Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Maybe this is why he commits suicide? Because he defeats Cloud and realizes that without this rivalry he has no purpose in life (while Cloud, on the contrast, has a life to live outside Sephiroth) and he commits suicide upon realizing this?

I think Sephiroth commited suicide in order to find out the truth behind the Dissidia cycle.


Double Growth
I was really hoping to see Sephioth defeat Cloud for once, see how he reacts to winning for once in his godforsaken life, but I guess it's not meant to be.

I think we'll get to see that. At least I hope so.

I want to see each villain defeat/kill his respective counterpart in glorious CG. :monster:

Seriously. Especially now that the first game is included they don't have to be afraid of a downer ending, so this had better happen.
Well, I dunno if the CG bit will, but yeah.

Speaking of, I asked before but I dunno if there was an answer, that scene in the trailer that will be Gilgamesh's reveal, does that mean we'll be getting FMVs within the game apart from the intro and ending?


Seriously. Especially now that the first game is included they don't have to be afraid of a downer ending, so this had better happen.
Well, I dunno if the CG bit will, but yeah.

Speaking of, I asked before but I dunno if there was an answer, that scene in the trailer that will be Gilgamesh's reveal, does that mean we'll be getting FMVs within the game apart from the intro and ending?

I despite what has been said, don't thnk Prische and Gilgamesh will be in the main story and that is simply the introduction to their sidequest. Could be wrong though.
Speaking of, I asked before but I dunno if there was an answer, that scene in the trailer that will be Gilgamesh's reveal, does that mean we'll be getting FMVs within the game apart from the intro and ending?
I certainly hope so. I think that FMVs are worth the disc space especially if they help strengthen the impact of a scene. Even if they don't at least the FMVs are gorgeous. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer

The big revelation in the article is that Prishe will be voiced by Aya Hirano, a prolific voice actress with numerous anime and games to her credit (including Hana from the Yakuza series and Kanonno from Tales of the World).

The magazine doesn't seem to say much about the character in the way of gameplay details, only noting that she uses a fighter style. For a more in-depth look, we'll probably have to wait for Famitsu (which usually trails Jump by about a week for Dissidia coverage).

Also in Jump, a look at Vaan's Third Form, which is themed around the character's Final Fantasy Tactics A2 look, and gives him a bowgun for use in battle.

The magazine also reveals that the April issue of sister monthly publication V Jump (due for release on February 21) will have a huge feature on Duodecim. The magazine will include a product code for a costume of some form for Final Fantasy VIII's Squall.


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Also in Jump, a look at Vaan's Third Form, which is themed around the character's Final Fantasy Tactics A2 look, and gives him a bowgun for use in battle.

Well, that's pretty cool.

roku said:
The magazine also reveals that the April issue of sister monthly publication V Jump (due for release on February 21) will have a huge feature on Duodecim. The magazine will include a product code for a costume of some form for Final Fantasy VIII's Squall.

SeeDcadetuniformSeeDcadetuniformSeeDcadetuniform comeonSeeDcadetuniform

Alex Strife

Aya?! Seriously?! *dies*

Nice, I thought Aya wa done with VA work though.

As far as I know, she's still working on it. It's just that she doesn't want that to be her ONLY work. (For example, she's an important secondary character in Kimi ni Todoke).

I already wanted the Japanese VA to be included in the game, but now... Aya Hirano in a Final Fantasy game... that is too crazy to miss.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Impressive. Haruhi voices Prische. But I don't care for XI :B this is good news though.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Wait. Aya Hirano? The idol that made scores of nerds rage and cry because she talked about her private life?


Elisa Maza

-_- Seeing that this is how she is knows as makes me sad. She's a very good VA, despite what the crazies said when she said she prefers older men.

Also, question from someone who hasn't played FFXI: Is that Prische (?) a good character personality-wise, or is she there just for the eyesore?


Double Growth
Sorry if I'm behind, but I only just looked at Amazon. Is it really gonna be $29.99 all the way up to release? PSP games are normally $40, aren't they? How...unlike them to not price gouge. I know I big chunk of the game is Dissidia 1, but I wouldn't expect them to normally care about that.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Sorry if I'm behind, but I only just looked at Amazon. Is it really gonna be $29.99 all the way up to release? PSP games are normally $40, aren't they? How...unlike them to not price gouge. I know I big chunk of the game is Dissidia 1, but I wouldn't expect them to normally care about that.

I noticed this as well, and I was surprised. FFIV on PSP is also $30.


Double Growth
Yeah, that makes sense though because its just a port. Apparently 3rd Birthday is also $30. But Tactics Ogre is $40. What's going on?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I don't really know anything about this kind of stuff - do you think it has anything to do with the announcement of NGP?


3rd Birthday and Duodecim's got a lotta DLC though right?

For Dissidia, I think the only DLC is costumes and junk. Nothing significant enough to determine game price.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Pretty sure they lowered the price for the game since they will be charging for DLC. The majority of games/companies will lower the price if they are expecting/hoping that you will buy their ridiculously overpriced dlc content. The same is true with this. I also think the fact they are including the first game is part of the reason for the price drop.

Considering the NGP is going to fail in epic proportions I doubt it has much to do with the price drop.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wait. Aya Hirano? The idol that made scores of nerds rage and cry because she talked about her private life?


My penis just jumped into my crotch at that annoucncement. Ugh.....

Crazy, ugly bitch is..well you know the rest.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Woman's a bit of a looney toon tbh. Though I don't hate her, I just don't think much of her with all her ridiculous attention whoring.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Um, someone mind telling me exactly what Aya did to be hated?

She dared to reveal that she's had boyfriends. Worse, she revealed that she prefers older men ('cause a 23-year-old dating someone 10 years older was such a big fucking deal), fully cementing that most of her socially inept worshippers would never have a chance.

Seriously, there were people who were sent into frothing rages over her revealing this. Some destroyed all paraphernalia they had of her, others called for her to die, not nearly enough didn't give a shit about something so irrelevant.

Perhaps more disturbing were those who "understand where her fans are coming from" and think a female Japanese idol shouldn't reveal when she isn't single, "destroying fans' hopes." There were also those just put off by the revelation that she'd once dated multiple men (all older, of course) at the same time. Not that this was much more logical, but whatevs.

Can't imagine that any of those dudes who were hitting that much cared that they had to share it.
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