Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
This isn't helping how much I'm gonna miss Jenna & Matt's adorable chemistry.
Io9 ranked all the Doctor Who episodes from An Unearthly Child to "The Name of the Doctor" from best to worst. You can read it here.
They have to be aware of it, I would think. Whether it's intentional isn't entirely clear..
Io9 ranked all the Doctor Who episodes from An Unearthly Child to "The Name of the Doctor" from best to worst. You can read it here.
Probably a good starting point for debate, this.
Io9 ranked all the Doctor Who episodes from An Unearthly Child to "The Name of the Doctor" from best to worst. You can read it here.
Probably a good starting point for debate, this.
Ok I know I said I'd shut up about the 50th and I don't want to restart a debate that won't go anywhere but I just wanted to link this post because it's very well-written and looks at the issues both from an in-universe and out-of-universe perspective and it's just a good read and RUN-ON SENTENCE BATMAN.
That essay was didn't read lol (it's too late and I don't need the rage) but I want to point out that the people arguing the Doctor doesn't need to carry guilt over his actions anymore are ignoring that but for the intervention of Clara and Rose/the Moment he would've still pushed the button. So he still has to look at himself as a person who would've committed genocide against his own people if outside forces hadn't stayed his hand. The idea that this somehow he can suddenly clear his conscience because of the 50th is just asinine.
This was the day that the High Council of the Time Lords decided to end time, and that's why all of the Daleks are converging on the single location, and just attempting to totally wipe Gallifrey off the map with sheer overwhelming force.
@the whole first section of In Universe:
So many people seem to miss that DotD does NOT feature the Time War. It features the very last day of the Time War, which is HUGELY different. This was the day that the High Council of the Time Lords decided to end time, and that's why all of the Daleks are converging on the single location, and just attempting to totally wipe Gallifrey off the map with sheer overwhelming force. This is late enough in that time that we see Gallifrey's second largest city, Arcadia falling in the opening. You're literally witnessing the last... 15-20 mins of a war that ripped across planets through all of space and time.
It's funny, because I don't even disagree with you - it's just that I think we see the defining characteristic of the Doctor as two very different things. To me he's always been the man who makes the difficult choicesto save as many people as possible. That's the Doctor that resonated with me, that I found compelling to watch. Basically, this:@the whole last section for out of universe:
The whole purpose of DotD is clearly establishing the Doctor as someone who's different from other warriors/heroes. Moffat is sometimes successful and sometimes not, and there're very clearly people who feel one way or another about this, but for me this also comes down to the quote from Marcus Aurelius that Clara says in the opening, "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
As I've said before, literally ALL of Eleven's story arc from the very start of Series 5 have all been about the implications of being the last of the time lords, and being notorious for your actions, and the name "The Doctor" coming to mean something different and that name and definition of who the Doctor is being altered because of it, and how above everything else it's that promise that he made to himself - who he defines himself as and why that's important.
The super crash-course version of this is really simple. Go watch The Pandorica Opens, The Big Bang, A Good Man Goes to War, The Name of the Doctor, The Night of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor. That's Eleven's character arc, and represents everything that Moffat wants to say about who the Doctor is - which is even MORE important because of who he became because of the Time War (more on that at the end of the next paragraph).
op said:Moreover, it removes the story from any grounding in the reality of the viewer wherein we have small-scale analogues of the Time War. We have to make decisions between bad and worse, we have to live with the consequences of our actions, we have to live with regret and guilt. So many of us suffer with some form of survivor’s guilt. Watching the Doctor live with that, confront it, suffer with it and ultimately find some solace and closure and move forward resonated with the real-life experiences of so many viewers. Changing the story so that the resolution requires Time Magic that none of us possess moves the message from “You must try to find hope through your friends and your deeds and slowly move forward” to “Screw that, just get a time machine and change the past to make it all better!” Only one of these options is possible for the average viewer. The message becomes essentially meaningless.
X said:...(you just suffer different consequences)
He's still the same person, who made the same decision, suffered the same consequences, and is now dealing with a different version of those same consequences, where failing to find them is equivalent to him killing them again (Schrödinger's Gallifrey).
I completely agree - given the option to save people he would make always that choice. It's the fact that the choice exists at all - that one was time-magicked into the story when before it never existed, that not only was Gallifrey saved but it was never destroyed in the first place - that ultimately damages the narrative and the character.To further elaborate, the SECOND he has knowledge of his own future and more than one of himself there, that's no longer the same scenario that we were presented with for 9's history OR the scenario where he didn't have any choice. Pushing the button AGAIN after all of that DOES make him the Warrior and NOT the Doctor, because HERE - he has a CHOICE to find another solution. This is the whole point behind his character development since those events. He ISN'T someone who ever chooses xenocide again if there are ANY OTHER OPTIONS and The Day of the Doctor WAS another option. If he treated it like it wasn't that would have been the complete antithesis of everything that his character has become since, which is why I still totally don't buy a shred of that argument.
This one teeny parenthetical notation in your post was what Y's whole post was about.
X-SOLDIER said:If you'd hit that button and it turned out to just freeze them anyway but let you see the explosion, it's still the same - which is basically what happened.
X-SOLDIER said:Hell, even if you'd hit the button and nothing happened, you're still the same person, (you just suffer different consequences).
The people of Gallifrey were either going to die to end the Time War because of the Time Lords, because of the Daleks or because of The Doctor. What happens in DotD is saving them from all of those other fates by moving them out of the line of fire. To say that is the same as killing them if they are never found is nonsense.
A more accurate analogy would be a doctor (ha) inducing a coma in a trauma patient in the hope they can be saved and resuscitated later. If that fails, we aren't going to say the doctor might as well have pulled the plug or shot them. We're going to say they saved them for a little while longer, but it just wasn't enough.
You're still trying to come at this thing from an in-universe perspective where The Doctor's perception of events is the only consequence that matters when what's important to fans for whom Gallifrey Never Burned would ruin DW is that the consequences for people other than The Doctor is utter annihilation at his hands and what that allows DW to say as a metaphor for real life.
It's still fine for myself and Y and Minato if Rose changed history such that at one point Gallifrey was still space ash. It being saved is then reward for how The Doctor lived his life after. That's awesome. What's not is if there was never anything valuable to take from it as commentary on real life in the first place.
Again, Gallifrey hasn't been found yet, we don't know anything at all about how difficult the quest will actually be. I'd make an adequated quess that Clara, a mere human, will have everything to contribute and further more that a good chunk of clues will be found on Earth early 21th century if Gallifrey isn't just found in a cupboard in London straight up. It may not be down to the Doctor alone. I'm sure Moffat will surprise us so I don't see any reason to already look at it like that the Doctor pretty signed their death warrants anyway.Hell, the father, mother, & son from The Family of Blood are subjected to fates are a FAR less extreme scenario to overcome, and THEY even have the potential of escaping them on their own (however EXTREMELY unlikely that may be). Their fates were created as torturous punishments though, whereas Gallifrey is also lost and everyone on it is also frozen in time. It's like Sleeping Beauty >9000. At its kindest, you're damning them if not directly murdering them.
X said:Yeah... except if you read the tiny little bit of sentence-specific context BEFORE that quote, it doesn't actually apply to the scenario of what happened in DotD. and by responding to it as if it did, you're missing the whole point.
X said:There's a reason that I keep calling it Schrödinger's Gallifrey, and your analogy isn't quite an apropos comparison.
It's more like you were to suddenly cryogenically freeze someone in a device that had to be manually re-activated, and then hurl the device containing them (which somehow was capable of remaining functional and avoiding the spaghettification of being drawn in to a singularity) into a randomly selected black hole. Your job is to then find this black hole, figure out a way to breach the event horizon, and THEN still be able to recover them from the device. If no one ever found their location, reached it, and then saved them, please explain how what you did is different than killing them.
X said:Except that I'm not. I'm looking at the events of how the mechanics of time travel work, and it seems that the REAL issue that everyone's having is completely misunderstanding how bootstrapping and "re-writing" an event in the past works in Doctor Who.
X, I never thought I would facepalm at you, but I just did. =P
Yes, suddenly cryogenically freezing someone and subjecting them to all that you described would be tantamount to killing them. Only that's not what The Doctor did. Had he done nothing, they would have died. What he did was prevent their imminent, definite deaths by gambling with the possibility that they would never wake up.
And what part of "the mechanics of how time travel works in DW" doesn't sound like an in-universe perspective to you? That's what you're' discussing.
We get how time travel works in the show just fine. What we're discussing is literary value.