"Again and again and again! How the hell do you do THIS THING!"

Congratulations to your fifth strike in a row and breaking through the milestone of 2000 Subscribers!
Sorry, that I'm so late to the party! Looks like I've a lot of catch-up to do! (didn't respond since Game Analysis #9)
I wish I could contribute much more in your endeavours on enlightening the peasants of the great wonder that's called FFVII Remake

, but I don't have a YT account and I won't create one in the near future (not a big fan of Social Media and Google), but with every new addition on your channel, the temptation grows stronger in volume.
Patreon could be an interesting alternative (especially in case of monetizing

), should this be your way of how you present your content in the future, you'll have my support!
Regarding the new format of presenting your videos (I know I'm late for this, but anyway), I think when you have an idea how you get closer to the quality you invisioned, than this can't be a bad thing. Do what you need to do!

Btw, I really dig the new "Weekly FFVIIR News" format, you have my thumps up, and ROCK ON!
But now, lets give me the pleasure of granting you a little bit of my
wisdom feedback (and random thoughts), shall we?
- You said the Shortcut Menu can be used IN and outside of Tactical Mode (Time Stamp: 2:42), wouldn't that be counter-productive? Or maybe I misunderstood (like always
), and you meant we can still jump out of TM through L1, back to Real Time Combat with the SM opened up and ready?
- What catched my eye is that non played characters, who aren't engaging in combat, are filling up their ATB Bars so slowly, that I thought it doesn't move up at all. You get a good look at it in the fight against Scorpion Sentinel, when Barret has cool downs between firing salvos, or the scene when Cloud takes a back seat when SS is crawling on the wall and getting out of his reach.
- I'm curious about how many possibilities we'll have in regards to AI Configuration. You already mentioned that it doesn't seem like the AI has any control over assigning Special Abilities on NPCs in battle. I imagine there will be an ON/OFF toggle option for AI intervention, with that they enable the player to focus 100% on one character (yes, there are people like that too
). Another option would give you the choice of three different Fighting Stances, additionally to the Standard we witnessed already on E3s gameplay demonstration (where the AI controlled character is adjusting in accourdance to the enemy's actions), we could choose between Offensive-, Diffensive- and Supportive-, more straightforward Stances. It grants the player more ways to ingage with the battle system and a greater level of strategical depth for the game... or less. 
- The graphical error on the colour mapping for the MP stats, could've happened because of a combination of circumstances. This is only a theory, but to be more precise, it's the only time where we can see an enemy on Stagger Mode AND the player using the SM at the same time. The redish/orange damage numbers are influencing the numbers on the SM, which opened up only moments ago, AFTER Stagger Mode was activated. Maybe the fast changing of sequences didn't gave the system a chance to remapping the right colour scheme.
- I think they had a little hickup at the sound department too. Immediatly after starting the second phase of the SS fight (Barrier), when the player changes to Barret, his prompting speech begins with a stutter
, he says "I-I-I-It's my time to shine!", not sure about the source though, could've been from the stream, the video file they played on stage or the game itself.
THAT'S IT FOR NOW! I need to sort out things in my head first, before I can move on with my "feedback". I'LL BE BACK!
Btw, you've a new follower! I didn't know you can do that on TLS... whatever... I've people now that I NEED TO STALK!