E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!


Fiat Lux
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The amount of autistic rage over Tifa's tiddies is ridiculous.

They're fine. I'm more bothered about the thigh-highs, but watevs.


I saw it alllllll! Definitely crazy but I think I love it! The slowing down in combat thing might take some getting used to and I wonder if I'll get fed up with it?! But probably not let's be honest I'm pretty easy to please haha. Is everyone else feeling good about it????


Pro Adventurer
ranting incoming:
The more I see Tifas new design the worst it looks to me, her tights are way too thin while all the stuff she is wearing is just too noisy. Also her breast needs to be a little bit more prominent, not because polygon boobs make saliva but because it's such a iconic part of her design that it seems just wrong if her chest doesn't stand out a bit. But my biggest gripe with her new design would be the way how her face looks now, it's almost painfully plain. Hopefully SE fixes some of these issues before the game is released

trash panda

If it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure all the footage we saw in this last trailer is still in development. In the follow-up Gameplay interview that took place today, it was briefly mentioned that they were essentially giving their audience what they wanted by revealing Tifa.

To the best of my knowledge, Tifa didn’t show up anywhere else at E3 except for that brief trailer and she is obviously not what any of us would likely consider a finished project. With that being said, I would assume that their decision to reveal an unfinished product was a recentish decision made to please fans. I expect her face may look quite different by the time we see the game released.

Also, her breasts are fine. As @BforB has mentioned a few times, they look like a legit pair of huge boobies that are well contained in a quality sports bra, or orthopedic underwear as @LicoriceAllsorts pointed out lmao.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Honestly, with all these design changes means that there's a chance we'll get their OG outfits as DLC at some point. :monster:

Also, again: development footage -- Tifa had this untextured rough look that reminds me of how Cloud looked in the early remake trailers -- and look at Cloud now, he's handsome and pretty and everything I imagined he would be. Give it time, if there's anymore new stuff featuring Tifa, she'll have a new and improved look.


Conqueror of Sugar
Mochi Lover
ranting incoming:
The more I see Tifas new design the worst it looks to me, her tights are way too thin while all the stuff she is wearing is just too noisy. Also her breast needs to be a little bit more prominent, not because polygon boobs make saliva but because it's such a iconic part of her design that it seems just wrong if her chest doesn't stand out a bit. But my biggest gripe with her new design would be the way how her face looks now, it's almost painfully plain. Hopefully SE fixes some of these issues before the game is released
re: Breasts
I think her black shirt underneath, generates an camonflage-effect, this results in decreasing her bust size, but in reality they are still very big! It depends on the angel of view, like @Mr. Ite demonstrates with this gif^
Tifa painfully plain? Painfully gorgeous more like.

I mean, I'd like Cloud to have a more manly chin, but I accept that he is what he is.
I can understand his reasoning... when you look at the scenes where she stands besides a beauty like Aerith, it's much more obvious.
Would it not be for her eyes, there is nothing noteworthy about her.
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Pro Adventurer
I like Tifa's outfit, boob size seems fine, but not the face.



Save your valediction (she/her)
@ hleV The Sector 7 Slums scenes were hastily put together for the trailer, that’s been pretty much admitted to at this point. I found her first reveal very jarring compared to the quality of what’s been shown so far, but when both her and Marlene moved with the uncanny stiffness of an early CG flight safety video I knew it was pre alpha content we were getting. Her appearances in the more completed scenes seems much less out of place.


Fire and Blood
Isn't it supposed to be the contrary though? Tifa's supposed to be the bomb from my memories.
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