E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!


Save your valediction (she/her)
The soft, true orchestration of the FFVII Main Theme during the opening pan-out was the perfect touch. All of the music is amazing. The mission impossible track is still somewhat out of place, but the way Guard Scorpion's music went, it may be that every boss has its own track.


Ninja Potato
I just compared the original pan-out to the Shinra building with the redone version from the trailer, and man, the have made Midgar absolutely MASSIVE compared to how it looked in the original cinematic. It really looks like a living, breathing city. Incredible.


Harbinger O Great Justice
This is also why I was convinced that they'd understand what the train schedules for the city would be in an earlier conversation. :awesomonster:

Also, Tifa has a Bomb & a Chocobo on her bracelets, and her gloves and guards have runes all over them:

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Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 10.37.40 PM.png
I'm wondering if there's anything interesting hidden there as text (although I'm hoping that the near infinite-render machine of Reddit will uncover that, so that I don't have to go figuring it out myself :awesomonster:

I was also surprised that Barret's dogtags seemed to imply that Avalanche was more formally organized (at least enough to have dogtags), and that the Midgar cell was lead by him, but it implies that there are / were other active cells, and some type of recognized hierarchy within them.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
The battle system looks like it has huge potential. 2 discs just for Midgar is insane. I know they are going to add so much more to the story, love that.

I need time to warm up to Tifas design. Her face is spot on but her clothes I'm not a fan of. Her new clothes remind me of a generic anime character. She's also been SJW'ed, but that's more forgivable then how much they changed the rest of her look.

The issue is the contrast between her and Aerith. Tifa was suppose to be edgy in a black mini skirt and Aerith sweet and conservative in her long pink flower dress. Tifa's new look resembles Aeriths too much.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'm now about 10 watches in, and am convinced that the Tifa/Cloud scene in Sector 7 is early early production footage, and it won't look like that in in the game. They aren't mo-capped, for one, and it shows. Their movements and facial expressions are equally stilted. The lighting on the characters in that scene also just isn't as good as the rest of the trailer - it makes the models look very dated.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Made a few wallpapers to celebrate all the new trailers and info and release date we've been getting. Pick your girl or pick both. Either way, I hope you guys like 'em! :)


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Pro Adventurer
A few more trailer screens. The materia's a little larger than I thought it would be, but it's still cool. I wonder how they'll handle it with 8-slotted weapons like Premium Heart and Ultima Weapon in the later episodes? I'm sure we won't get anything with that many slots in Part 1, but in the later parts it's more likely.

Oh and if the normal boss battles are as intense as we've seen, just imagine what it's going to be like going up against the WEAPONS! That'll be insane!
Alternatively, since this a complete RPG, I'm hoping we get 8-slot weapons and some cool super bosses this time around. They won't be WEAPONS obviously, but a failed Shinra experiment or a super-mecha would be awesome.
Also, thanks for all the pictures you've posted!
I just compared the original pan-out to the Shinra building with the redone version from the trailer, and man, the have made Midgar absolutely MASSIVE compared to how it looked in the original cinematic. It really looks like a living, breathing city. Incredible.
Which is awesome, because one thing I noticed during my recent replay is how Midgar seems smaller in the OG than I always remember it looking.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Alternatively, since this a complete RPG, I'm hoping we get 8-slot weapons and some cool super bosses this time around. They won't be WEAPONS obviously, but a failed Shinra experiment or a super-mecha would be awesome.
Also, thanks for all the pictures you've posted!

You're welcome, Cannon! I download the vids from Youtube and play them back in mpv player. Taking screenshots is as easy as hitting the "S" key. I figured I'd just add my little bit to the hype machine, hehe. Is it March yet? :lol:
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Fire and Blood
Tifa is pretty much perfect <3 But I was really stocked when we saw her fighting, remembering why I absolutely loved having her around in my parties. I think the one saying that the scene at 7th Heaven is an old footage is probably right, I wass jarred by the difference of what we'd seen prior (lighting, stiff faces...), but it was very different once they were out in Midgard. Or maybe it's just the lighting in this special area that makes everyone look like this, IDK. It'll be interesting once they get out of Midgard (so 2021?).

The combat system looks very interesting but I haven't been playing on a console since forever, I fear that I'm going to die a lot LOL.


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