Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Ugh. I don't understand why they would waste space with Prishe...from FFXI...a game NO ONE CARES ABOUT...instead of adding a character for V, VI, or IX which people like a lot more. Or instead of giving Lightning a villian. Makes no sense to me.

I care about Prishe less than I cared about Shantotto...and that was not at all. At least Shantotto I've heard of because she had games named after her.


Pro Adventurer
I freaking hate Prishe, so worthless, I swear if Square doesn't put another VI character in... well... I'll go into a nerd rage on the forums. God it sucks square doesn't listen to western fans.


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
I see she has the KH emblem too.


She's a strong character with an acceptably interesting personality.

Why is she strong and interesting? Because she's like a man with boobs and spends her time punching others around? She's generic tough chick who can handle guns. That's pretty much all they've left to signify her strength of character. Oh and they've slapped on generic, I dun-like-talking trait and called it a day. Sadly, SE is not the only one throwing out these insultingly male characters with a fucking wig and boobs.

And I hate that she's called the female Cloud. She's not fit to iron his purple dresses.
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Elisa Maza

Even with the PSP phone and PSP2 to worry about, Square Enix seems more interested in pushing the original than holding off. Joining yet another year filled with sequels, Dissidia is back. This time with an even longer title – Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy.

We sat down with Mitsunori Takahashi, director of Dissidia 012, at Square Enix’s Winter PSP Showcase in Tokyo to chat about future plans for the series, PSP2, taking Dissidia to consoles and arguments in the workplace.

VG247: Dissidia 012 looks absolutely stunning; do you feel you’ve pushed the PSP hardware to its limit?

Mitsunori Takahashi: We obviously had set out for a very high standard with visuals, but on the other hand, the most important thing is the battle system we smoothed out in this game.
Our development was really to strike against the issues of loading and dealing with the limits of the polygon levels and such. It was quite painstaking to battle against these issues but we feel like we beat them.

Are you excited for PSP2, to take the Dissidia franchise further?

We have no actual plans for the PSP2 console at the moment. We decided to create Dissidia 012 on the PSP because we wanted to create a high quality game in a short space of time. So considering that, we thought PSP, a console we are familiar with already, was the most appropriate console.

What was the reasoning behind not bringing Dissidia to home consoles?

There are no particular reasons as to why we shouldn’t make it available to home consoles. When we were developing the last Dissidia, we decided that the PSP would be the best platform for this particular type of game. As the developing environment has been set up, we wanted to make the most of it. There is no reason why we won’t do it in the future; we’re just waiting on the feedback from the players. If there is a voice for Dissidia on home consoles then we’ll consider it.
The latest trailer, released today.

PSP has flourished in Japan and therefore has more avenues for people to get together and play ad-hoc. Obviously, in Europe the same facilities are not available. How will the multiplayer in Dissidia 012 combat that, and what is new this time around?

In the last Dissidia, we made use of ad-hoc and we found it was quite a limited multiplayer with one-on-one battles. This time round, we had this concept of my party which basically allows each player to form up to five characters into a team, making it five-versus-five. If you can round up enough people, you can have five players against five other players.
Of course, we understand that it is hard to come by that amount of players so we do have some networking ideas coming, but we can’t really talk about that right now.

Obviously, balancing is a very important feature in fighting games, with Dissidia being about speed and precision. How did you find balancing that speed with each character and balancing the game as a whole?

With the last Dissidia, we had two standard characters: the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. So it was the other characters that were tuned up so they were not too strong, weak, fast or slow in comparison.

In Dissidia 012, we incorporated as much as we could the characters from the last game including a lot of feedback from the players. We wanted to make sure that all the characters were equally as quick and strong as the others.

To make it more complicated, we introduced a new system to Dissidia called the Assist system. This system pushes players to think of a combination of different characters rather than just their own. We thought that combinations can make some player’s teams too quick or too strong or have a weak defence, so we had to keep playing versus matches over and over until we found the right partners for each character.

The two modes, RPG and Action, are polar opposites in play style. What do you do to break players in from the easier and automated style of RPG to the fast-paced, button-bashing style of Action mode?

For someone who wants to go in at a medium speed then there are two options; you say that RPG mode can be a little bit slow, but the more you progress in the mode you will encounter more powerful enemies and you will have to engage more with the game than you did originally. You’ll unlock an ability that allows you to insert commands more immediately, which in turn depends on the player a lot more frequently.
With Action mode, the one-on-one mode allows you to pre-set the difficulty and characteristics of the fight. This allows players to learn the system with ease.

You have a large cast of characters to choose from. How long do the story modes typically last with each character?

You will see six new characters in the game. There is about 15 hours of gameplay to be had as each character’s level can take one or two hours to complete, and then at the end of scenarios characters join together with two others to finish the story to add even more story on top.

The Final Fantasy franchise is filled with many iconic characters. How many arguments were had in the board room when deciding who will be added to the roster?

[Laughs] Each member of staff has their own recommendations and the core gamers have been sending plenty of their demands too. This was what we were expecting, but we found that memory was getting quite tight near the end. We wanted to try incorporating as many playable characters as possible.

Basically, we can’t avoid having arguments as we all have different opinions, voices and favourites, but in the end we had to choose the characters that were very popular and characters that add new dimensions to that action style of the game.


What is of interest? High chance of Dissidia being on home consoles next time.

Gonna introduce Prishe this time, as well as 3P costume for 4 characters:
Laguna in President costume
Shantotto in Black Cloak
Vaan in FFTA2's costume
Tifa in Nibelheim's event costume (Cowgirl)

New Character Prishe

-Using FFXI's WeaponSkills and Magics, players can combine them to produce skillchains that they want.
-Light based magic "Banishga" will send opponent far away when hit.
-Weapon Skill "Asuran Fists"
-EX Burst "五つの輝き" (Ed. Note: "Radiance of the Five," Five Lights of the Crystal, etc.) requires fast command input.
-She will be a guest in Story mode.

Interview of Director Takahashi
- Prishe's Concept is Combo Maker, player can freely combine them to make different combos. Combos are actually set in the Ability Menu before the battle. There are plenty variations to the first part of her attacks, and from there more than one follow ups could be chosen. Developing this character make us cry (laugh). Her degree of freedom on customisation is top among all the characters.
As a side note, just like Shantotto, "Skillchain" is added for her as a reference to FFXI.

- VA is 平野綾 (sorry, I don't know her name in Romaji XD) (Ed. Note: "Aya Hirano"). Since there is no voice in the original game, we have discussed with FFXI's team on who would be the best. Side note again, just like Golbez and Exdeath have secret voice in the last game, Prishe also has one here.

- Prishe will appear in the Story Mode, will be similar to Shantotto and Gabranth in the last game. However her role is much more important. (something related to WoL).

Dungeon and Field

-is entered through the gates on the Field.
-Dungeon is/has KP Bonus' chance setting, Bonus Line Level, Rule and skills could also be set. (sorry, I have spend long time here and still couldn't get this make sense XD)
-KP Bonus and Bonus Line are different things, entering a dungeon while your level is lower than the Bonus Line, KP would be rewarded immediately.
-interior of dungeon is the same as the board in the last game, contacting with the imititations (crystal colour characters) will start a battle.

Gathering KP (Kupo)
-winning a battle
-using the "Chain Skill" in dungeon, for example, KP bonus is rewarded when fighting consecutive enemies in the "十" shape area when you are under "Straight Chain" effect.
-"Chain skill" can be acquired by collecting the sphere "遺志の力" on the Field.
-Skills such as "Straight chain" or "Cure" can be generated by collecting 4 spheres.

Spending KP
-saved KP could be used in Moogle Shops on the Field.
-Moogle Shop sells Chain Skills, Skills usable on Fields and Accessories.

-The Field contains enemy and Treasure chest.
-Party is organised in Story Mode, chat events also happen.

-FF6's "Phantom Train", very narrow.
-"Empyreal Paradox" has a very big crystal in the center.

Director Interview
-Party Battle could be 1 on 1, or up to a maximum of 10 people. Players who are not your turn fighting, could join as spectators.
-Because of the new Assist System, strategies that are heavily used in the last game may not work here. Although the battle theory is the same, I want to give you a new fresh feeling. This time, EX vs Assist is really interesting. Especially when fighting against humans players, timing on using which gauge would be the key. New terms will be made, if there are too much to memorize, just remember "EX oppose Assist" as a start.

-Accessories that boost EX will have a negative effect on Assist, and vice versa.

-Nothing from the last game is dropped. Colloseum's treasure items are changed. Look forward to our info. New summons appear, Battle BGM is about twice as much.

-There will be more than one option on Data Transfer. Item and Accessory will not be transferred. Character Levels will be transferred.

-3P costume is bought from PP shop. Assist characters' costume could be changed as well. This time there are many naked characters, try to make a naked party for fun (laugh)

"Naked party", lol...


We decided to create Dissidia 012 on the PSP because we wanted to create a high quality game in a short space of time.
lotta that going around...

You guys should check out the source though. Gotta lol at that caption.

Historical Figures
[picture of Tifa's fineass figure]
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Double Growth
Interesting that the Warrior of Light and Cloud were the characters on which the first games balance was based. Thanks for that.
"There is no reason why we won’t do it in the future; we’re just waiting on the feedback from the players. If there is a voice for Dissidia on home consoles then we’ll consider it."

We better hope the project here on TLS to give English speaking gamers a voice will succeed. =/

"... allows each player to form up to five characters into a team, making it five-versus-five. If you can round up enough people, you can have five players against five other players.

Of course, we understand that it is hard to come by that amount of players so we do have some networking ideas coming, but we can’t really talk about that right now."

Thank you! Ideas are good.


As in travel party made up of Jecht/Sephiroth(2nd alt)/Tidus(3rd alt)/Cloud of Darkness/Garland(3rd alt)/Golbez(3rd alt)/Vaan/Kuja


The Wanderer of Time
Only problem is they changed the way their site stores data or something, I can't find the .swf files to extract the new renders and look for new hidden stuff. :(

Celes Chere

FUUUU I love you Laguna. XD

Of course, fapfapfap Kain. And not enough Tifa kicking Vaan's ass.

Also I could jam out to all of these songs playing in the background. \m/

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
I love that Yuna is kicking Jecht's ass six ways from Sunday and yes. Yes he does have the best EX Burst.

Ooo Kain sounds so manly and angry skeet skeet~


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay without yelling or screaming or "WTF?"ing... I never played the first game, what does "break" mean?

also lol @ greatest attack ever
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