Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
I even heard that when Tifa saves Cloud on the top of Shinra's HQ was because Tifa wanted Cloud to be Aerith's Hero and he had to live to be with Aerith. Sometimes, I can't even believe my eyes when I a reading some of this stuff. It is crazy.


Pro Adventurer
I haven't been active in the LTD for very long, but I have generally followed the fandom since 2005. My general perception has been that following the OG Clerith was a more wildly accepted cannon ship. Why this is I could only speculate, maybe because it is more of a Disney relationship, or just the hard push for Aerith in Disc 1 left a more lasting impression than the slow burn for Tifa.

Either way, Clerith was popular, but as the compilation was rolled out, the canon ship started clearly becoming Cloti. To those already highly invested in Clerith they felt shafted by the new material and like they needed to stand their ground, and the more compilation stuff came out the more they felt the need to dig into the trenches.

The end result being you have those less vocal Cleriths who just like Cloud and Aerith, but acknowledge the story sets up Cloud and Tifa, but you also have that very vocal disgruntled group who feel the need to defend what they percieve as the original canon ship. The more time and energy they sunk into the argument, the more they were unwilling to accept the argument they were defending was wrong (I'm not saying shipping Clerith is wrong, just yelling about them being canon is).

Contrast to Cloti shippers who came from the underdog position, and so could just happily accept more and more Cloti material, or came in via the compilation already feeling secure in their argument, because the canon ship had already been clearly outlined for them.

At least that is how I've perceived the conflict.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I even heard that when Tifa saves Cloud on the top of Shinra's HQ was because Tifa wanted Cloud to be Aerith's Hero and he had to live to be with Aerith. Sometimes, I can't even believe my eyes when I a reading some of this stuff. It is crazy.

Seriously? Do they honestly do not realize how delusional they sound?
Because that argument is more convoluted that some heavy crack fanworks I've read/seen. How do you even write that without laughing until your sides explode?

Pictured: how some shippers process Cloti development.



Pro Adventurer

Seriously? Do they honestly do not realize how delusional they sound?
Because that argument is more convoluted that some heavy crack fanworks I've read/seen. How do you even write that without laughing until your sides explode?

Pictured: how some shippers process Cloti development.

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Yeah, it was in those set of tweets that I posted before I got, well you know. If you want to read it is in here somewhere, around page 243 or so.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Yeah, you now, I don't care about them. I use the LTD for shitposting purposes and poking fun of everything but I don't care about arguments and pointless petty bullshit. People always find a way to shit on Aerith and Tifa (specially Tifa) and I don't want any of that, I love them. I don't ship Clerith but I don't mind people having fun.
What can I say, I love love. And sex.
So I just go with what is sexier. And CxT is sexier than CxA, and AxT is sexier than CxA. And ZxT is sexier than all because its sweet sweet crack and I might have a thing for dark-haired beauties...
I don't know where I was going with this.


Pro Adventurer
IT HAPPENED! There's nothing to disprove my claim in canon material, therefore it's true! :):):)

That's also why both Cloud and Tifa jumped from a confession straight to sex in the HW scene: the world was ending and they were just not going to dying virgins there :mon:

But jokes aside, I agree with both you and @Vortigern, the circumstances seem to have worked against them when it comes to having any previous romantic experience, so there's very little room for them to have been in any other relationship prior the FFVII. Maybe Tifa could have had a boyfriend or maybe a fling prior to Nilbeheim incident? but judging by how she acted in CC regarding Cloud is very unlikely as well.

Neither did I and now I just want them to add this in the Kalm flashback in the Remake or else I'll riot!!

Without context, Tifa and Cloud going from confession to sex felt a little weird but with context, it makes sense. The world might be ending tomorrow, these two are 100% virgins and act like it too and they have a lot of pent up passion for each other.

The Remake is really playing up the sexual tension between the two.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I don't know about you guys, but if the world might be ending tomorrow I'll drop everything and grab my SO and we'll have sex until we passed out.
So it makes sense, I don't even know how naive you have to be to think they didn't bone right there.

When I got that part in the OG I knew they boned and I was 12 or 13 at the time. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, you now, I don't care about them. I use the LTD for shitposting purposes and poking fun of everything but I don't care about arguments and pointless petty bullshit. People always find a way to shit on Aerith and Tifa (specially Tifa) and I don't want any of that, I love them. I don't ship Clerith but I don't mind people having fun.
What can I say, I love love. And sex.
So I just go with what is sexier. And CxT is sexier than CxA, and AxT is sexier than CxA. And ZxT is sexier than all because its sweet sweet crack and I might have a thing for dark-haired beauties...
I don't know where I was going with this.

The short time I have been on these forums have you really had an idea of where you were going on some of your posts? :P


Pro Adventurer
I haven't been active in the LTD for very long, but I have generally followed the fandom since 2005. My general perception has been that following the OG Clerith was a more wildly accepted cannon ship. Why this is I could only speculate, maybe because it is more of a Disney relationship, or just the hard push for Aerith in Disc 1 left a more lasting impression than the slow burn for Tifa.

Either way, Clerith was popular, but as the compilation was rolled out, the canon ship started clearly becoming Cloti. To those already highly invested in Clerith they felt shafted by the new material and like they needed to stand their ground, and the more compilation stuff came out the more they felt the need to dig into the trenches.

The end result being you have those less vocal Cleriths who just like Cloud and Aerith, but acknowledge the story sets up Cloud and Tifa, but you also have that very vocal disgruntled group who feel the need to defend what they percieve as the original canon ship. The more time and energy they sunk into the argument, the more they were unwilling to accept the argument they were defending was wrong (I'm not saying shipping Clerith is wrong, just yelling about them being canon is).

Contrast to Cloti shippers who came from the underdog position, and so could just happily accept more and more Cloti material, or came in via the compilation already feeling secure in their argument, because the canon ship had already been clearly outlined for them.

At least that is how I've perceived the conflict.

That's what I've been hearing.

The ships used to be more equal before when it was the OG because there was a lot of ways to interpret things with just text, no voices and minimal body language. Hell, we don't even know if humanity even continued past those final moments of the game back when it came out.

But then the Compilation and supplementary materials pretty much gave it to the Cloti fandom.

I think it started with Cloud & Tifa living together and raising 2 kids along with Ultimanias explicitly stating that the HA Highwind scene was romantic and then Crisis Core came out giving a lot of Aerith fans a new person to ship Aerith with. It helped that Zack was extremely likeable.



Pro Adventurer
Advent Children certainly helped with the Cloti popularity boost while working hand in hand with CC which told Zack and Aerith's tale.

Wow, that twitter poll. I know it's just a twitter poll but I've never seen one with that many votes on it.


Pro Adventurer
Is the song Midnight Rendevous an exclusive Cloud X Aerith song? Nonetheless either way, I love the song.

Hmm, I thought I recall hearing it even with Tifa and Barret in my party. In my mind it's a Cloud x Aerith x Tifa x Barret song, haha.

This one though is a Cloud x Tifa song and I really like the little touches to the song that makes it sound a little Disney / Kingdom Hearts. After all Tifa and Cloud were probably Sora and Kairi's age during this scene.



Pro Adventurer
Advent Children certainly helped with the Cloti popularity boost while working hand in hand with CC which told Zack and Aerith's tale.

Wow, that twitter poll. I know it's just a twitter poll but I've never seen one with that many votes on it.

Well, it was an official Square poll.


Pro Adventurer
Hmm, I thought I recall hearing it even with Tifa and Barret in my party. In my mind it's a Cloud x Aerith x Tifa x Barret song, haha.

This one though is a Cloud x Tifa song and I really like the little touches to the song that makes it sound a little Disney / Kingdom Hearts. After all Tifa and Cloud were probably Sora and Kairi's age during this scene.

I hear a bit of Tifa's Theme at the beginning and towards the end I heard Cloud's theme. AKA FF7 main theme.

Chapter 3 The FF7 main theme playing the entire time BTW. In which Tifa was there with him all by herself. :P;):P;)


You look like you need a monkey
Because that argument is more convoluted that some heavy crack fanworks I've read/seen. How do you even write that without laughing until your sides explode?

The LTD's been a source of pure crack theories over the years. Like the one about how kid Cloud actually hated kid Tifa and only wanted to be friends with the other kids, but Tifa held all the power in the village (including the power to dictate who could be friends with whom). So kid Cloud's genius plan was to start fights with the kids he liked in order to impress the one kid he hated so that he can be allowed to be friends with all those kids he just beat up.

I'm sure we'll be hearing more creative takes as we get on with the Remake.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
@Shadowfox I don't even know how that theory is supposed to work. Oh wait even if that was actually Cloud's intent, OG make clear it didn't work. So they can't even make sense within their madness. :monster:

Those shippers are exactly like Rockso the Rock and Roll clown here:


Pro Adventurer
The LTD's been a source of pure crack theories over the years. Like the one about how kid Cloud actually hated kid Tifa and only wanted to be friends with the other kids, but Tifa held all the power in the village (including the power to dictate who could be friends with whom). So kid Cloud's genius plan was to start fights with the kids he liked in order to impress the one kid he hated so that he can be allowed to be friends with all those kids he just beat up.

I'm sure we'll be hearing more creative takes as we get on with the Remake.

I would read that fanfic.

I'm actually so curious how remake is going to handle Cloud and Tifa's childhood relationship. I imagine the general narrative of "knew each other but weren't that close" will probably remain, but to what extent.


Pro Adventurer
I would read that fanfic.

I'm actually so curious how remake is going to handle Cloud and Tifa's childhood relationship. I imagine the general narrative of "knew each other but weren't that close" will probably remain, but to what extent.

I think we might have already got a glimpse of how they are going to handle the childhood relationship between the two. With the flashback of Tifa asking if Cloud is ignoring her. I think it will be fleshed out a bit more. Honestly, I think Tifa wanted to be noticed by Cloud in the remake. It just kinda feels that way. I know the OG says different and this could be just in my head but...


Pro Adventurer
I think we might have already got a glimpse of how they are going to handle the childhood relationship between the two. With the flashback of Tifa asking if Cloud is ignoring her. I think it will be fleshed out a bit more. Honestly, I think Tifa wanted to be noticed by Cloud in the remake. It just kinda feels that way. I know the OG says different and this could be just in my head but...
I would read that fanfic.

I'm actually so curious how remake is going to handle Cloud and Tifa's childhood relationship. I imagine the general narrative of "knew each other but weren't that close" will probably remain, but to what extent.

The Remake seems to be changing the idea of when Tifa started becoming interested in Cloud.

She makes a super sad face when Cloud says he's going to leave in Spring. She doesn't want him to go.

And in that one childhood flashback, I think rather than saying "Are you ignoring me?", she instead says "Are you ignoring me again?"

That spells out that Tifa's been trying to get Cloud's attention more than once before they ever end up at the water tower.


Pro Adventurer
The Remake seems to be changing the idea of when Tifa started becoming interested in Cloud.

She makes a super sad face when Cloud says he's going to leave in Spring. She doesn't want him to go.

And in that one childhood flashback, I think rather than saying "Are you ignoring me?", she instead says "Are you ignoring me again?"

That spells out that Tifa's been trying to get Cloud's attention more than once before they ever end up at the water tower.

I got that same feeling. I am glad I wasn't the only who picked up on that. I really do think Tifa was trying to get noticed by Cloud. Tifa does seem more assertive during this period as well.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I got that same feeling. I am glad I wasn't the only who picked up on that. I really do think Tifa was trying to get noticed by Cloud. Tifa does seem more assertive during this period as well.
I've always had this headcanon that Tifa was a really forward and assertive girl before Sephiroth decided to make the biggest bonfire in Nibelheim, but seeing his dad die before her and seeing her village destroyed and all those traumatic events made her a more quiet and reserved individual when she finally woke up in Midgar and had to earn a living. The fact that she's a barmaid so she can lend a sympathetic ear but doesn't need to talk about herself just adds to my theory.
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