Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Cloud just needs to hurry up and tell Tifa:

好きです! (i like you)

In the Remake that is the only thing that is missing. I mean what the hell, at one point Tifa was laying on top of him!


Cloud just needs to hurry up and tell Tifa:

好きです! (i like you)

In the Remake that is the only thing that is missing. I mean what the hell, at one point Tifa was laying on top of him!

Too early, we are still only at the beginning of the story, mind you. ;)
Now I can't help but imagine how their relationship is going to develop in the parts to come! They surely can't jump off the "touchy-feely"-train, after everything that's happened. :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Too early, we are still only at the beginning of the story, mind you. ;)
Now I can't help but imagine how their relationship is going to develop in the parts to come! They surely can't jump off the "touchy-feely"-train, after everything that's happened. :lol:

You do bring up a very good point here. How are they going to top everything that has happened in the first game and push the relationship envelope in Part 2? At this point anything less than a kiss on the cheek or else where, *shrug* would be unacceptable. ;);)


Although, I think they may go the opposite way in Party 2. In part 1 they build them up to almost a "highwind" scene in the corkscrew tunnel. Part 2 they will create distance between them due to events happening. Then in Part 3 have them come together again and be even closer. This is typical Japanese style storytelling. We have seen it before. Especially in SE games.
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Fire and Blood
I think there will be a certain distance that will be created, because don't forget that while Aerith's death dealt a huge blow to Cloud, he actually was able to go on because Tifa was there. It's when she didn't know if Sephiroth was telling a lie or not that he lost it, so to speak. But for that to happen, we will see Tifa doubt even more, of her own memories and of what Cloud tells them.

I do think there will be more UST though. It still needs to be there, plus there is the Golden Saucer date to look forward to, too!
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Pro Adventurer
I think there will be a certain distance that will be created, because don't forget that while Aerith's death dealt a huge blow to Cloud he actually was able to go on because Tifa was there. It's when she didn't know if Sephiroth was telling a lie or not that he lost it, so to speak. But for that to happen, we will see Tifa doubt even more, of her own memories and of what Cloud tells them.

I do think there will be more UST though. It still needs to be there, plus there is the Golden Saucer date to look forward to, too!

Right, especially during the Nibelheim incident, she was gravely hurt and passed out after Cloud rescued her. So her memory of that event isn't solid either.


Fire and Blood
Exactly! It's a point a lot of people forget, but Tifa doubts of HER OWN memories too. Because she was gravely hurt, she doesn't know if what she remembers is right or wrong. It doesn't help that Cloud was such a baby too and refused to show her his face lmao. Seriously >_>

Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
I don't see how Square can effectively pull off Cloud being almost with Aerith -- with Tifa seeing all that in hi def -- and then Aerith dying and then Tifa deciding now's the time to make a move. It just comes off skeevy af and disappointing. I expect better of all three characters than to act like this.


Pro Adventurer
After Aerith, died I feel that Cloud carried a lot of baggage around in his heart. The fact that he couldn't save his dear friend. That is something the events in AC tried to work through.

I am going to quote this since we are here in the club section because we are mostly of the same mind set to all things Tifa. I wanted to post this over in the LTD thread but I think it is way to sensitive material and it might feel abrasive to one side.

As a person who is, most of the time, not fully immersed in this debate, I do get periods of doubt. “Maybe TLS is looking too deep into stuff,” “maybe this quote shouldn’t be taken a certain way,” etc.

But then I see hito make clear the nuances of important Japanese quotes. I become reminded by him, Tres and other people of the relevant quotes which settle who Cloud has paired up with: Tifa. The only reason I doubt is that my disinterest in the LTD makes me forget about the existence and true meaning of certain quotes.

If it wasn’t for those few, important statements in complementary material, I would have no idea who Cloud is more romantically involved with because I’m the type of guy who needs concrete confirmation of romance in stories, either via confessions or displays of physical intimacy. The scenes between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa are just too vaguely written for me to draw any conclusions.

But the research and conclusions done by the FFVII scholars of TLS are reasonable. Only two scenarios are at this point possible:

1) Cloud loves Tifa romantically and only Tifa
2) Cloud loves Tifa romantically AND has romantic feelings for Aerith as well

To repeat myself, I find it interesting just how tough it is to interpret the love triangle dynamic. There is good reason that Tres has had to write a *book* about the matter. For those not academically invested in the discussion, the interpretation can go either way.



My point in all this is to say that I think he did love both women, but to different degrees. One woman he loved his entire life and desperately desired to be good enough for her, except for a short period when his memory was incomplete. The other he only knew during the period he couldn’t remember how he felt about the first woman. However, he did have a strong bond with her and they got along extremely well and had a kind of fun, flirty dynamic. But the first woman is the one he expresses deep, tender feelings for and the one that becomes his companion for the rest of his life.


I think both positions are true.


Pro Adventurer
Is it considered double posting after an hour or so passed since the last one? Thought that I post something that people could engage in.

I am really interested in everyone stance on Tifa's character model not have a visible scar on her after Sephiroth cut her down during the Nibelheim incident? Do you think by having something like that across her front would take away from her looks. I think it could be more realistic than having her unblemished like she is now.


Kaiju Member
Is it considered double posting after an hour or so passed since the last one? Thought that I post something that people could engage in.

I am really interested in everyone stance on Tifa's character model not have a visible scar on her after Sephiroth cut her down during the Nibelheim incident? Do you think by having something like that across her front would take away from her looks. I think it could be more realistic than having her unblemished like she is now.
It would definitely be cool, but if they didn't model one for Cloud being stabbed through the chest, they probably won't do one for Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
It would definitely be cool, but if they didn't model one for Cloud being stabbed through the chest, they probably won't do one for Tifa.

I didn't think about that, although truth be told that Cloud doesn't ever take off his shirt and show naked chest or stomach. However, Tifa wears that sports bra and short skirt all the time.


Kaiju Member
I didn't think about that, although truth be told that Cloud doesn't ever take off his shirt and show naked chest or stomach. However, Tifa wears that sports bra and short skirt all the time.
True, but it's never specified how big the slash is supposed to be, especially with the Popeye character models in the OG. And even later entires rarely ever use blood except in special cases. It would be neat but it's not exactly anything with precedent.

Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
After Aerith, died I feel that Cloud carried a lot of baggage around in his heart. The fact that he couldn't save his dear friend. That is something the events in AC tried to work through.

I am going to quote this since we are here in the club section because we are mostly of the same mind set to all things Tifa. I wanted to post this over in the LTD thread but I think it is way to sensitive material and it might feel abrasive to one side.


I think both positions are true.

That's an interesting position to take and pretty much how I felt about it too. I'm just wondering how they're gonna show that in the game now they've got everyone blowing up every single frame to catch the slightest nuance in expression and replaying moments to catch tone and make wildly differing interpretations on identical scenes.

Is it considered double posting after an hour or so passed since the last one? Thought that I post something that people could engage in.

I am really interested in everyone stance on Tifa's character model not have a visible scar on her after Sephiroth cut her down during the Nibelheim incident? Do you think by having something like that across her front would take away from her looks. I think it could be more realistic than having her unblemished like she is now.

Are they still going with her being stabbed? I assumed since we got a pretty good look and she had no scar that they'd retconned that to her being tossed down the stairs and having internal injuries instead. I mean, if she's got a scar and Cloud catches sight of it wouldn't he glitch tf out? And then that would need some kind of explanation that seems far too early to delve into.


Kaiju Member
Are they still going with her being stabbed? I assumed since we got a pretty good look and she had no scar that they'd retconned that to her being tossed down the stairs and having internal injuries instead. I mean, if she's got a scar and Cloud catches sight of it wouldn't he glitch tf out? And then that would need some kind of explanation that seems far too early to delve into.
No, he wouldn't glitch out over that, even in his false Nibelheim memories he still "remembers" Tifa being slashed.


Pro Adventurer
I actually think the scar might be something that has a better chance of making Tifa freak out internally rather than Cloud, if he mentions how and where she was hurt exactly. It’d basically be tangible, inescapable proof that Cloud knows stuff that only someone who was there might know, as opposed to something he could have read in a report or something.

But yeah, I’m not sure if they’ll include it.


Pro Adventurer
No, he wouldn't glitch out over that, even in his false Nibelheim memories he still "remembers" Tifa being slashed.

In the life-stream section, Cloud said that he saw everything so Cloud actually saw Tifa getting slashed and saw her laying on the stairs severely injured. I could only imagine what Tifa'a body would look like all bloodied up and crumbled on the stairs. (Cloud should have gave her a Hi potion or something.) Poor Tifa, at least Cloud had the enough wits about him to move her off to the side. So, I think that he could glitch because of that.

The scene afterwards when Cloud confronts Sephiroth Cloud says, "Tifa...... My Town......Give it back!" was pretty powerful. Here we can see what Tifa means to him, what his home-town means to him. The very thing that connects Tifa and Cloud. The real Cloud.

That's an interesting position to take and pretty much how I felt about it too. I'm just wondering how they're gonna show that in the game now they've got everyone blowing up every single frame to catch the slightest nuance in expression and replaying moments to catch tone and make wildly differing interpretations on identical scenes.

Are they still going with her being stabbed? I assumed since we got a pretty good look and she had no scar that they'd retconned that to her being tossed down the stairs and having internal injuries instead. I mean, if she's got a scar and Cloud catches sight of it wouldn't he glitch tf out? And then that would need some kind of explanation that seems far too early to delve into.

Well, they have already shown Tifa, with her dying Dad in a mind glitch. So, I think it still could be possible.


Kaiju Member
In the life-stream section, Cloud said that he saw everything so Cloud actually saw Tifa getting slashed and saw her laying on the stairs severely injured. I could only imagine what Tifa'a body would look like all bloodied up and crumbled on the stairs. (Cloud should have gave her a Hi potion or something.) Poor Tifa, at least Cloud had the enough wits about him to move her off to the side. So, I think that he could glitch because of that.

The scene afterwards when Cloud confronts Sephiroth Cloud says, "Tifa...... My Town......Give it back!" was pretty powerful. Here we can see what Tifa means to him, what his home-town means to him. The very thing that connects Tifa and Cloud. The real Cloud.
That statement isn't meant to taken literally though, it's in reference to Cloud confirming he actually was present at the Nibelheim incident. Sephiroth technically slashed Tifa right before when Zack was following in after her, Zack then follows Sephiroth into the Jenova room. And then (in the real version of events) Cloud only arrives after Zack has beat defeated by Sephiroth and then Cloud goes and impales Sephiroth and then Cloud comes back to move Tifa.

My point is that Tifa being slashed isn't something that contradicts his "Zack persona memories" or is exclusive to his "real memories", that what I am saying I don't think it will cause a glitch automatically.

Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
I actually think the scar might be something that has a better chance of making Tifa freak out internally rather than Cloud, if he mentions how and where she was hurt exactly. It’d basically be tangible, inescapable proof that Cloud knows stuff that only someone who was there might know, as opposed to something he could have read in a report or something.

But yeah, I’m not sure if they’ll include it.
That'd be some powerful storytelling visually speaking. Tifa does a whole lot of ..... in the Kalm retelling, so maybe that's how they'll handle it. She's hearing details that Cloud shouldn't know and it makes her freak out and that's why she doesn't respond and correct everything at that point in time?

In general, they're probably not gonna show that actual scene though unless we get it done with the weird dust effect.
Honestly, could've done without that. Sephiroth stabbing people was good enough. We got the message they're gonna die without that effect and if they're not gonna show blood then why bother showing a replacement?


Pro Adventurer
That statement isn't meant to taken literally though, it's in reference to Cloud confirming he actually was present at the Nibelheim incident. Sephiroth technically slashed Tifa right before when Zack was following in after her, Zack then follows Sephiroth into the Jenova room. And then (in the real version of events) Cloud only arrives after Zack has beat defeated by Sephiroth and then Cloud goes and impales Sephiroth and then Cloud comes back to move Tifa.

My point is that Tifa being slashed isn't something that contradicts his "Zack persona memories" or is exclusive to his "real memories", that what I am saying I don't think it will cause a glitch automatically.

Wait, so the only time he glitches out is when something contradicts his Zack memories? I see what you mean. However, I might be misremembering something but I always thought that Cloud glitching out is not entirely exclusive to Zack's memories.

If that is true than I would think that seeing a visible scar on Tifa would short circuit Cloud. It would bring him back to that scene that he witnessed Tifa getting slashed.

Actually I think I am over thinking things. I will go sit down at the bar and have a drink. :lol:


Fire and Blood
It was finally his chance.

It did definitely begin when Jessie died. He had felt the powerlessness of beiung unable to help her out, despite all the strength he had - he just didn't know how to deal with her tears and her pain.

Then, when Barret stepped up, he had watched from afar. So, that was how Tifa could be comforted, he noted duly. He had no clue but he saw that Tifa felt maybe a little bit better? Cloud had picked her up anyway, he wasn't ready to lose her - he'd drag her out of death's hands if needed. At least he got to be a little her hero there.

Now that he thought about it, it was weird that Barret told her the very same thing that Sephiroth had told him: "Hold onto that anger". He and Tifa shared many things after all.

The same past.

The same anger.

The same sadness.

The same pain.

His arms went for a comforting hug. He felt everything too, burning his soul in a way he didn't anticipate. At the same time, he also felt Tifa's sorrow, and that was as unbearable as his own feelings. He couldn't think anymore, just feel, Tifa against him, her sobs, what they had lost, dreams of normalcy evaporating, friends being killed...

"Cloud... you're hurting me."

Tifa's voice brought him back, and he suddenly let her go, feeling awkward and stupid. What was he doing?

"Thank you," she said while drying her last teardrops. "It's stupid, I know that crying's a waste of time."

So, it had worked! He had comforted Tifa! He felt confident again.

"That's not true," he said.

Whenever she needed it, he knew that he could dry those tears away now. That he could be her hero.

Little ficlet about the ch14 scene! Also just so you know, I typed that in the answer box so I don't have it posted/saved anywhere else lol. Maybe in a few years I'll hate it so it's better like that haha.

Whoops I see that a lot of discussion is going on, please be my guest and ignore me :D
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