
unsavory tart
Growing westernization through games?

Honestly, I'm entirely against the uniformity in games. I know Squeenix and Capcom are sweating bullets, but I don't want another Halo game. I like Resident Evil. I like Final Fantasy (and one of the few here who liked XIII), I liked Rogue Galaxy. Unfortunately, the invisible hand pimp slaps the best of us.

I dunno what good can come from this. On one hand, collaboration is always good. On the other, there will always a risk that you end up bastardizing your own work to make it more appeal to everyone.

IE. Dante.


We have come to terms
I'm reserving judgment (and holding off on a preorder, lulz) until I see more of the game and get an idea of what it's about.

I DEFINITELY won't buy it until I see some reviews, but there's a good chance that I will buy it if said reviews aren't awful.

Cautious optimism, in other words. :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Growing westernization through games?

Honestly, I'm entirely against the uniformity in games. I know Squeenix and Capcom are sweating bullets, but I don't want another Halo game. I like Resident Evil. I like Final Fantasy (and one of the few here who liked XIII), I liked Rogue Galaxy. Unfortunately, the invisible hand pimp slaps the best of us.

I dunno what good can come from this. On one hand, collaboration is always good. On the other, there will always a risk that you end up bastardizing your own work to make it more appeal to everyone.

IE. Dante.

With DMC there's no collaboration, but a complete ignorance of what's going on here in the West. They took what seems to be trendy and rebuilt Dante with it, but they forgot (or failed to investigate) that not everyone who likes DMC likes Twilight.

It's like we took every Japanese cliché and combined them on a game. The result would be a disaster.


Pro Adventurer
Im so disappointed about this. Dante looks terrible. I agree with Forcestealer that 4 and 1 were my fav designs. This design is just horrible. Dante is one of my favourite vg characters because of his look and personality....To reiterate what everyone else has said it is an emo version. D:


unsavory tart
With DMC there's no collaboration, but a complete ignorance of what's going on here in the West. They took what seems to be trendy and rebuilt Dante with it, but they forgot (or failed to investigate) that not everyone who likes DMC likes Twilight.

It's like we took every Japanese cliché and combined them on a game. The result would be a disaster.
Ninja theory is a british game company. I think whatever the problem it, it is the exact opposite of the Japanese misinterpreting the West.

And, you know, coming from an outsiders view (both to the book and the game), I don't see how this relates to Twilight, other than the main character is skinny and has short dark hair. I had the unfortunate experience of suffering through one movie of Twilight, but I'm pretty sure that whoever this Dante is has the exact opposite image of Edward, ie. doesn't sparkle in the sunlight and make yearning glances at wimmenz.

It looks like they deliberately made him opposite of the mainstay Dante for shock effect. For people crying "Twilight," Edward was suppose to be attractive, there is nothing attractive about this Dante. He's not just skinny, the kid's emaciated. His face is bruised, he looks sickly in most shots. Far cry from the white haired, strongly built Dante.

What makes me think that this was done more for story/characterization is that Dante is smoking in the end.

and a non-smoker since Kamiya sees that as more cool
This is either a way to show viewers the contrast and make them wonder why he's so different, or Ninja Theory is asleep at the wheel.

But like I said. I don't follow DMC at all. I'm probably more than likely wrong, so whatever. I only came for the interesting Japanese-companies-Western-tension article.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ninja theory is a british game company. I think whatever the problem it, it is the exact opposite of the Japanese misinterpreting the West.

And, you know, coming from an outsiders view (both to the book and the game), I don't see how this relates to Twilight, other than the main character is skinny and has short dark hair. I had the unfortunate experience of suffering through one movie of Twilight, but I'm pretty sure that whoever this Dante is has the exact opposite image of Edward, ie. doesn't sparkle in the sunlight and make yearning glances at wimmenz.

It looks like they deliberately made him opposite of the mainstay Dante for shock effect. For people crying "Twilight," Edward was suppose to be attractive, there is nothing attractive about this Dante. He's not just skinny, the kid's emaciated. His face is bruised, he looks sickly in most shots. Far cry from the white haired, strongly built Dante.

This kid is the spitting image of what's considered to be the "modern" interpretation of the vampire, propogated by shit like Twilight, Vampire Diaries and the like.

Average frame, black emo hair, pale as fuck, and a bemoaned expression.

Someone shooped Edward's face over Dantes and there's very little difference between the two. Imma see if I can find it.

Oh, and it very much is an issue of japanese folks misunderstanding their western fans, AND japanese fans. Capcom is overseeing this project themselves with their staff working with NT. There isn't a thing NT can do without Capcom approving/taking some role in it. ESPECIALLY the look of the main character.

Oh look, I found it:




Yeah, I don't really get the Twilight cries either. It's not like that look was popularized by modern vampire fiction. The looks for Twlight/Vampire Diaries/etc. characters are just as derivative as this new Dante design.

I see it more as an extension of emo/scene culture, which has much more to do with western rock stars. Like I said before, I think he looks way more like Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy fame than he looks like Robert Pattinson. /2cents :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yeah, I don't really get the Twilight cries either. It's not like that look was popularized by modern vampire fiction. The looks for Twlight/Vampire Diaries/etc. characters are just as derivative as this new Dante design.

I see it more as an extension of emo/scene culture, which has much more to do with western rock stars. Like I said before, I think he looks way more like Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy fame than he looks like Robert Pattinson. /2cents :monster:

Then it's still all a part of the same subset, which makes those comparisons just as apt, no?


Oh yeah, there is definitely a similarity. I was saying how I was taken back by the initial reactions going straight to Twilight since emokids have looked like that long before it came into existence.

I can more readily see this Dante cutting himself with his own tears while playing a guitar (badly) than him sooking blood (not like Twlight vampires do anyway) :P

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Oh yeah, there is definitely a similarity. I was saying how I was taken back by the initial reactions going straight to Twilight since emokids have looked like that long before it came into existence.

It's the most popular iteration of the trend in recent years.

It's not really something that should be unexpected.


...I suddenly feel like an old person who makes dated references. Has Twilight really superceded the popularity/relevancy of music in scene culture? :(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
...I suddenly feel like an old person who makes dated references. Has Twilight really superceded the popularity/relevancy of music in scene culture? :(

I dunno if it's different anywhere else, but on the net/schools/mall scene the shit is pretty popular.

The overwhelming prevalence of it in the media is enough evidence for me.
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unsavory tart
...I suddenly feel like an old person who makes dated references. Has Twilight really superceded the popularity/relevancy of music in scene culture? :(
lol, that's what I was thinking. Dante was less inspired of popular twilight culture as he is just suppose to be british!punk. But I hate Vampire lore and avoid vampires in media media so maybe vampires are british!punk. And I suppose that would include the musicians.

I feel kind of weird if Dante is really influenced strongly by Capcom's view of what Westerners want. Especially since Western!games show off an entirely different image that Western!media. If I had to argue it, Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker were much more Capcom trying to tap into our interest, with them being spawned from Gears of War and Matrix. It seems like the popular games we make tend to have more macho and rugged main characters. And that as a whole, our fandom criticizes effeminate male characters, especially seen with how easily we bash Final Fantasy characters like Cloud or Tidus.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
lol, that's what I was thinking. Dante was less inspired of popular twilight culture as he is just suppose to be british!punk. But I hate Vampire lore and avoid vampires in media media so maybe vampires are british!punk. And I suppose that would include the musicians.

I feel kind of weird if Dante is really influenced strongly by Capcom's view of what Westerners want. Especially since Western!games show off an entirely different image that Western!media. If I had to argue it, Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker were much more Capcom trying to tap into our interest, with them being spawned from Gears of War and Matrix. It seems like the popular games we make tend to have more macho and rugged main characters. And that as a whole, our fandom criticizes effeminate male characters, especially seen with how easily we bash Final Fantasy characters like Cloud or Tidus.

Dead Rising was tailored specifically to Americans.

Now, Capcom has changed their stance to where they are heavily influenced by the west.


We have come to terms
I can more readily see this Dante cutting himself with his own tears while playing a guitar (badly) than him sooking blood (not like Twlight vampires do anyway) :P

Also, this made me think of CRAAAWLIIING IN MY SKIIIIN


unsavory tart
Now, Capcom has changed their stance to where they are heavily influenced by the west.
It seems like more and more, the companies are getting way too wrapped up in trying to capture the western market to the point that they are compromising their style, and whining about not getting enough of the market share. Well, considering how much games cost to make nowadays, saying whining might be unfair. Japanese fans have this too, but we got the bigger market.

On one hand, there are some advantages, but I don't see how this is particularly healthy. Then again I'm a fucking weeabo and I like my wangsty Japanese RPG as much as I love chainsawing Loctus heads.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
lol, that's what I was thinking. Dante was less inspired of popular twilight culture as he is just suppose to be british!punk. But I hate Vampire lore and avoid vampires in media media so maybe vampires are british!punk. And I suppose that would include the musicians.

I feel kind of weird if Dante is really influenced strongly by Capcom's view of what Westerners want. Especially since Western!games show off an entirely different image that Western!media. If I had to argue it, Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker were much more Capcom trying to tap into our interest, with them being spawned from Gears of War and Matrix. It seems like the popular games we make tend to have more macho and rugged main characters. And that as a whole, our fandom criticizes effeminate male characters, especially seen with how easily we bash Final Fantasy characters like Cloud or Tidus.

I see what you mean, but honestly, I don't think that Cloud's image was as criticized as much until he was all "mopey" in AC/C, and that became the overly stereotyped view of his character.

Really, I think that what it boils down to that it's odd that you've had a series of highly successful games, with a popular character that you feel the need to "adapt" so that you can hit what you think a target audience wants. You're intentionally stereotyping your character, which - in doing so, means that you're removing the unique qualities about them that made them stand out in the first place in an attempt to attract people who weren't interested in the previous games.

I mean, sure, if you released a followup game to Dirge of Cerberus where Cloud is square-jawed, has a perma-5 o'clock shadow, bulks up in the non-forarm region, and is in a motorcycle gang called the 7th Hellions, you might bring in a new demographic, and appeal to a "Western Audience" but you're also kind of kicking all the previous character design in the nuts. (I swear to god if this happens...)

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It seems like more and more, the companies are getting way too wrapped up in trying to capture the western market to the point that they are compromising their style, and whining about not getting enough of the market share. Well, considering how much games cost to make nowadays, saying whining might be unfair. Japanese fans have this too, but I we got the bigger market.

On one hand, there are some advantages, but I don't see how this is particularly healthy. Then again I'm a fucking weeabo and I like my wangsty Japanese RPG as much as I love chainsawing Loctus heads.

Money lady.


What's funny is DMC4 sold incredibly well, they Capcom says "HERP THE FRANCHISE IS STALE IT'S TIME SHAKE THINGS UP".


Double Growth
Exactly, its really weird. Unfortunately the negative attention will equate to a lot of sales for this game, at least at first. (Assuming that is Dante or whatever and this isn't some ruse - in that case it wouldn't be unfortunate)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't want to play a DMC game without Dante and co.

I'd play a DMC game starring Trish over this and I hate Trish.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
lol, I remember being really annoyed that Dante gave the Sparda to Trish and kept Alistor after the first game. Though she doesn't appear to have it in 4 (neither does he though)

Didn't she give it to the demon pope in 4?


We have come to terms
She took it from the stand at DMC and gave it to demon pope, yeah.

Then Dante got it back at the end.
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