knows Cloud's body like Zack.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Its one of those things that if, no one retains their memories of the events, does it matter if its canon? (Again, with the exception of Garland, Chaos, and maybe Warrior of Light.)

Well, we haven't been given reason to think that they don't retain their memories after cycle 013, have we? Heck, for all we know, Laguna, Lightning and the other fallen warriors retain theirs as well.

Cloud's appearance in FFTactics, for instance. Tactics seems to make it fairly clear that Cloud is pulled from FF7's world while OD-ed on Lifestream, or thereabouts. So is it canon that he went there? Who knows, but would it matter if it were?

Force doesn't read my articles and that makes me a sad panda bear. =(

Who all loves him? I'm pretty sure I'm in the distinct minority on that one.

::raises hand::


Double Growth
I read your article, Tres, don't worry :) It was very good. I was just making a point that, in terms of FF7, it's not all that important. Just a cool little twist that can be fun to think about. (And how long did Cloud stay in Ivalice anyway? Or was it a double of him that was created?)

Ariadne said:
::raises hand::
:glomp: So that makes...two. :monster:

Anyway, I'm 5 chapters in now, and I have to say, it is still a lot of fun to play. I've just done the story so far and have played Lightning, Vaan, Laguna, and Yuna. They're all pretty fun to play so far. Vaan and Laguna learn a lot of moves for Dissidia characters for you to decide between. (Whereas Yuna doesn't learn all that many.) Vaan's weapon-changing gives him a lot of variety and is very fun to play. Laguna's a bit tough, as he's long range, but not THAT long range, can be tough to find his sweet spot. Yuna could use a bit more moves, as I said, but she's good at racking up Bravery (her starting midair attack (Shiva) is really hard to hit with.

Laguna's voice is also very good and the final cutscene in his chapter was great. :) Also, it was almost strange to finally
hear Yuna say "Tidus." It surprised me how jarring it was, that we have never heard her say it before.
And I think the next chapter is Lightning like the first chapter and I know people are upset by Lightning's prominence, but I think the character I have seen the most of is definitely Kefka. He's shown up in several cutscenes so far, while I haven't seen Lightning since that first chapter. And Kefka is, naturally, awesome.

The report cutscenes, while maybe not the most intuitive thing in the world, does make the reports interesting. With cutscenes with Cloud, Kuja, and Kefka, and getting to play some story battles as villains, etc. Anyway, disjointed thoughts I know. But I'm having fun so far, even though the story isn't enthralling or anything.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Haven't gotten very far, only in the first chapter, since I had to fully recharge my PSP before I could update my PSP and then Data Install Dissidia. I did the full NG+, so I have a good bevy of l100 nearly mastered characters I can run around with completely naked.

I like that Rosetta Stones are easier to get now, as are battlegens (Of course, when I'm being a jackass and battlegenning them by boosting LCK to 100 and smacking L1 chars for 1 or 2 AP to master a couple abilities, the hardest part is keeping the chars alive to gen from)

Thus far, I've tried out Lit, Tif, and three of my old mains- Cloud, Firi, and Cecil. In short, I like the inclusion of a second non counter ground HP move for Firi. Cloud seems mostly unchanged, and Cecil seems quicker in general than before.

Lightning reminds me of Cecil's EX form, with the skill cycling. Her HP moves are a bit dull ATM, though at least her ground one has good seek.
Tifa's Feints are fun. They can screw up AI dodges and blocks if you hit them right.
Her extreme close range is offset by the fact that nearly every attack she has will wall rush, evade, etc.

Oh, and Gabby is still the beatdown monkey for XP grinding.

Addendum: Oh, right- Do KP transfer over between chapters? I'm going to farm chapter 1 for KP and rosetta stones anyways, but I just need to know if I need to buy before ending or if I can stockpile.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
:glomp: So that makes...two. :monster:

Three :monster:

I have only gotten through Chapter 1 also, but I really like it so far. I've played as Lightning (obv) and Kuja. An interesting thing about this game that I hadn't heard about beforehand was that you get reports after each chapter (?). Within the reports, you can view cutscenes, and certain cutscenes you can engage in a series of 3 battles.

@Ryu - I would assume KP transfers over, as it's used in the shop system.


Double Growth
Yes it transfers.

And yeah, that Kuja battle was driving me insane last night. I'm not very good with Kuja anyway, so to have to fight Bartz, Squall, and Zidane in a row (with health and such carrying over from battle to battle) with a Level 1 Kuja was maddening.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Did you not use Kuja much in the original game? I didn't check my levels or anything (I transferred my info over), but I had much more bravery than my opponents. I was able to get them in one or two hits. The problem was actually landing hits, which is a pain if you can't get it just in the right spot. :/

But I agree with Tres that Kuja's little story (or at least what little I've seen of it so far) is interesting.
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