Dissidia English Clips & Translation Discussion


The Wanderer of Time
I've decided I love these frickin idiots who go "OMG I HATE <character>'S VOICE, I'M NOT BUYING THIS GAME!!!!"

First off, that's bullshit. Every Final Fantasy fan who has a PSP will at least rent this game, and I'll bet a few who don't have a PSP will get one just for this game (I know I am). Second, if you don't buy the game, what's the point? You deprive SE of the some fifty bucks you would have paid for it (50$ I'm sure they'll miss), and in return you lose out on the hundreds of hours of enjoyment you could have had with the game.

You don't like the voice actors? Play with the sound off then, but don't make a big shit like you're boycotting the game. If you do it's your loss, even if the voice actors suck the gameplay and concept are enough to get me to buy this game. Some people are so stupid and petty. It doesn't matter what the characters sound like, obviously we want them to sound good but in the end it's the exact same game and it's still gonna rock.

I'd just like to add to that by saying I'm growing to hate these people who want/expect the game to have the option to use the Japanese voices.

First, SE has *never* done that for any game, ever, why would they do it now? It would defeat the whole purpose of dubbing the game, and would waste memory because few fans would use such a feature. Second, if you want the Japanese voices, buy the Japanese version and shut up. The rest of us will enjoy understanding the dialogue.

Really, some of the comments I'm seeing on my videos are just like this shit. People are so stupid and petty...


First, SE has *never* done that for any game, ever,

Last Remnant. :monster:

It would defeat the whole purpose of dubbing the game

Not at all, since not everyone likes to listen to stuff in the original language...while others do. Movies are dubbed as well, yet the original audio is always included on DVDs and BDs.

If they have the space (which they totally don't on a UMD though, and space is always a huge issue with games anyway) there'd be no reason not to include it. It'd be a nice alternative.

I'd also like to play Kingdom Hearts with all dubs included, (Jap, Eng, Ger and the other ones).
But that'd necessitate a Blu-ray disc...for a PS2 game. :wacky:
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The Wanderer of Time
Let me rephrase - how many Final Fantasy games have they done it for?

It's still an irrational request. If you want the Japanese voices, play the Japanese version, simple.


AI Researcher
Dissidia International, with English and Japanese voice. And more characters. On BD. In HD. For the PS3 :monster:

Last Remnant. :monster:
Fo reals?

Too bad I don't have an XBox/Square seem to have forgotten about the PS3 version/I would probably have bought the Japanese one anyway :awesome:


Double Growth
Yeah, since not that many people bought it anyway, and both the 360 and PC port had horrible graphical issues, they just figured it wasn't worth it. ...They were probably right.

hitoshura said:
Dissidia International, with English and Japanese voice. And more characters. On BD. In HD. For the PS3:monster:



The Wanderer of Time
Dissidia International, with English and Japanese voice. And more characters. On BD. In HD. For the PS3 :monster:

I dunno about the PS3 part, but it'll happen. In 2010 or so, Japan will get a release with all the English features along with Lightning as a playable character (XIII will be out by then), and all new storylines and abilities. They do it for all their other games anymore, the Japanese exclusive super-edition. I hate it....speaking of which, isn't that what they did for KH and KH2's final mixes? Used the English voices and just subtitle them in Japanese?


&#12431;&#12383;&#12375; &#12399; &#12388;&#12363;
I dunno about the PS3 part, but it'll happen. In 2010 or so, Japan will get a release with all the English features along with Lightning as a playable character (XIII will be out by then), and all new storylines and abilities. They do it for all their other games anymore, the Japanese exclusive super-edition. I hate it....speaking of which, isn't that what they did for KH and KH2's final mixes? Used the English voices and just subtitle them in Japanese?

yeah, they did that. i imported KHFM and KH2FM+ and it had english voices with Japanese subs.:lol:


AI Researcher
International versions (except for FFVII's for obvious reasons) always use English voices. The only one with Japanese voices as far as I know is KHII, and that's only in the Theatre Mode (and only if you unlock it).

But Crisis Core hasn't had an International version, though. They don't seem to do it for portable titles. Although they did take ages to release DC Int. and they just kind of threw that out there rather quietly.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
People need to start talking about the voice track more.

IGN's preview of the game was pretty awesome. The more I see this game, the more I want it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

It's not in the exact order as the Japanese but...YES! "Spellblade-Rapidfire-Dual Wield!"

They fucking got it. They really are staying consistent and picking up all the references and continuity tie ins from the previous FF games. I'm so impressed. This is win.

Bartz's voice is awesome too. Although, I'm saddened that the VA isn't quite trying to impersonate the other character voices like Bartz does in Japanese. Whenever he uses another character's attack, he'd try to mimic their voices too XD

But Bartz is seriously looking great.

As for ExDeath, I...am really wondering if they added the music just for the preview, or if they added a new track to the Dissidia game proper. "The Decisive Battle" wasn't on the original game, and if they added that track into the game, I would be soooo fucking happy.

ExDeath sounds awesome to me. And again...another perfect and consistent translation of his EX Burst. I'm loving this. I'm having a hard time finding much fault in anything with the dub voices really. Overall they sound great.


The Wanderer of Time

It's not in the exact order as the Japanese but...YES! "Spellblade-Rapidfire-Dual Wield!"

They fucking got it. They really are staying consistent and picking up all the references and continuity tie ins from the previous FF games. I'm so impressed. This is win.

ExDeath sounds awesome to me. And again...another perfect and consistent translation of his EX Burst. I'm loving this. I'm having a hard time finding much fault in anything with the dub voices really. Overall they sound great.

That's what I'm liking too, all the allusions to the original games are so far remaining intact. I'm wondering if this isn't part of the reason it's taking a bit longer than people expected to translate - the English translators not only have to translate the game, they have to look back at the original English translations of the other games to try and make sure they get these sorts of things right.

Ultimecia's EX Burst is another good example. In Japanese, Squall and Ultimecia's EX Bursts were "End of Heart" and "End of Memories". Now, they're "Lion Heart" and "Sorceress Heart". They got the connection right. :D


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's what I'm liking too, all the allusions to the original games are so far remaining intact. I'm wondering if this isn't part of the reason it's taking a bit longer than people expected to translate - the English translators not only have to translate the game, they have to look back at the original English translations of the other games to try and make sure they get these sorts of things right.

If that were the case, and they really continue to do a good job, I will have a new found respect for the English localization team. Seriously. I was expecting half of the allusions and references to the previous games to be lost and the Ultimania translations to sound out of step with the US release but...so far its VERY consistent. I mean with Crisis Core, they had Cloud getting "mako addiction" instead of "poisoning," and the entire joke of Hojo being the head of the Sephy fan club lost, so I was rather pessimistic. :monster:

Ultimecia's EX Burst is another good example. In Japanese, Squall and Ultimecia's EX Bursts were "End of Heart" and "End of Memories". Now, they're "Lion Heart" and "Sorceress Heart". They got the connection right. :D

Wow, I didn't know that. That works, and makes sense. I'm starting to feel optimistic...it's such a nice feeling.


The Wanderer of Time
Wow, I didn't know that. That works, and makes sense. I'm starting to feel optimistic...it's such a nice feeling.

I know, and that sort of thing would be the type of connection that could easily be lost with a sloppy translation. But they saw the Japanese attack names, figured it out and kept the same sort of theme in the translation. I likes it.
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