Dissidia English Clips & Translation Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
Oh so you guys aleady posted them in here. I'm so sorry! But you know that the Bartz video is a new one? It's only been two days since it came out.


The Wanderer of Time
Forget a few days, I'm uploading those exhibition vids to YouTube within hours of their initial appearances. Bartz and Exdeath included, and posted here too.


ACF Refugee
I'm just waiting for Squall, Cloud, and Tidus. And obviously the women were good, cuz there's only like 3 of them in the game, so they had a wider range of actors to choose from. I mean, like only half of the men or so can be truly amazing. Cuz there's like 17 of them or some ridiculous number like that.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

So yeah, Gabranth has been featured. But the bad news is, is that it isn't the same VA of Gabranth from FFXII. It's some other guy.

He doesn't sound as good. However, to his credit, he could pass off as maybe a younger Noah or something. But yeah, not really feeling the voice. At least the lines are good.

I just really want to know why the original couldn't come back and reprise the role.


Double Growth
In the demo the dub is sounding pretty good. My only complaint so far is that Burton (of whom you all know I'm a pretty big fan of for Cloud) delivers "Burn" when Cloud casts Fire gratingly flat. But other than that things sound good, Newbern gets better and better as Sephiroth with each subsequent game in my opinion. "To the Promised Land" on Hell's Gate is really well delivered.

Searching for references, most of Cloud's and Sephiroth's seem to be from AC, hopefully they do get the FF7 ones down. I sacrificed myself with Cloud once, but he didn't use the "ain't no gettin' off this train..." line, but I dunno if there's more than one death phrase. I really hope they use that because that's pretty cool. They used it so much in VII but it hasn't shown up in the Compilation.

I wasn't sure about Terra at first but she's grown on me, I think it is pretty good. As for the new video, they got Bartz perfectly, I'm impressed, its a really good voice for him. I never actually noticed that he impersonated them in the Japanese version, I wonder how they did that...I guess they just played the other actors' soundbites and asked him to duplicate it.


Fiat Lux
He doesn't sound as good. However, to his credit, he could pass off as maybe a younger Noah or something. But yeah, not really feeling the voice. At least the lines are good.

I just really want to know why the original couldn't come back and reprise the role.

Maybe he couldn't be assed to voice a bit-part role for a spin-off game?

In the demo the dub is sounding pretty good. My only complaint so far is that Burton (of whom you all know I'm a pretty big fan of for Cloud) delivers "Burn" when Cloud casts Fire gratingly flat.

There's a first. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud's "My reality, is mine alone" line, is a reference to FFVII. And yeah, the demo doesn't have all the lines in it. Sephiroth's "Don't pretend you're sad" line is also in the demo.

I doubt Gabranth's VA would turn down a chance to reprise his role purposefully, given how much energy, time, and attention he gave it for the game proper. He fucking made Gabranth. It's really lame he didn[t.


わたし は つか
:(why does Gabranth sound like an old man in Dissidia...?:(

shouldnt his VA be a little younger than that?:(

and yeah, when Cloud yells "burn", it caught me off guard a bit. like it sounded pretty monotonous...-_-


The Wanderer of Time
The more I listen to Gabranth, the more I think it's the same guy as XII, just without the echo-y helmet effect. I listen to the clips from FFXII's ending where Gabranth speaks without his helmet on, and it sounds like the same guy.

Also, in addition to that aerial Blizzard attack, I've seen Squall not using Rough Divine in the air. So yeah, seems he's got a lot more going for him. It seems almost all the characters now have some sort of new move or new technique. Tidus and Zidane each have a HP attack that was a chainable one before, but can now be used alone.


Fiat Lux
Cloud's "My reality, is mine alone" line, is a reference to FFVII. And yeah, the demo doesn't have all the lines in it. Sephiroth's "Don't pretend you're sad" line is also in the demo.

I doubt Gabranth's VA would turn down a chance to reprise his role purposefully, given how much energy, time, and attention he gave it for the game proper. He fucking made Gabranth. It's really lame he didn[t.

There could be a trillion reasons why he didn't reprise the role. Maybe he had a bigger job lined up, or he wanted too much money, or the casting director is a schmuck, or...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
There could be a trillion reasons why he didn't reprise the role. Maybe he had a bigger job lined up, or he wanted too much money, or the casting director is a schmuck, or...

And all of the reasons are ghey.


AI Researcher
When I listened to Gabranth on laptop speakers, I thought he sounded similar. But listening now with headphones, he does sound off at the start. In battle he doesn't seem that different to me, though.

But Akio Ohtsuka was Gabranth for me anyway :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Who's been Cloud and Sephiroth for the entire Compilation? They're reprising their roles.

And no clue about Onion Knight, seeing as how this is his first time ever having a voice.


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
Who's been Cloud and Sephiroth for the entire Compilation? They're reprising their roles.

And no clue about Onion Knight, seeing as how this is his first time ever having a voice.
Oh okay so Cloud and Sephiroth have the same voice. Onion Knight's voice is pretty cool. It matches perfectly in my opinion.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

The Kefka montage video is up. Just...wow.

That was...titillating.

And here is Terra's, although this one isn't really that new or surprising...Aside from the Kefka awesome.

Hopes aren't worth DIRT!

I'm very pleased with all of these, personally. Just...very awesome hearing them have voices now. I really want to play Destiny Odyssey VI now.
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Double Growth
Awesome! They did a good job with Kefka! That was the voice I was most concerned about, Bravo! He still sounds nuts, but his voice is significantly less annoying that it was in Japanese. I is pleased.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm extremely pleased with Kefka. They put my greatest VA fear at ease.


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
I got to say that those videos are impressive. They did a great job on each of the voice overs.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide

That was awesome! <33333333333333 I really want a remake of FF6 now, just to hear Kefka's voice.
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