The Wanderer of Time
Rinoa went up a few cupsizes.
Rinoa went up a few cupsizes.
Sephiroth, Ultimecia and Emperor Fusion HA!
Seriously. LOL.
Not even when I'm only focusing on Tifa ...
I'm woefully under-equipped. I think I'm just not getting a grasp on the rpg elements (ironically because I suck at fighting games and is decent at rpging), I just can never afford anything, and don't know how to get the better items. Not even when I'm only focusing on Tifa so I don't need to get other equipment.
I have to play most of my matches with her on official skill rules because she's a level 95 with early level 30 equipment.
Today I made it to Feral Chaos lvl.95. Yes, I'll admit I can't beat that guy. Not even close to it. Not even with RPG mode. What? It's the truth! I lack items, good summoning planning, and such, but the way he kills me is just... I don't know how I'll get to beat that, and just thinking of the lvl120... makes me shiver.
I must be herp derping because I don't understand any of this ghost business.There is seriously no reason at all for nobody to share their friend cards and shit with Dissidia 012.
What's the problem? Is it too hard, do your ghosts suck ass, or what? Quit playing with yourselves, bashing manikins up, and actually interact with the community that the game is supposed to promote
If you have fucking time to debate whether or not Cloud's crystal is the goddamn Holy materia or not, you can upload your friend card. Do it.
I'm still amazed I got him halfish dead in the joke fight at the start of the game.
I must be herp derping because I don't understand any of this ghost business.