Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
The devs making Aerith bring up the date at the most awkward moments rubbed me the wrong way too. I prefer the way the Remake handled AerTi's dynamics. Like I honestly think Aerith grabbing hold of Cloud's arm in the Graveyard Train chapter was because she knew Tifa was really scared of ghosts, so she wanted to lighten the mood.

Tifa also seems a bit more cheerful in the remake. When she asked Cloud at Seventh Heaven
「何か飲む?」Want something to drink?

Cloud:「今はそんな気分じゃない」Not in the mood right now.

In the OG, if you choose that, she gets a little upset and says something like
I know how to make drinks now, okay?!

But in the Remake she smiles and says,

「では、お客様のイメージで」Well then, I'll make one with you in mind.

And mixed a drink the color of his hair.

And succeeded in lightening the mood. Cloud also feels better, and even calls her "Beautiful" after that. It seems insignificant, but it's a welcome change from what I saw while playing that part earlier. Not sure if they say this in the English version though.


Pro Adventurer
And without voice-acting, body language and facial expressions, it makes it harder to show off especially when character isn't a flirty-type.

I can agree with that. Gaming in general has came a long way since the release of the OG. Motion capture and graphics have improved leaps and bounds since then too.


Pro Adventurer
The devs making Aerith bring up the date at the most awkward moments rubbed me the wrong way too. I prefer the way the Remake handled AerTi's dynamics. Like I honestly think Aerith grabbing hold of Cloud's arm in the Graveyard Train chapter was because she knew Tifa was really scared of ghosts, so she wanted to lighten the mood.

The English version of this scene is misleading as they changed Aerith's "ね!" to "Mine", after which Tifa holds Cloud's arm making it seem like Tifa was jealous. The Japanese version goes give off a more friendly, lighten the mood vibe. There's an Instagram account that provides great examples of how these key scenes are different.
And succeeded in lightening the mood. Cloud also feels better, and even calls her "Beautiful" after that. It seems insignificant, but it's a welcome change from what I saw while playing that part earlier. Not sure if they say this in the English version though.

Yes! Cloud does call Tifa beautiful in the English version too!

I am hoping they will remove Cait Sith's prophecy in part 2. Because that obviously hurts Tifa and will make Aerith ooc based on what she looks like in part 1.

I think they will. If I remember correctly, there was a scene in the OG where Marlene asks Cloud if he thinks Aerith likes him and they removed it in the Remake. The only time where the game brings up a potential for a Cloud x Aerith relationship is during Aerith's resolution scene where she clearly tells him not to fall in love with her and it's not real. On the other hand there are countless characters asking about Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
The devs making Aerith bring up the date at the most awkward moments rubbed me the wrong way too. I prefer the way the Remake handled AerTi's dynamics. Like I honestly think Aerith grabbing hold of Cloud's arm in the Graveyard Train chapter was because she knew Tifa was really scared of ghosts, so she wanted to lighten the mood.

Tifa also seems a bit more cheerful in the remake. When she asked Cloud at Seventh Heaven
「何か飲む?」Want something to drink?

Cloud:「今はそんな気分じゃない」Not in the mood right now.

In the OG, if you choose that, she gets a little upset and says something like
I know how to make drinks now, okay?!

But in the Remake she smiles and says,

「では、お客様のイメージで」Well then, I'll make one with you in mind.

And mixed a drink the color of his hair.

And succeeded in lightening the mood. Cloud also feels better, and even calls her "Beautiful" after that. It seems insignificant, but it's a welcome change from what I saw while playing that part earlier. Not sure if they say this in the English version though.

Just a minor correction. The scene wasn't quite like that.

The first drink Tifa serves him had the same color of his hair. She serves him this no matter what the player's choice is ("Something hard" vs. "Not in the mood"). Interestingly, if you pick the "something hard" option, the 'Cloud hair' drink can be associated to something "hard" and "bitter", suggesting that Cloud by himself is 'hard' and 'bitter'.

Afterwards, Tifa teases him by saying if he was some other customer he'd have said something to her by now (praise her, maybe). She then calls her a 'more discerning customer', and then proceeds to make him another drink, the Cosmo Canyon which interestingly has the same color as Tifa's eyes, to which Cloud feels a lot better and responds with "beautiful" delivered with a flirtatious smile.

Guess you could say Cloud is hard and bitter, while Tifa brightens him up a bit and is beautiful.


Fire and Blood
Afterwards, Tifa teases him by saying if he was some other customer he'd have said something to her by now (praise her, maybe). She then calls her a 'more discerning customer'

Yeah but that's an english difference with the JP. The JP scene is as @odekopeko has dedscribed it. I should check the French one, I don't remember what Tifa says there.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
^No, I've seen the JP version of that scene. It's about the same as how I described it. I'm just saying it wasn't the yellow drink that Cloud responded with "beautiful", it was the second drink---the Cosmo Canyon.

I mean, I'm basically watching a playthrough in Japanese right now and I just recently got pass that scene.


Fire and Blood
Oh you mean that but... that's exactly how it was described? I don't get it? Just because @odekopeko didn't describe the second drink doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Because s/he was focusing on:

In the OG, if you choose that, she gets a little upset and says something like
I know how to make drinks now, okay?!

But in the Remake she smiles and says,

「では、お客様のイメージで」Well then, I'll make one with you in mind.

this particularly, not how the "Beautiful" comment happens (we all know it happens with the second drink).


Pro Adventurer
@Master Bates I'm aware there were two options, was making a comparison to the OG and how Tifa reacted. Even if the player thinks they could lower her affection points like in the OG by choosing the "Not in the mood" option, it turns out not to be true. CT still end up with a good outcome and even more flirting between them. Tifa doesn't sulk, and after she serves him the second drink, he still calls her beautiful no matter what.

I forgot to mention the other drink. I was too sleepy.

Also, the Jp version (if you choose "not in the mood") makes it clear Tifa made the drink in Cloud's image because she said it. So then it becomes more apparent that the second was made to reflect the color of her eyes. She never prompts him to say something sweet to her. She said the drink was popular, and he says, course it would be. He was implying that it was only popular because she was the one serving it, but she doesn't catch his meaning. He praises her beauty on his own. So there was a slight difference in how the scene was presented in the Jp vs English. I was going off the Jp version w/ Jp subs.

I just like how, language differences aside, it establishes CT in the beginning right away. Different from the OG where the bad option raises affection for another character and makes Tifa sulk. They basically took these options away with the flower and the drink.
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Pro Adventurer
The English version of this scene is misleading as they changed Aerith's "ね!" to "Mine", after which Tifa holds Cloud's arm making it seem like Tifa was jealous. The Japanese version goes give off a more friendly, lighten the mood vibe. There's an Instagram account that provides great examples of how these key scenes are different.

Yes! Cloud does call Tifa beautiful in the English version too!

I think they will. If I remember correctly, there was a scene in the OG where Marlene asks Cloud if he thinks Aerith likes him and they removed it in the Remake. The only time where the game brings up a potential for a Cloud x Aerith relationship is during Aerith's resolution scene where she clearly tells him not to fall in love with her and it's not real. On the other hand there are countless characters asking about Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

Yeah, the train graveyard scene, we talked extensively in the LTD thread. I didn't too much care for the EN version especially since the JN version was more lighthearted. I didn't understand the liberties that the EN localization team took. How do you get "Mine" out of the JN dialog.

The original dialog wasn't structured to be a jealous statement. It was actually suppose to reassure Tifa that everything is going to be alright because "we" got Cloud. The localization team probably had a hand in the LTD back in '97 also.


Pro Adventurer
Even if there was tension, it dissolved rather quickly. Thank god for that. The translation doesn't help, but I thought it was cute and funny. I only see rabid shippers making this out to be a negative thing for Aerith and Tifa.

Also, I have to take back my words. When I first played, I said I felt that Cloud had a crush on Tifa, but wasn't sure how Tifa felt about Cloud. But now that I know she doesn't accept flowers from anyone, but takes it from Cloud shyly, and seeing this expression on Tifa when she calls Cloud's name as he's hanging off the edge for dear life... By gawd, yes, this woman absolutely loves him!

(I also love the part where Barret has to throw her over his shoulder because she was devastated and wouldn't leave, and Tifa repeatedly knocks on his back in desperation to get to Cloud.)


And the way Cloud looks when Tifa sends him away, when all he wants to do is be her hero. (Also, I love how every girl is like, "My hero!", but the one he truly wants to be a hero for is like, "Babe, I got this.")


I can't with these two! Please, SE, they need to be happy!
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Fire and Blood
There's another scene that struck me, when Cloud comes back from Jessie's side mission, she comes to chat with him, and asks him if he's going to stay a little more. When he answers that yes because he's got a friend whom he promised to help and it looked like she needed that help, she looked relieved. It made me think that she was worrying because she didn't hear him come back, and since he was left out of the next mission, she was scared that he'd live without notice, hence why she came in to check.

This scene definitely made me think that yeah, she does love him.


Double Growth
I still really only read that as Aerith saying that Cloud was "my" bodyguard. Not that he was "mine" on some possessive relationship level. Obviously I get that SE is not above giving the pot a little stir now and then, but the exchange didn't seem all that weird to me.


Pro Adventurer
There's another scene that struck me, when Cloud comes back from Jessie's side mission, she comes to chat with him, and asks him if he's going to stay a little more. When he answers that yes because he's got a friend whom he promised to help and it looked like she needed that help, she looked relieved. It made me think that she was worrying because she didn't hear him come back, and since he was left out of the next mission, she was scared that he'd live without notice, hence why she came in to check.

This scene definitely made me think that yeah, she does love him.

Yeah, if you look at that from Tifa's point of view. I could only imagine that after she got back from working at Seventh Heaven that night, I could almost guarantee that she went by Cloud's room before going into hers. When there was no answer it probably devastated her. She sat in her room next door thinking the worst that Cloud left without a single good bye. Could you imagine her relief when she hears him come up those stairs and into the room next door. I think when you check Tifa's door, Cloud says that she might be already asleep.

She then rushes over to his room with a shaky voice and called his name through the door. There was passion and excitement in her voice. She then starts with small talk and finally gets to the point and asks if he is thinking about leaving Midgar.


When Cloud answers that he made a promise and he plans on staying.

Tifa does her Victory Pose'!


When I first saw what TIfa did, I laughed. Such a nod to the fans and I loved it! I hope I am not the only one who interpreted this that way. I am such a nerd.



Fire and Blood
Haha, I didn't think about the victory pose, especially since it's a stretching pose too :') Nice little detail, it was totally a double entendre there. Yeah it hit me in that scene that Tifa was absolutely fearing that Cloud might be going away without even telling her. She must have waited for him to come back, waiting to hear from her room that he was there again :'( I connect with that so much because I'm a big worrier too haha! that's also why I immediately noticed that too. If it's only a friend, you'll wait for morning to chat, but in Tifa's case, the fact that she didn't wait told me a lot about her feelings :')


Pro Adventurer
Even if there was tension, it dissolved rather quickly. Thank god for that. The translation doesn't help, but I thought it was cute and funny. I only see rabid shippers making this out to be a negative thing for Tifa.

Also, I have to take back my words. When I first played, I said I felt that Cloud had a crush on Tifa, but wasn't sure how Tifa felt about Cloud. But now that I know she doesn't accept flowers from anyone, but takes it from Cloud shyly, and seeing this expression on Tifa when she calls Cloud's name as he's hanging off the edge for dear life... By gawd, yes, this woman absolutely loves him!

(I also love the part where Barret has to throw her over his shoulder because she was devastated and wouldn't leave, and Tifa repeatedly knocks on his back in desperation to get to Cloud.)

View attachment 6390

And the way Cloud looks when Tifa sends him away, when all he wants to do is be her hero. (Also, I love how every girl is like, "My hero!", but the one he truly wants to be a hero for is like, "Babe, I got this.")

View attachment 6392

I can't with these two! Please, SE, they need to be happy!

Tifa also acts very shy with Cloud like when she asks Cloud out on a date and when Cloud responds with "really?", you can see her body language shift to a very demure and insecure position.

She wraps her arms around her body as if to protect herself in case Cloud says no.


Pro Adventurer
And the way Cloud looks when Tifa sends him away, when all he wants to do is be her hero. (Also, I love how every girl is like, "My hero!", but the one he truly wants to be a hero for is like, "Babe, I got this.")

View attachment 6392

I can't with these two! Please, SE, they need to be happy!

Awww! Cloud's face! How did I not notice that look before? How could Tifa possibly say no to that :huh:


Pro Adventurer
And the way Cloud looks when Tifa sends him away, when all he wants to do is be her hero. (Also, I love how every girl is like, "My hero!", but the one he truly wants to be a hero for is like, "Babe, I got this.")

View attachment 6392

I can't with these two! Please, SE, they need to be happy!

He looks like a kicked puppy here, haha. That bottom lip jutting out, that pout. Adorable.


Pro Adventurer
Well, Nojima did say for us to look forward to that scene and I was definitely not disappointed! It was such a sweet and nice little touch.
Seeing that Tifa was trying to make him stay even since he came back from the mission by finding him a place to stay, got him to be able to make a living as a merc in sector 7, and so on... but in the end, he ultimately stayed because of her :blush:

like a kicked puppy here, haha. That bottom lip jutting out, that pout. Adorable.

Yes! Plus, I found so funny how he tried to act all cool and nonchalant after he made such a face when she dismissed his help :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:


Pro Adventurer
Do you guys think that Tifa might have Cloud wrapped around her finger? ;) Dare I say it... is Cloud kitty cat whipped?


Rookie Adventurer
As much as like Tifa, her entire Don Corneo plan is not well thought of. The first thing that happened to her in the mansion is get gassed. Lucky for her (Aerith and Cloud as well), the game is rated Teen so nothing disgusting is implied.


Pro Adventurer
As much as like Tifa, her entire Don Corneo plan is not well thought of. The first thing that happened to her in the mansion is get gassed. Lucky for her (Aerith and Cloud as well), the game is rated Teen so nothing disgusting is implied.

To be fair, we don't know if she did.

But the whole gassing thing is kinda unnecessary and also a little absurd since we see Cloud rip trains open with his sword and you're telling me that he can't punch through a door? Same with Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa also acts very shy with Cloud like when she asks Cloud out on a date and when Cloud responds with "really?", you can see her body language shift to a very demure and insecure position.

She wraps her arms around her body as if to protect herself in case Cloud says no.
I actually explained this to someone on YouTube because the body language didn't match with the English script.

Cloud actually said, "Fancy?/Dress up?"
Tifa backs up a little because she was conscious of herself and was shy at him looking at her in not such pretty clothes. She replies in Japanese, something like, she can make herself look good if she tries.

It wasn't about her fearing his rejection, but she was embarrassed about not having nice clothes.
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