Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Awww, Yua should've had a costume like her father, then she'd have a crazy hat thing. Still, nice.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Vaan's DLC.


What the hell is this? Welp, Vaan's short stint of dignity didn't last long. I mean, I know he's a "sky pirate" BUT HE'S NOT A PIRATE. /facepalm

As for Yuna's, her gunner outfit should have been included in the game ;.; I really want this outfit, but if it's included in a bundle with other things that I don't want, I don't see myself spending the money. I'm loathe to spend money on outfits anyway.


unsavory tart
Have these even been announced anywhere but Japan? I think the only dlc we got was helmetless WoL, not counting preordering dlc.

I'm hoping what the Western market is doing is just letting Squeenix spit as much stuff out, then bundle it all up and then sell it.


The Wanderer of Time
Hilarious comic hidden under spoiler. I know people will object to the actual message - shut up and enjoy the lulz. :p



8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i for one think there should be a pirate version of every character in final fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Complete artwork of Vaan the Pirate


In-game model


Yes, I'm lazy.

i for one think there should be a pirate version of every character in final fantasy

Actually when I saw this I thought the same thing. I mean, there's Kuja and now Vaan. I wonder... how a Pirate Sephiroth would be? His trusty masamune would transform into a Masamune Pirate Cannon of Manhood Compensation™, of that I'm sure.

You know what we really need? A Boco outfit for Bartz. Forget Dancer Bartz, Chocobo Bartz would be the real, most epic and badass outfit. I don't know how that would even work, but if they transformed Kuja and Vaan into pirates then of course they can put Bartz into a Chocobo disguise.


unsavory tart
Apparently some of the dlc is coming to the EU. Basically Kuja, Zidane, Sephiroth, and Laguna, along with music packages.

They all are priced around £0.59-.79
WTF are you gonna do with two bitches in diamond anyway? Use them as lawn decoration?
What are you saying Dacon?

Diamond lesbians are the best kind of lesbians.

Elisa Maza


(That’s right, Tetsuya Nomura and Mitsunori Takahasi talking about DDFF!)

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As always feel free to swipe/use these scans anywhere you want. I am unable to provide translations myself due to kanji hating me but if you feel brave enough to take a stab at this then you have my deepest respect.

Oh and as an added bonus from the secrets section, it came to my attention that everyone was hearing random characters performing a title drop whenever they turned on 012. Turns out that this happens in the Japanese version too! On a specific day you’ll hear a certain character say “Square Enix” and “Dissidia Duodecim” when you load the game. Now it turns out that the Ultimania has a chart on this but what I don’t know is whether the dates given are for the actual date on the calendar or the number of days since you last played. (Why yes, being illiterate does annoy me) Anyone with info as to what the specifics are, could you please notify me so I can go back and edit this?

For a better look

All 30 playable characters as well as Cosmos, Chaos and Aerith are on this chart. However certain characters seem to come with very specific requirements in order to appear.

NOTE: I do not know if the dates provided match up with the NA/EU versions. If you’ve noticed a pattern with these voices, please feel free to share in the comments so we can work this out.

Again, credits go to toffeethesnob.

I wish someone could translate this...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I wish someone could translate this...

As you wish. =)

As previously predicted, the designated title calls are based on the days of the month.

[EDIT: I'm thinking about frontpaging this info. Should I?]

Days each character performs their title call
*Regardless of month
Lightning: 13th
Vaan: 12th
Laguna: 18th
Yuna: 20th
Kain: 14th
Tifa: 17th
Warrior of Light: 1st
Firion: 2nd
Onion Knight: 3rd
Cecil: 4th
Bartz: 5th
Terra: 6th
Cloud: 7th
Squall: 8th
Zidane: 9th
Tidus: 10th
Garland: 21st and 31st
Emperor: 22nd
Cloud of Darkness: 23rd
Golbez: 24th
Exdeath: 15th and 25th
Kefka: 16th and 26th
Sephiroth: 27th
Ultimecia: 28th
Kuja: 19th and 29th
Jecht: 30th
Shantotto: 11th
Gabranth: 12th (midnight hour; noon hour; 12th minute of every hour)
Prishe(*1): 11th (11th hour; 23rd hour; 11th minute of every hour)
Gilgamesh (*1): 15th
Chaos(*2): Every minute (5% probability)
Cosmos: After loading save data on your Special Day
Great Will(*3): 1st (1st hour; 13th hour; 1st minute of every hour)*4
Aerith(*5): 7th, 17th, 27th (7th hour; 19th hour; 7th minute of every hour)

*1: These characters will sound off once they're available
*2: Will sound off once Feral Chaos is available
*3: After cycle 013 is cleared
*4: May also sound off at startup after cycle 013 is cleared the first time
*5: Must be selectable as an Assist Character
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Even though I was referring to the interview... Thank you muchly! :3 :glomp:

You is welcome. :monster:

I won't be attempting any interviews at least until after I've finished transcribing the game. And if I do one, I'm honestly more interested in the one with Akiko Ishibashi (Event Planning Director and Scenario Writer).

We'll see what happens, though.

I say go for it. :salute:

And so it is. :monster:

-Update on the Dissidia 012 script-
prologus: done
Cycle 012: done
Cycle 013: Chapters 9 and 10 to be done; Epilogue to be done
000: half done
Reports: done
Museum: long way to go

It's actually coming along nicely. YouTube user Naeryu is recording the whole game. He's gotten up to the 000 story mode and has done a lot of it. He's also agreed to record all the Museum profiles once done with 000.

By the way, here's some character mods you guys may find interesting if you haven't already seen them:

Rinoa (a Tifa mod)

Celes (a Terra mod) and Setzer (Sephiroth mod)

Not bad.

I expect this is as close as we'll get to seeing these. Though I wish the Celes mod had been done with her sprite outfit. That's what I think of when I think of Celes.

For that matter, that's what I think of when I think of Terra too, to be honest. At least circa-World of Ruin, I think it suits her better.
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