E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!


Fire and Blood
I know lol. From my memories, Tifa was still supposed to be super hot, even in the FFVII world.


Pro Adventurer
View attachment 3478

They’re big. What you want is jiggle physics and you can gtfo
Cool it down, fam. I certainly don't want 'jiggle physics', it's one of the cheapest way to do fanservice and wouldn't suite a character like Tifas at all. I meant what I said in my previous post, I would like her bosom to stand out a bit more just because it's such a iconic thing people associate with her design
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Pro Adventurer
@ Odadiamyo - I just 100% disagree. Both of them are beautiful. It makes sense, though, that Aerith's beauty would hit someone between the eyes, whereas Tifa's maybe takes a little longer to see.
In all of Tifas other appearances through out the years she looked absolutely on pair with Aerith (if not even better tbh) why would they change that so suddenly?


Sharp Shinra Shill
In all of Tifas other appearances through out the years she looked absolutely on pair with Aerith (if not even better tbh) why would they change that so suddenly?

I think I agree with what was said earlier that the most likely answer is Tifa's not yet as polished as the other characters.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
No offense, but Tifa's face in the Remake looks kinda squashed and plastic looking. Like an early PS1 version of Rinoa but more like a Barbie doll.

Then again I've grown so used to her AC look(which she is gorgeous in the movie and her other appearances by the way) for so many years. And if this is what Tifa will look like from now on, I'm too afraid to see what Reno, Yuffie and everyone else will look like, and concerned if this won't end up causing Tifa to be excluded in the next DLC character appearance in Dissidia NT.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I saw it alllllll! Definitely crazy but I think I love it! The slowing down in combat thing might take some getting used to and I wonder if I'll get fed up with it?! But probably not let's be honest I'm pretty easy to please haha. Is everyone else feeling good about it????

The slowing down in Combat thing is entirely optional – just like it was in FFXV (and also much like how the original game's ATB has an option for Active, Wait, & Recommended), so if you don't wanna deal with it, ya won't have to! :D

X :neo:
Obviously we're looking with different eyes or we have different standards because I think Remake Tifa is every bit as beautiful as Aerith if not more so. I'm not trying to be contrary here; I'm really surprised anyone would think she wasn't. That doesn't mean you're wrong, of course. I'll also say that I prefer her look here to her look in ACC, which I was often not that keen on. Her look doesn't depend on great big googoo eyes and a cute face so it may just be harder to get right.


Fire and Blood
I think it's not that; personally I do prefer her look here rather than in ACC BUT I think it is less polished/finished and thus it's jarring compared to the rest of the game (especially the part at the bar). So I think Tifa needs a bit more work, and they're probably aware of that.

Edit: not sure where to post that, so it'll do here, but in case you missed it, GameInformer has released an interesting article with facts we didn't necessarily know from before. Maybe we should make a post with those demo tests? Because I feel this might have been posted but I don't know where to check this out :/
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Rookie Adventurer

For me, Tifa's new design is perfect. I appreciate that she is now showing lesser skin and reasonable size of "those".


Cool it down, fam. I certainly don't want 'jiggle physics', it's one of the cheapest way to do fanservice and wouldn't suite a character like Tifas at all. I meant what I said in my previous post, I would like her bosom to stand out a bit more just because it's such a iconic thing people associate with her design

Like how much bigger do you want it? It’s already big enough for her frame.

The amount of people triggered by her breast size is amusing. They’re just *fictional* boobs people :mon:

So many nitpickers here, you are all entitled to your opinions but also remember that there’s the original game you can always go back to if y’all unsatisfied with the Remake
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Pro Adventurer
^This boob graphic EXACTLY! Do people want Tifa to have severe chronic back pain and possibly scoliosis by wearing a push-up bra to fight? Y'all need to meet a real woman.

but when both her and Marlene moved with the uncanny stiffness of an early CG flight safety video I knew it was pre alpha content we were getting.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO this quote will forever be one of my favourites.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa's new design is still a mixed feeling for me. Everything with her upper torso is fine; I like the key art, but the waist down is a Japanese surprised "Heeeehhhh?" from me. I miss the original miniskirt. Rikku rocked it, Lightning rocked it, and now it doesn't come back to the first FF character to rock it. I get it, it's restricting, but they made it work before. Tights, I'm a fan, but not on Tifa. I may forgive that later, but her legs isn't really carrying the same presence as before. Kind of a downgrade than an upgrade for me anyway. Now I feel a little bad for dissing Blair's Tifa for the changes and additions, because I was positive that Nomura wasn't gonna change her design a bit much. Well it turned out to be a bit too much.
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Pro Adventurer

For me, Tifa's new design is perfect. I appreciate that she is now showing lesser skin and reasonable size of "those".
See, to me the new outfit is a lot more sexualized than her old one. Her barmaid outfit was in its simplicity really great and fitted right in with the other characters. Her new dress reminds me of some chick who wants to make money on twitch. Nomura should either give her leggings and cover her legs fully or keep them naked but don't mix it. The new look is just a fashion sin tbh


Pro Adventurer
Like how much bigger do you want it? It’s already big enough for her frame.

The amount of people triggered by her breast size is amusing. They’re just *fictional* boobs people :mon:

So many nitpickers here, you are all entitled to your opinions but also remember that there’s the original game you can always go back to if y’all unsatisfied with the Remake
It's the same thing when people complained about her eyes not being red before, it's just something that belonged to her character.
Well my hope is that I don't have to go back to the original and that SE might tweek some things related to her appearance. Like many people already said it seems that the scenes with Tifa are still early in development, so there is still hope :p


Pro Adventurer
Tifa also had eyes the size of half her head, but I don't see anyone complaining about that.
Lets at least be honest - some people want her to have big boobs coz that's something they like, and that's nothing bad. But let's not pretend it's because of "original design".
I like how it is. Her boobs are still big. They are, actually, huge - bra mentioned earlier and as fit as she looks (fit, not thin) she sure has low body fat, and quess what boobs are made of mostly? Yeah.
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trash panda

Love Square. Love Rhombus?
Can we please make this a thing?!??? It even has a "Square" pun in it on account of, you know, Square Enix. I do personally like a rhombus more than a square, but pun.

Also, anyone who thinks Tifa's unpolished face isn't that great, I think you're craycray. If my health insurance provider covered plastic surgery, I would have had Tifa's face like yesterday.

And I greatly appreciate the new spandex shorts / skort thing she has going on. I've said before that it doesn't make sense to wear suspenders with a skirt because the skirt would wind up around your midsection. Shorts make better sense.


It's the same thing when people complained about her eyes not being red before, it's just something that belonged to her character.

Again. She still has pretty big breasts for her in game frame, so it still “belongs to her character” are you sure you’re not just projecting your own Tifa boob fantasies here? I’m saying this as politely as I can.

At any rate, keep holding to that hope that they’ll enlarge her breasts more to suit your liking. I know 98% of people will enjoy the remake breast size aside.


Pro Adventurer
And I greatly appreciate the new spandex shorts / skort thing she has going on. I've said before that it doesn't make sense to wear suspenders with a skirt because the skirt would wind up around your midsection. Shorts make better sense.

I know suspenders wouldn't make sense to begin with since it's purpose is to hold up a loose pair of pants or skirt. But with Tifa, it was on a tight miniskirt; it didn't need it, but it still looked cool, haha. Regardless if it would ride up in real life.
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