
alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Literally the only Devil May Cry release I have ever felt remotely interested in. I'm actually looking forward to getting my hands on the demo.


Pro Adventurer
I don't know the dmc so I'm neutral, all I wanted to say is that I'm disappointed to hear this about Ninja Theory. I can't believe that they failed at writing. I've played Heavenly Sword and Enslaved and definitely the best part of those two games were the characters and the interactions between them.

Both those games had outsourced writers.


Double Growth
I noticed today I never checked up on this. And I noticed that DmC did not do particularly well at all. Even lost to Ni No Kuni in February.

I also very much like this guy's lambasting of an article blaming fans for poor sales.

I don't wish ill on anyone at Ninja Theory (though the upper guys there could stand to be less cocky and abrasive) and I wouldn't want this to cost people jobs or anything. But I must admit there is a definite feeling of satisfaction that this game so significantly underperformed Devil May Cry 4. The game that sold 4 million units and for some reason suggested to Capcom they needed to reboot it.

Further hilarious that Capcom blames the "decline in quality" on "excessive outsourcing."


"Capcom dared to reinvent its IP for the 21st century"

When was Devil May Cry ever not a 21st century franchise? :comedian:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, what a shock this game bombed AFTER BEING HEAPED WITH SCORN BY THE FANS!

Who didn't see this coming?

Protip: When you make a game for fans of an IP/franchise that has a large, sizeable cult following.. Instead of making the game you want to play and think is enjoyable...Why don't you make the game THE FANS OF THE IP WANT AND WOULD ENJOY PLAYING?

I dunno, call me crazy but if the fandom was almost in unison about how fucking shitty this game was from the jump...maybe I'd re-evaluate the idea of fixing what wasn't broken in the first place and maybe just slap on that classic Dante skin from the jump and leave the new one as the DLC. I dunno, maybe it'd have helped.

God, Capcom's fucking stupid. No, it's not the fans fault for refusing to buy something they thought was trash and had no interest in. Instead of having Ninja Theory make the Devil May Cry game Ninja Theory wanted to play, maybe they should've made the Devil May Cry game FANS wanted to play.

That article needs to fuck off and die.

EDIT: This is probably one of the best comments on the article Force linked to:

It really has happened. I didn’t think it would happen, but it has: someone has actually said that by not buying something they don’t want, consumers are actively hurting a game company.

I can’t even imagine how many franchises I have attempted to ruin by not buying games in those franchises. Finally, after not buying the other DMC games either because I had no interest in them, my previously unknown goal has been reached.

Getting real tired of these uppity publishers and their entitlement issues. They are not entitled to my money, or anyone elses.

My thoughts exactly.
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Double Growth
Totally agree. The article's old now, but I couldn't believe it when I read it. Even without the white hair straw man, what a ridiculous suggestion that the fans owed Ninja Theory and Capcom anything.

Makoeyes987 said:
I dunno, call me crazy but if the fandom was almost in unison about how fucking shitty this game was from the jump...maybe I'd re-evaluate the idea of fixing what wasn't broken in the first place and maybe just slap on that classic Dante skin from the jump and leave the new one as the DLC. I dunno, maybe it'd have helped.

I doubt it, the writing was atrocious, Dante was insufferable, and the gameplay had more in common with Heavenly Sword (surprise) than Devil May Cry. But anyway, yes, you'd think they'd have tried to address fan's concerns rather than let Tameem continually insult the fans and the prior series. I can't imagine that did anything to help sales.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah Dantes make over was just the first issue that pissed off the fans, but its not the only reason we all stayed away. Its pretty damn annoying that Capcom is generalizing DMC's fans and pretending that we didnt purchase it due to Dantes lack of white hair.

I think this comment in that article said what im trying to say best :

steve stark said:
I think that people, especially game critics, have been generalizing the anti-DmC people too much. No, they don’t just hate it because of Dante’s hair. Some do, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the people against the game see it as a step back.

If they are acting angry about this, it’s for better reasons than the hair. They see their franchise is stepping back and pushing them aside to allow new players to come in. I don’t think there’s anything at all wrong with trying to gain a wider audience, but you shouldn’t do it at the cost of what made the games great in the first place. It’s the same way I feel about Skyrim. Bethesda made some great changes to the series, but they essentially left out everything that made me fall in love with Morrowind.

I think the idea that fans hate change is silly. I remember well that people initially hated the new Deus Ex game because there were talks of the game having a much different feel than it should. But with more and more details, fans really started to lay down their worries, and eventually a lot of them fell in love with the game.

But with DmC, the more and more info that came out, the more it became apparent that Ninja Theory had little respect for the fans of the old games. I think to generalize and simplify the situation and blame the fans is the wrong way to go with all of this.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh, I'm kinda being tongue-in-cheek, Force. I know it's more than just the way Dante looked, but for fuck's sake, if it really was THAT easy throwing in the real Dante's appearance in this game, maaaybe they should've done it and won themselves at least a modicum of acceptance from fans. :monster:

Dante was definitely insufferable in this game, and really. If this was Capcom and Ninja Theory's idea of saving the franchise, let's pray to God or whatever high power you believe in that Ninja Theory stays the fuck away from any other IP they see as in need of resuscitation. Because they're fucking worst than an Angel of Mercy.

These past few months has seen so many fucking IP reboots crash and burn. Between DmC, Sim City, and that horse turn Duke Nukem Forever you'd think companies would learn.

Hell, it's been especially rough for Capcom between this, Resident Evil 6 and others. Although I will say I did enjoy Re6 and was sad to see it didn't meet expectation. Oh well.

I can only think of maybe two video game reboots that actually paid off and were large scale successes. The Tomb Raider reboot..and Mortal Kombat. Those reboots were truly successful from a sales, critic, and fan perspective.

I hope to God this DmC debacle and the Sim City one serves as a wake up call to the game industry. No. You will not garner praise, profit, or positivity from catering stupidly to a "wider audience," injecting bullshit social networking crap and giving the finger to your fanbase. You will fail and you will lose money. Do not think a reboot is something you can half-ass and ignore your customer's on. If you do, you do so at your own fucking peril.


Pro Adventurer
To me, DmC was one of those games that you play and have a blast doing so, but after you beat it you just forget about it the day after. I haven't played the older DMCs (only the fourth) so i can't compare there, but it's better gameplaywise than the 4th. The enemies and characters were better in the latter. I actually liked the story in this one, though it was sort of predictable.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm glad you did enjoy the reboot, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion on if it was good or enjoyable.

The thing is though, is that while I'm glad someone could enjoy it... Capcom DEFINITELY should not have let Ninja Theory carve up Devil May Cry into this....thing... to cater to a small number of neophytes while ignoring (and frankly being outright hostile to) the sizeable block of old school Devil May Cry fans who were responsible for making it the success it was to begin with. They should've fucking listened and saw the writing on the wall.

Capcom can whine and complain about how filthy gaijins are ruining their IPs and then subsequently not buying them, but they need to take responsibility for their fucking games and make them good. Stop shipping them to fuckers who don't know their ass from their elbows when it comes to designing a franchise, and actually innovate and make a good game for once. Maybe if Capcom released more than just ports, re-releases, and billions of iterations of Street Fighter they'd know how to make a good and successful game on their own.

Call me crazy, but if I'm a developer and I have a choice between doing what I know will please the majority of fans who do buy the games and enjoy the franchise...or pleasing an imagined undefined number of "new", "mainstream" fans that have yet to even hear about said franchise... I'll stick with the majority of fans who have been there from the jump.

Inclusion is a great marketing strategy, but a lot of developers seem to forget to include the actual old school fans when they throw that word around. And then when it blows up in their face and nobody comes buying, they act confused and bitter that their visionary reboot wasn't embraced by the "entitled" gamers of today.

Imagine that.


Pilot of the Sephiroth_Zero
That damn sephiroth woman



Double Growth
Really well said, Mako. I've missed you.
And yeah, like that Forbes article said, suddenly its the publishers and developers are acting "entitled". Entitled to longtime fans' money simply because of the name on the cover, even as they insult them when they don't take to whatever they've turned it into.

With Squeenix, they make some stupid stupid decisions, but I really do get the impression that they're trying to please their fans and are just being inept. They're not actively trying to anger fans. (And only Wada ever blamed gamers for "not getting it." Everyone on 13 fessed up to all the problems


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aww, thanks Force. I appreciate it. :yay:

In regards to Squeenix though, I sadly don't feel that way.

They HAVE to be well aware of the fact that most fans (both here and in Japan) do NOT want more fucking cell phone games. Yet what do they do? State that cell phone/social games are the wave of the future and churn out these fucking micro-transaction crap games and then look fucking confused and sad when they continue to hemorrhage money.

Fans clamor for more original content. Square gives us more re-releases, ports, and sequels. The one fucking remake fans have wanted the most consistently, they've shot down saying it'd be too hard. Versus is nothing but Vaporware at this point. Kingdom Hearts is now relegated to handheld hell, because for some sick reason the Square-Enix developers are scared to death to develop on the PS3 unless it involves milking Lightning's teet until it runs dry.

Square thankfully hasn't been as abrasive, crass and rude as Capcom or worst...Ninja Theory. But their utter lack of attention to what their fans want, or hell what ANY consumer base with a brain would like, is gross incompetence and stupidity at best...or willful spite and stubbornness at worst. I look at my collection of Square games and just either smile forlornly or sigh in frustration. There really is no reason that you can count on one hand the number of new Square-Enix titles (and NOT Eidos developed titles) that have been made for next gen titles that are not ports, re-releases, or sequels of an existing game.

Square is more than happy to please their fans.... as long as its on their own terms and ensuring their profit margin with the least amount of effort possible. And that's fucking low. They're on my shitlist for that.


Double Growth
Square did say they were getting out of social and mobile games :monster:

And would a company that really wanted to maximize profit margin for as little effort as possible really spend 3 days polishing rocks?
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