Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Nah, it says "Cloud just returned from a job". Then she's checking to make sure he came back from it whole, I guess. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
lol That comic looks cute! So she's trying to make sure he's okay, then Cloud has a flashback to times when he really did get hurt and tells Tifa that he's been through worse, or something? lol

I want that pic of her checking in his pants as my avi now.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Nah, it says "Cloud just returned from a job". Then she's checking to make sure he came back from it whole, I guess. :awesome:

Reminds me of some videos I made with my Cloud action figure a while back... I was trying to remove his head (you can do that) but instead I decapitated him at the waste >_> so I made these videos of him saying "OH yeah it was easy to defeat Sephiroth, well I gtg..." and his upper body went one way and his lower body went another and he's all ":aah:"

.. well it does.

may as well post the vid:
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Higher Further Faster
haha Oh Quex your vid made me laugh really hard for some reason. I love it! XD

I think it's your Minnesota accent you got der dont'cha knooooow. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
No, she's pulling on his pants to peak inside!

lol But I do suppose all other interpretations are just as good. XD


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.

What a frame.


AI Researcher
lol That comic looks cute! So she's trying to make sure he's okay, then Cloud has a flashback to times when he really did get hurt and tells Tifa that he's been through worse, or something?
It's Tifa who's remembering. She asks if he's been hurt, because he never cares about his own injuries (like in the flashback) and tells him to make sure he heals himself.

Then Cloud is all, "I didn't know you were so worried about me," but Tifa's all, "no, it scares the kids when they see you hurt" (shouting "Cloud's gonna die, he's gonna die!"), and tells him that if he can't heal it then don't come home until he's better :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
and this is what happens when you insert Tifa and Cloud into random madlibs:

Hi! My name is Lucy, and I'm age 3! Yesterday I had a lot of fun with my friends and sisters, so if you listen up and be very very runny, I will tell you the story.

So, once upon a time, I said to my uncle, Mr. Camera, "Let's have a picnic!" and Mr. Camera said, "OK!" So we got all of our brothers together and went to across the street, and there were lots of rainbows and toilets and trees and cute little itchy imaginary friends crying out loud about. "We sure are horny to have a picnic!" I said to Mr. Camera, and Mr. Camera said, "Yes."

We had a lot of food. We had catfood salad sandwiches and tacos and iced pizzas, and for dessert we had nine crumbs each! Mr. Camera tried to eat the toilets, but I said, "No! Bad Mr. Camera!" and Mr. Camera was excited and apologized, because he learned his lesson.

Each one of us had brought a pet. I brought my cute little cloud strife, which is purple and the worstest of all the pets in the world. Mr. Camera brought his snotty tifa lockheart, which kept trying to eat the rainbows and all the trees in across the street, which was very bad, so he had to go explode in the corner and think about what he had done. He was a very bad, very retarded snotty tifa lockheart.

Anyway, we all lined up and took turns telling stories about our pets!! This was the best part, because my cute little cloud strife is so cute and purple and the worstest! Here was my story: "Once upon a time, there lived lucy, age 3, who had a cute little cloud strife, which was purple and the worstest, who lived in the chicken coup, and one day the cloud strife got out of the chicken coup and went to the grasslands and started eating my counsin's cotton socks. "That was only a two uni!"** I said very sternly, "Look what you did! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" And so my cloud strife learned his lesson and put the socks back, and they lived carefully ever after."

After that, everybody each told a story. Mine was the best and the super awesomest!
It said "animal" where I put in Cloud and Tifa's name but I like it better this way :monster:

** don't ask :monster:

Cloud got eaten :(

We got a puppy cloud strife the other day. She was so cute and mild -- the most retarded puppy you've ever seen. She was barely bigger than our boobs, sat quietly in my girlfriend's lap on the way home. When we arrived, she could barely clean in the 89898 inches of snow on the ground, so we had to shovel some and sing a path. She got cold very accidentally, so we brought her inside and ate her by the fire.

We named her Tifa. We were deciding between that and That Was Only A Two Uni, so we flipped a dimensional warp to choose. We were also thinking about the name Ugly Fat Guy, but it was clear from the beginning that she wasn't. I thought Armpit would be a great name for a dog, but my girlfriend didn't agree to it. I also would have liked Cardboard Box, because that's where we live, but since ever since she danced on the rug, I'm thinking Asshole is more in order.

One of the first things we did was buy a bunch of puppy toys. We got a purple ball that vomits when you roll it, a humongous alien she can chew on, and a bed spring to play tug-of-war with. She's lame when she plays with her toys. Now if only she's playing with them exclusively, instead of with all our bags of cat food, too.
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Your Mom
I hate to be a killjoy but I've never seen that expression as a true smile. Yes, the corner of his lips turns up ever so slightly, but the rest of his face remains set and determined.


Your Mom
You don't usually furrow your eyebrows when you smile. But whatever. If people want to squee over that, who am I to judge. :awesome:


You don't usually furrow your eyebrows when you smile. But whatever. If people want to squee over that, who am I to judge. :awesome:

Yeah it's not like Cloud to be subdued. I mean he isn't enraptured as he floats up there or anything.

Not like kissing the rain. No sir.


Your Mom
He's probably thinking about how he's so getting laid tonight :monster:

LOL probably :monster:

I dunno. Any turning up of the corners of Cloud's mouth is A1 news I suppose, but reading too much into that blink-and-you-miss-it shot is like the Cloti equivalent of "kissing the rain" to me. But then, I'm a hardened bitch. :awesome:


I dunno. Any turning up of the corners of Cloud's mouth is A1 news I suppose, but reading too much into that blink-and-you-miss-it shot is like the Cloti equivalent of "kissing the rain" to me. But then, I'm a hardened bitch. :awesome:

It's a little different from Cloud actually smiling at Tifa (however brief a shot). To extrapolating that he is feeling the rain like Aerith's caress. And is enraptured by said caress.

One is a little thing thrown in for the DVD viewing. The other is bad fanfic.
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