Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Oooh, the Assist bit looks really fun! I can't wait for this game. I'm liking this new system better than the first one already :D.

~ Raz


Pro Adventurer
I really like that you can't horde Assists and crack one out when in a pinch. Less turtling, hopefully.

Also, I may be wrong, but do the characters have unique lines that they say when summoned for an assist? Kinda like a "Hey guys, I'm here now!" kinda thing? I thought I heard WoL and Cecil do that, and it'd be cool.


I don't know if this actually carries any meaning or not, but has it been explained why Cosmos's and Chaos's positions have been swapped on the logo?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't know if this actually carries any meaning or not, but has it been explained why Cosmos's and Chaos's positions have been swapped on the logo?

And does Chaos still have four arms, and art only holding out two of them in that picture, or what...?


I suppose that could make sense, since it's the prequel winning the cycle could make Chaos more powerful, hence four arms in Dissidia rather than the apparent two in Duodecim.
Has it been confirmed/strongly hinted at that Chaos wins this round?


Pro Adventurer
I could be mistaken, as the 012 logo isn't nearly as easy to see details in as the original one was.... but I drew four lines were I think I see each arm:


Slightly adjusted the levels:


Rookie Adventurer
Do the HQ scans that Drake posted still need translations? I tried quoting him, but apparently I'm a new member and I can't post links. =( I've started translating them at ChaoticCosmos and will be reposting them here as I go. Doing them in 6 pages since each link is 2 pages each. Stop me if someone beat me to it. I think I'm about a week late. =P


With the Great Sky still in his heart, the youth flies towards a new

From Final Fantasy XII, the main character Vaan finally makes his debut
in the war! He employs a battle style that utilizes a variety of weapons!

Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

"Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy" (From now on, DDFF) is an action-packed
dream match between the main characters of "Final Fantasy" (From now on,
FF) and their nemeses. It adds and improves on the previous game's
(Dissidia FF) system and cast. This time, we are announcing the debut of
FFXII's main character, Vaan. Creative Producer Tetsuya Nomura and Battle
Planner Takeoshi Kujiraoka will now go over the details!

Vaan [Voice Actor: Kensho Ono]
A bright, young youth who holds no fear. In FFXII, he joined the princess
Ashe on a journey on which balanced the fate of the world. An aspiring
"sky pirate," he dreams of flying the skies with his own airship someday.

The air is unsettling in the sky fortress...

Vaan is standing in the Sky Fortress Bahamut. Even after a dangerous
encounter with the forces of Chaos, he becomes separated from his allies?

"There was a quarrel between us."
Last edited:


Rookie Adventurer

The blank-eyed Tina begs for her own death... For more on her new outfit,
check page 30.

"Kill me."

"Hey, snap out of it! We gotta get out of here!"

Is Vaan Tina's knight!?

Vaan has a strong sense of justice. Vowing to stand by Tina's side, the
two of them oppose the forces of Chaos together. Does DDFF's Tina have
a special connection with the forces of Chaos?

"Before we defeat Chaos, I'll come for you."

Vaan interrogates Kain. Who exactly is this Goddess of Harmony, Cosmos,
who summoned both of them to this world?

A pure heart that always seeks justice.

"What is Cosmos planning to do?"

An endless war tends to make one tired.

"That was tiring."

The mini interview is about them replacing Vaan's VA because he was
unavailable and they hope we enjoy the new Vaan etc. Please tell me I don't
have to translate it, 'cause it's boring. =(


Pro Adventurer
Thanks so much for the translations! As far as I'm concerned you don't have to worry about the interview for replacing Vaan's VA as it doesn't really affect us who are outside of Japan.

Why can't Terra do anything by herself? Why does she always need a knight or something? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
A bright, young youth who holds no fear. In FFXII, he joined the princess
Ashe on a journey on which balanced the fate of the world. An aspiring
"sky pirate," he dreams of flying the skies with his own airship someday.

So, after FFXII but before he gets his own airship? :monster:

"There was a quarrel between us."

They can't stand him either?

The blank-eyed Tina begs for her own death...

Sounds like dramaz. I like.

Does DDFF's Tina have a special connection with the forces of Chaos?

They figured out what we did ages ago. Yay!

Cannon said:
Why can't Terra do anything by herself? Why does she always need a knight or something? :monster:

Srsly. Although it is in her personality - very soft. In this case, she does need help if she's being controlled.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
MinoSpelgud, hi there and thanks for your translations! The first person (even before SE!) to translate the original Dissidia is certainly a welcome sight. =)

I suppose that could make sense, since it's the prequel winning the cycle could make Chaos more powerful, hence four arms in Dissidia rather than the apparent two in Duodecim.
Has it been confirmed/strongly hinted at that Chaos wins this round?

The existence of the original game confirmed it. =P

But, yes, it has been confirmed in multiple ways.


Rookie Adventurer

Vaan fights by switching between a variety of weapons.

Along with Vaan's battle style, we're revealing his Another Form too!
Vaan's abilities are divided into "Normal Skills" and "Switch Skills."
If you want to know when to use which, check Kujiraoki's comments below.

Vaan (Another Form)

Vaan uses various different weapons in succession. As you can see in the
screenshots, he can wield a one-handed sword, two-handed sword, spear,
and rifle as well as other weapons.

Burst forth in the inter-dimensional war! Mist Knack Fusions! (Quickening
Concurrences in English.)

In FFXII, Fusions occurred when you executed the right amount of Mist
Knacks. These are what his HP attacks are based off of. Rain down giant
torrents of water, or incinerate your enemies in a grand inferno!

"Inferno of Flame" (English: Inferno)

"Eruption of Water" (English: Torrent)

An Interview with Battle Director Takeo Kujiraoka
Vaan's Battle Style

"Tell us about Vaan's special characteristics."

Kujiraoka: His abilities revolve around him switching weapons for his
abilities; we designed him with a "Switch Attacker" concept. Vaan has a
particularly large variety of Brave Attacks, and you can freely customize
all of his individual brave attacks wherever you want into different
strings. Each ability is also prefixed with a weapon, such as "katana" or
"crossbow." Once again, Vaan was designed with "Switch Skills" in mind,
so that will be a huge part of his gameplay. The order his abilities are
arranged in will have a very large impact in battle.

"What do you mean by 'Switch Skills'?"

Kujiraoka: Vaan is different from Frioniel and Butz in that he doesn't
put away his weapon after an attack. For example, after he uses a "Katana"
move, the katana will still be in his hand afterwards. At this point, if
you use another brave attack that isn't a "Katana" move, a Switch will
occur. In other words, a "Switch Skill" is when you follow up a brave
attack with another brave attack that uses a different weapon. Although
employing the Switch Skill will cause the attack to come out slightly
slower, you could break your opponent's guard, perform stronger attacks,
pull the opponent in, or dodge mid-combo, depending on the weapon that is

"What happens if you don't switch and continue attacking with the same

Kujiraoka: If you continue attacking with the same weapon, that is known as
a "Normal Skill." This is much simpler and easier. There are advantages and
disadvantages to both Switch Skills and Normal Skills. The key to success
is finding the perfect balance.

Most two-handed sword skills deal heavy damage. Spear skills pull the
opponent towards you. How will you employ them!?

Extra Tidbit: Vaan can use eight different kinds of weapons, including
"Unarmed." In his EX Mode, the appearance of all of Vaan's weapons changes
appearance, so it seems like he has quite an arsenal. Also, After HP
Attacks and chases, and at the beginning of a battle, Vaan is unarmed.
There are no Switch Skills into unarmed skills, however, any armed attack
you switch into after an unarmed attack becomes a Switch Skill.


Rookie Adventurer
I am halfway through Page 4, but I should really get some sleep before my body crashes down, so I'll post what I have up and continue tomorrow, just in case you guys really want information on the new stage. The rest of it should be done tomorrow easy. And before I go, if there are any other HQ scans out there that need to be translated, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to do it. Gives me something to do until Dissidia 012 actually comes out.


Of course Vaan's EX Burst is Mist Knack!

Vaan's EX Burst is designed with the Mist Knack motif. Just like Gabranth's
EX Burst in "Dissidia FF," you press the R Button within the allotted time
to shuffle for the target skill, and then you press the O Button when it

With the in-game rendering of the Mist Knack, we tried to be as visually
true to the original as possible. Because of this, Vaan's EX Burst is
probably the fanciest out of the entire cast.

Annihilate your enemy with an all-out attack!

New Map: Sky Fortress Bahamut

Every map has a standard version and a "true" (Omega in English) version.
The true versions are like the standard versions, but with a few gimmicks
added in. In the True Sky Fortress Bahamut map, fierce winds pervade the
skies. "There are high-speed winds that will forcefully blow you off the
stage, especially in the higher regions," Kujiraoka says. If you manage
to get blown to the edge of the stage, you will steadily lose Brave Points
fall into a "Dezone Trap." (Banish Trap in English.) The stage was designed
to capture the atmosphere of the final battle in FFXII, but the appearance
of the stage naturally changed over time.

In the true version of the map, the map brave increases when the player is
on the ground. "This turns the map into one specializing in ground
battles," Kujiraoka says.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the translations!

Sky Fortress Bahamut is sounding pretty awesome right about now. First time I've really considered the new stages to be exciting!


Rookie Adventurer
Rest of Page 4

What are Vaan and Gabranth's outfits?

Along with their Normal Form, every character has an Another Form and a
Third Form. Vaan's Another Form is based off of how he appears in
Yoshitaka Amano's illustration. Gabranth's Third Form is just like his
Basch disguise from the original game!

Pictured here is one of the main characters of FFXII, Gabranth's older
brother, Basch. Because they are twins, their faces are practically

Gabranth is facing off against Vaan. His Third Form is his Basch disguise
from the original game. His new move, Earth-Splitting Slash, consists of a
high-speed trail of flames that travel across the ground and homes in on
the opponent.

With new attacks, the battle of vengeance becomes more intense!

Extra Tidbit: You don't have to manually switch weapons, it automatically
happens when you use an attack. However, when it comes to Switch Skills,
it's very important that you pay attention to what weapon you are
currently wielding. Do you use regular attacks, perform a Switch Skill to
a specific weapon you need, or revert to Unarmed fo HP attacks? Vaan is
a surprisingly complex character, isn't he!?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Pictured here is one of the main characters of FFXII, Gabranth's older
brother, Basch. Because they are twins, their faces are practically

Apparently Basch is the older twin :monster: I don't know why I found that cute.

Extra Tidbit: You don't have to manually switch weapons, it automatically
happens when you use an attack. However, when it comes to Switch Skills, it's very important that you pay attention to what weapon you are
currently wielding. Do you use regular attacks, perform a Switch Skill to
a specific weapon you need, or revert to Unarmed fo HP attacks?

This all sounds intruiging. Can't wait to try him in battle. I kind of figured that the weapon-switching would be automatic - based on assuming they still have the same (or similar) weapon/armor system as the first game.

Vaan is a surprisingly complex character, isn't he!?

Well, I know I've always been perplexed by him.


Pro Adventurer
A funny picture, but probably NSFW.


Cosmos Box: Teacher Cosmos's Attack

WoL Box: No Blurring
WoL: It seems Cosmos want to tell us something...

OK Box: Want to save, but can't move
OK: Uwaaaa! Tinaaaaa

Cecil Box: (suffering) smiling
Cecil: What are you thinking, Cosmos?

V/IX/X Box: Honestly

VII/VIII Box: shaking in the heart
Cloud: no viewing
Squall: it's coming out...

Firion Box: Verge of Death

*Translation from Danbooru


Pro Adventurer
Found a new article, but it's from IGN. Before everyone goes apeshit, there's actually some interesting stuff. For example:

In the main game, a new overworld map system is rendered in 3D, a bit like a grid, rather than the 2D map system.

Each square on the new map is linked by a pathway; it branches off and might lead you to a treasure chest or a boss or item shop. It's progressive and ultimately slightly less linear in approach over the original Dissidia.

Cosmos and Chaos characters each have their own story lines too, and there are character crossover points during the story; these fall within an overarching storyline, but each has their own perspective.

Not due until mid-way into 2011 at this stage in the US and PAL territories, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy is coming along very nicely. While the RPG mode leaves us scratching our heads, there's no denying the continued appeal of this all-star Final Fantasy spin-off.

Stay tuned for new character announcements coming December 14.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Cosmos and Chaos characters each have their own story lines too, and there are character crossover points during the story; these fall within an overarching storyline, but each has their own perspective.

Does that mean they're playable? This sounds neat.

Not due until mid-way into 2011 at this stage in the US and PAL territories, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy is coming along very nicely.

Aw, poo. I really thought they had a simultaneous release on this one. Still, they're getting closer. It's seems so close XD

Elisa Maza

Good. This gives me time. Might as well finish FFVII by then, played CC and start gathering money to buy the first one.

Boy, I'm behind... T_T
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