Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
From what I gathered, Tifaret did have Tifa's appearance, and was a mix between Tifa and Aerith (since she was a Cetra and al). When they decided to kill her, they created Aerith's design, leaving Tifa's for a new heroine with a new role, and IF the Tifaret thing is true (which I think it does hold a lot of "omg that makes so much sense!") then split her features between the two heroines.

But it's really interesting that, instead of coming up with a new design for Tifa, which would make sense, instead they decided that this design would be for Cloud's true love interest. I don't know if they had gotten attached to that design specifically, probably since it does strike me as odd to do that. I expected proto Aerith to look more like herself (since I believed she was there first, but it was only in "role" that she was).
I don't really know if we even really need information on this.
It would be too coincidental for it to be a coincidence tbh.

So there's an Ultimania on this but proto-Aerith was named Tifa with Tifa's design and had 2 Cetra siblings. One of them was Sephiroth who had a design that looked like Vincent. And Cloud's proto-design looked a lot like Zack as well so maybe that was just a common thing to reuse old designs of current characters.

That's perhaps why Tifa and Vincent look like siblings with the straight black hair, light skin and red eyes.

Anyways, when they decided to create another heroine after they decided Aerith had to die, they took proto-Aerith's old name as well as old design and gave it to Tifa.

I do believe it's mentioned that they migrated some characteristics of proto-Aerith to Tifa as well.

I don't know when they discarded the Tifa design for proto-Aerith though. It might have been when they decided to create 2 heroines.

Would make sense to me just because Tifa and Cloud have contrasting hair and eyes colors that Cloud and Aerith don't.

Square has also talked about making Aerith's eyes green to contrast with Tifa's red eyes as well as making the long dress to contrast with Tifa's miniskirt which suggests to me that the Aerith design was made specifically as a parallel to the current Tifa after they had decided that there were now 2 heroines.


Pro Adventurer
Tiferet (means beauty) and sephirah ( means category) , Jenuvah ( strength). Their names came from Kabbalah, jewish philosophy.
Originally they wanted proto-Aerith ( who had Tifa's design and name) to be Sephiroth's younger sister. Hence their name were connected.

To tell the truth this proto-Tifaearith is just Rinoa, lol. I read somewhere Rinoa was based on Nomura's ex.


Pro Adventurer
Hay, i'm new in here
Can somebody tell me about this
this short movie before AC movie
Final fantasy 7 reminiscence

Hello, and Welcome to the Forums. I am not sure what you are asking but I will try and answer your question.

Prior to the publication of FFVII’s 10th Anniversary Ultimania, a number of people who held the Clerith perspective had believed that Cloud’s Promised Land was the field of flowers he drives past in the ending of AC/ACC. The idea was derived from and reinforced by Aerith watching him as he passes in the original AC’s credits, as well as the sight of Cloud’s bike parked by the side of the road at the flower field in FFVII Reminiscence.

The flowers on Cloud’s desk at the end of AC’s credits and photos of the field certainly showed that he had been there at any rate. Many a Clerith took this to mean that Cloud had spent the day with Aerith in the field, thus fulfilling his wish to meet her again. It was, after all, not long after the video had recapped the ending of the game that Cloud’s bike was shown parked by the flower field.

Even before FFVII’s 10th Anniversary Ultimania, however, this idea was at odds with AC, where Cloud had already met Aerith again. FFVII Reminiscence takes place after the events of AC/ACC — evident by Vincent now owning a cell phone — so Cloud had already fulfilled that wish to meeet Aerith again in his Promised Land.

For that matter, when Aerith is shown in the credits of the film, Cloud is not shown stopping at the field, nor even seeing her. He simply keeps on driving around the bend.

Furthermore, the passage from the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania referenced above gives the impression that, while Zack and Aerith will continue to watch over Cloud, they won’t actually be interacting with him in the living world. It’s said both in that passage and by Zack in the film itself that Cloud’s place wasn’t with them yet. As well, that section of the book states that Aerith and Zack also “go back to where they belong … the current of life flowing around the planet.”

In like with that, the script of Advent Children included with the film’s
Limited Edition release in North America stated that the apparition of Aerith seen in the field was simply “vestiges of Aerith (nothing with any presence in reality).”

Aerith wasn’t even really there to begin with.

Statements like this would seem to preclude Cloud and Aerith getting together in the flower field.

You can find this here:


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hello, and Welcome to the Forums. I am not sure what you are asking but I will try and answer your question.

You can find this here:

Thanks for the answer, i always know real cloud love tifa
And this is my theory about cloud after played OGff7, CC and FF7 remake
I always think cloud is actually just a sephiroth clone like marco before tifa found him in sector 7 (before bombing mission in OGFF7)
his memory is damaged, after becoming an object of the experiment of hojo and zack's death cloud persona and memory are divided into 3 persona: nibelheim cloud, zack cloud, sephiroth cloud
cloud Nibelheim : cloud memory is still hidden, sometimes it appears when he meets with people he knows, it is said that he remembers his childhood promise with tifa.
Sephiroth cloud: this is a depiction of the cloud wants to be like a sephiroth (perfect soldier) so when this persona comes out he gets very cold, in ff7 remake is told he doesn't hesitate to kill johnny
Zack cloud: persona cloud that makes him behave like zack, has a memory of zack about events in nibelheim, has zack skill, even though the cloud never even practiced, but he can be very strong, has Zack strong mentality
All because of the influence of cell jenova, jenova can copy the memories and feelings of others into the cloud mind
These three personas joined to form a new persona, called fake cloud
When one persona is more dominant, he will appear to build cloud character
So sometimes,when cloud nibelheim comes out, he can be very close to Tifa, when zack persona more dominant, he can be very close with aerith
actually cloud = fei fong wong (xenogears)
the different is fei fong wong broke his personality into 4 persona because of his father and fei own desires (id, coward, the artificial persona fei, unnamed persona fei)
while the cloud break his personality because there are elements of jenova cells

I think that the cloud also has some Tifa memories is true because when the cloud experiences ptsd and sees tifa trying to kill sephiroth actually it is from tifa memory,
Zack and Cloud haven't met Tifa when Tifa and Sephiroth got into a fight
Zack discovered Tifa just after she was injured because she was slashing by a sephiroth
Zack tries to help Tifa, but Tifa refuses because she already hates the soldier and Shinra
zack got into a fight with sephiroth, in OG ff7 it was said that the battle was very short, in the ff7 crisis core the battle was more intense, but in my opinion the story in the crisis core made more sense, because zack is strong soldier
after zack loses, then cloud appears
this was shown many times by SE in OGff7, FF7CC, FF7 the last order but a lot of people don't believe me, I don't know how they understand the story plot of FF7

jenova cells start working when the cloud first meets and is touched by tifa in sector 7, actually at that time cloud did not remember Tifa
Jenova absorbs some of tifa memory and forms her personality
this happened also with aerith, the first time the cloud met aerith he was cold, but after the cloud's hands were touched by aerith in FF7 remake, jenova formed the personality of cloud to make it easier to adapt to aerith
I think Jenova knows that aerith is the last cetra, the purpose of Jenova is to establish a connection between cloud and aerith, and lead cloud to find black materia
Puppet cloud needs knowledge from cetra to change black materia to its original form
after sephiroth / jenova felt that aerith role was useless as cetra, he decided to kill aerith
the problem is, in OGff7 sephiroth / jenova don't know that aerith can summon holy to counter black materia
But in FF7 remake,sephiroth know about everything, I think SE wants to combine the stories from CC, OGFF7 and AC into one in FF7 remake
Sorry for my bad english


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Before anything else, Cloud is not a biological clone of anyone. He is his own self. He's called a sephiroth clone/ opy because Hojo was trying to create copies of the sephiroth procedure to test reunion theory.


You look like you need a monkey
I do remember reading about Tifaret, too. But tbh I don't know where..?!

First time I saw "Tifaret" was in a Plot Analysis written by Squall_of_SeeD (aka TresDias) on GameFAQS shortly after Advent Children came out.

I'm not sure if it had been mentioned anywhere else before his analysis.

Here's the chart btw, guys:

This character chart is just one example of the early story and characters that got rewritten, shuffled about, repurposed, or discarded.

As I recall from a lot of old discussions, the development of FF7's story and characters was really meandering and went through many changes until arriving at the FF7 we now know and love. Nomura mentioned in an old magazine interview that the very first story draft of FF7 that he could remember had two protagonists (neither of whom were Cloud) on the run from the law and it was set in New York city. I also remember a later mention of FF7 having its mystical character written as a witch named Edea; this eventually was developed into our Cetra party member while the Edea character was put on hold and written into FF8. There's probably a lot more story and character stuff that went through the development stages that we may not ever hear about.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Welcome to the forum @gilbaxnomfux! Please don't apologize for your post, questions and activity are always encouraged!

Cloud never needed a blessing in love, he was right on track with the blessing he gave himself with the woman he wanted. Aerith is a symbol of his failure and AC/C was the story that resolved this. Additionally there are not really any references that support or encourage a Cloud pining for Aerith.

^ and just basically that quote. Aerith isn't mentioned in that dynamic because there is no place for her.

Also the same people you refer to will happily tell you how fast Aerith moved on from Zack but Cloud/Aerith is an exception to this rule because - cue 3k word essays on ambiguous scenes and quotes because there's not really much else to go on other than air. Because Cloud/Aerith never got an adequate amount of time to justify a lot of what is argued in their defence. For the record, I do think there is a romantic dynamic between Cloud and Aerith but it absolutely doesn't exist post ACC/DoC. A Cloud at peace is seen in the side novel, The Kids are Alright, talking about his family to another family very much like his. It isn't a man with unfinished romance. I would like to think Cloud's memories of Aerith are more peaceful that that now. Think how Aerith would like to Cloud to remember her; not in a way he would be emotionally ravaged, basically.

Oh and also, Aerith wouldn't tolerate Cloud pining over her for the rest of his days. She would manifest in front of him to kick his ass and tell him to get it together cause Tifa is waiting and worth more than that.

anyway, have some cloti:

Thanks guys for the warm welcome and clarifying things with me concerning the topic

an Interesting thing popped in my mind regarding FF7's story that I like to share and that is how I see some similarities with the Forgotten city Scene and the part in the Northern Crater where Sephiroth gives a shocking revelation to be that of the dark moment in Empire Strikes Back

Luke was impatient and reckless, and when he was given glimpses of the future much like Anakin got in RotS; fear fueled his reckless actions to try and be the hero which ended in failure, the severing of his hand a symbol of failure and learning from it.

With Cloud after the loss of the Black Materia and physical assault on Aerith, he has personal issues that need to be addressed and put to rest in order for him to become the hero the world needs. But cause he did not get to sort his own internal issue first, going after Aerith became a grave mistake and so her death would be a symbol of failure in the same way Luke lost to Vader at the cost of his hand

both stars of their respective story were not ready yet to be the hero their world needed to resolve the conflict and reach the climatic end.

now with these losses and failures our heroes have to learn from it, they go on a Journey of self-discovery and self-realization

Luke had to go on to train further if he wants to win the second encounter with Vader (I never read anything in the expanded universe and the Disney canon, I'm only big for the movies)

Where as Cloud needs to confront the internal issues within him in order to really take the hero role to save Gaia which in this case this is where I love the hell out of Tifa, she became the unsung Heroine of the story as how Sam Wise Gamgee is literally the unsung Hero of Lord of the Rings [Without Sam, Frodo Baggins wouldn't have gotten this far in his quest to destroying the one ring]

I'm not sure if I worded it out right but oh these are my thoughts and I felt like sharing them

and also did some sketches that you guys might enjoy



Pro Adventurer
Thanks guys for the warm welcome and clarifying things with me concerning the topic

an Interesting thing popped in my mind regarding FF7's story that I like to share and that is how I see some similarities with the Forgotten city Scene and the part in the Northern Crater where Sephiroth gives a shocking revelation to be that of the dark moment in Empire Strikes Back

Luke was impatient and reckless, and when he was given glimpses of the future much like Anakin got in RotS; fear fueled his reckless actions to try and be the hero which ended in failure, the severing of his hand a symbol of failure and learning from it.

With Cloud after the loss of the Black Materia and physical assault on Aerith, he has personal issues that need to be addressed and put to rest in order for him to become the hero the world needs. But cause he did not get to sort his own internal issue first, going after Aerith became a grave mistake and so her death would be a symbol of failure in the same way Luke lost to Vader at the cost of his hand

both stars of their respective story were not ready yet to be the hero their world needed to resolve the conflict and reach the climatic end.

now with these losses and failures our heroes have to learn from it, they go on a Journey of self-discovery and self-realization

Luke had to go on to train further if he wants to win the second encounter with Vader (I never read anything in the expanded universe and the Disney canon, I'm only big for the movies)

Where as Cloud needs to confront the internal issues within him in order to really take the hero role to save Gaia which in this case this is where I love the hell out of Tifa, she became the unsung Heroine of the story as how Sam Wise Gamgee is literally the unsung Hero of Lord of the Rings [Without Sam, Frodo Baggins wouldn't have gotten this far in his quest to destroying the one ring]

I'm not sure if I worded it out right but oh these are my thoughts and I felt like sharing them

and also did some sketches that you guys might enjoy


Those are some really nice sketches. I really like them!

Where as Cloud needs to confront the internal issues within him in order to really take the hero role to save Gaia which in this case this is where I love the hell out of Tifa, she became the unsung Heroine of the story as how Sam Wise Gamgee is literally the unsung Hero of Lord of the Rings [Without Sam, Frodo Baggins wouldn't have gotten this far in his quest to destroying the one ring]Where as Cloud needs to confront the internal issues within him in order to really take the hero role to save Gaia which in this case this is where I love the hell out of Tifa, she became the unsung Heroine of the story as how Sam Wise Gamgee is literally the unsung Hero of Lord of the Rings [Without Sam, Frodo Baggins wouldn't have gotten this far in his quest to destroying the one ring

I never really thought of this that way, that is an interesting thought process that actually makes a lot of sense. Nice.

[rant] Sorry guys but I just got a rant a bit. Before I start, I want everyone to know that this isn't pointed at anyone in particular. Also, I think this is the safest place to do so, that I don't stir too much trouble up in the LTD again. I guess, I am being a bit salty when I say this because I actually thought that I made a good point about the "date" dynamics between the three girls. Maybe what I was trying to convey fell short. The TL;DR thing was that I was trying to get the point across that the "date" thing just felt more natural between Tifa and Cloud. I thought it was a pretty valid argument but it for the most part it got rejected/ignored except for one person. @Yumelinh.

The reason why I look at the "date" thing in the Remake, in my opinion is important is because this is for a lot of people what they are basing their "ship" off of in the OG. So, naturally it would be just a important in the Remake, IMHO. sorry.[/rant]

Here are some more pictures to enjoy.


Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Hay, i'm new in here
Can somebody tell me about this
this short movie before AC movie
Final fantasy 7 reminiscence

It's supposed to be set after the events of AC after Cloud and the others infected with Geostigma are healed. Cloud gets numerous calls from his former party members. At the end, he plans a picnic with Tifa and the kids.


Pro Adventurer
Those are some really nice sketches. I really like them!

I never really thought of this that way, that is an interesting thought process that actually makes a lot of sense. Nice.

[rant] Sorry guys but I just got a rant a bit. Before I start, I want everyone to know that this isn't pointed at anyone in particular. Also, I think this is the safest place to do so, that I don't stir too much trouble up in the LTD again. I guess, I am being a bit salty when I say this because I actually thought that I made a good point about the "date" dynamics between the three girls. Maybe what I was trying to convey fell short. The TL;DR thing was that I was trying to get the point across that the "date" thing just felt more natural between Tifa and Cloud. I thought it was a pretty valid argument but it for the most part it got rejected/ignored except for one person. @Yumelinh.

The reason why I look at the "date" thing in the Remake, in my opinion is important is because this is for a lot of people what they are basing their "ship" off of in the OG. So, naturally it would be just a important in the Remake, IMHO. sorry.[/rant]

I haven't been commenting anywhere cause it's just a lot going on this week and I don't have the brain space to make intelligent thoughts.

That being said, I did want to respond to this because I can see you are upset. I think you made good points in the LTD, and I enjoyed reading your insight. I do think it is important to remember that while users like you and I are "new" to the LTD (even if we are long time fans, we haven't been arguing the LTD for years), many people on this site are not.

In fact archived here are 5 (or 6?) LTD threads and some of them get really nasty (I've been reading through), and I can see why the LTD veterans would no longer have an interest in analyzing individual scenes the way you or I would. Try not to take it personally, your insights are good, and your opinion dose matter, but comparing individual scenes to each other just isn't as interesting to everyone as it may be to us.

On top of that, comparing Cloud agreeing to various dates does really fall into the realm of how people interpret them, some people may see his agreement with Aerith as more romantic than Tifa's, and opinions are just not things we can declare someone to be "right" and someone to be "wrong" on.

Sorry for writing a giant thing, my brain is sleepy and rambling.


Fire and Blood
Yeah I’ve seen posts by me that are older than 10 years by me in this LTD thread lol. It’s a very long time, and some of us have been there even earlier, before AC even released (not in this forum, but elsewhere). This is a game that is 23 years old, and which LTD started immediately and exploded alongside the internet.

For me, those dates proposal serve the purpose of fleshing the girls' characters. Interestingly enough, Jessie's the only one you can really refuse - the difference between love interests and other girls, probably :D But yeah, you can see how those three react when they propose a date, and that's where you can truly see their differences when it comes to love. Of course Cloud was the most interested in Tifa's, since his real self has been in love with her for a few years already, and they're very similar, so it flows more naturally. But he's also interested in Aerith's proposal, or he'd have told her off.


Pro Adventurer
I'm joining the squad of: joined here within the past couple of months; eventually comprehended how long some people have been here discussing the same thing, which causes me to lose confidence in my posts in the LTD and bailing lol! @Graymouse, I am sorry to hear that you came out feeling like that, I was only following that discussion loosely myself - I hope you feel a bit better now. I like reading what you have to say. I'm cautious also with discourse threads because if you say something, I guess you have to be ready to defend it even if every one disagrees with you.

I don't really have anything different to say that hasn't already been said above regarding the dates. I enjoy that Cloud and Tifa's date was decided by the two of them having a conversation, alone and on the same level. Cloud sat down and thought about what he really wanted and said it, yay! So this one came across as more resolute and genuine than how Cloud responded to the other girls. That is Cloud/Tifa, soft, unsure and with neither able to really know how to lead. Cloud/Aerith, there is a clear leader and Cloud, despite any initial annoyances, enjoys that date too. She leaves her mark very quickly.

Soft cloti art!



Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
Thanks guys for the warm welcome and clarifying things with me concerning the topic

an Interesting thing popped in my mind regarding FF7's story that I like to share and that is how I see some similarities with the Forgotten city Scene and the part in the Northern Crater where Sephiroth gives a shocking revelation to be that of the dark moment in Empire Strikes Back

Luke was impatient and reckless, and when he was given glimpses of the future much like Anakin got in RotS; fear fueled his reckless actions to try and be the hero which ended in failure, the severing of his hand a symbol of failure and learning from it.

With Cloud after the loss of the Black Materia and physical assault on Aerith, he has personal issues that need to be addressed and put to rest in order for him to become the hero the world needs. But cause he did not get to sort his own internal issue first, going after Aerith became a grave mistake and so her death would be a symbol of failure in the same way Luke lost to Vader at the cost of his hand

both stars of their respective story were not ready yet to be the hero their world needed to resolve the conflict and reach the climatic end.

now with these losses and failures our heroes have to learn from it, they go on a Journey of self-discovery and self-realization

Luke had to go on to train further if he wants to win the second encounter with Vader (I never read anything in the expanded universe and the Disney canon, I'm only big for the movies)

Where as Cloud needs to confront the internal issues within him in order to really take the hero role to save Gaia which in this case this is where I love the hell out of Tifa, she became the unsung Heroine of the story as how Sam Wise Gamgee is literally the unsung Hero of Lord of the Rings [Without Sam, Frodo Baggins wouldn't have gotten this far in his quest to destroying the one ring]

I'm not sure if I worded it out right but oh these are my thoughts and I felt like sharing them

and also did some sketches that you guys might enjoy

This isn't to be wondered at, Star Wars is the stereotypical example of Joseph Cambells "the hero's journey". Which denoted the archetypical Journey that is the basis for almost all of these types of stories, be it star wars, lord of the rings, Final fantasy, or even the old sagas like beowulf.

This part specifically references "ordeal", where some inner struggle and character death must be overcome in order to be reborn. The hero must fail, overcome his inner struggles, be reborn, and overcome. Luke is reborn after losing his hand and finding out Vader is his father, it's his lowest point, his crushing defeat, and then at the start of movie 3 he's reborn as a jedi. Cloud has to lose Aerith, then himself, experience an ego death in the lifestream, in order to be reborn as the real Cloud.

8. Ordeal
The Supreme Ordeal may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that the Hero must face in order to survive or for the world in which the Hero lives to continue to exist. Whether it be facing his greatest fear or most deadly foe, the Hero must draw upon all of his skills and his experiences gathered upon the path to the inmost cave in order to overcome his most difficulty challenge.

Only through some form of "death" can the Hero be reborn, experiencing a metaphorical resurrection that somehow grants him greater power or insight necessary in order to fulfill his destiny or reach his journey's end. This is the high-point of the Hero's story and where everything he holds dear is put on the line. If he fails, he will either die or life as he knows it will never be the same again

9. Reward (Seizing The Sword)
After defeating the enemy, surviving death and finally overcoming his greatest personal challenge, the Hero is ultimately transformed into a new state, emerging from battle as a stronger person and often with a prize.

The Reward may come in many forms: an object of great importance or power, a secret, greater knowledge or insight, or even reconciliation with a loved one or ally. Whatever the treasure, which may well facilitate his return to the Ordinary World, the Hero must quickly put celebrations aside and prepare for the last leg of his journey.
(from )

I'm joining the squad of: joined here within the past couple of months; eventually comprehended how long some people have been here discussing the same thing, which causes me to lose confidence in my posts in the LTD and bailing lol!
Well, I'm new, and I've seen plenty of new people since me and we're all interested so, speak on, I am not likely to read 263 pages of backstory ;)


Pro Adventurer
@Graymouse I think it's more or less that while analyzing individual scenes can be fun, your analysis felt a little reductive of Aerith and Jessie's roles in getting Cloud to bounce off more extroverted personalities like theirs. That isn't to say it wasn't a valid reading, but I think people just reacted negatively to your use of the word "forced." Sure, Jessie and Aerith are forward, but the intentions of the devs in Aerith's scene in particular isn't supposed to be for the audience to say, "Oh, she's so pushy and forceful," it's supposed to make you think she's quirky and flirtatious. Now, you might not have thought it was a positive moment, which is perfectly fine, but others might not see it the same way you do. Don't take it personally!

Also, and this has been a contention point for years within LTD discussions, optional scenes often have shaky footing. I think all of us debating on the TLS LTD in good faith assume that every optional scene is canon (and if there are levels of option then we should assume the "best" scene is canon (i.e. Aerith's red dress)), but some don't put the same weight on optional scenes as they do others. And since Tifa's "date" is optional, some might not consider that strong evidence. Which is fine, because Tifa and Cloud have multitudes of other scenes that show how important they are to each other.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the comments all. I do see the older people's point of view. I am sure those that have been around these forums since the old days, are probably sick to death about discussing the LTD. I didn't take that into consideration. I am not entirely new to the LTD because I was having these conversations "off-line" with people. With the recent release of the Remake, I guess I just got over zealous about wanting to talk about it anew, especially with how things in my opinion went in the Remake. Anyways, Thanks for bearing with me.

The words of a famous song!

Do you have the time to listen to me whine
About nothing and everything all at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it


Pro Adventurer
@Graymouse I hope I haven't upset you or something with my comment ( and if I did I apologize). All in all, I agree with what others have said on the subject. Plus, since we are dealing with other shippers in the LTD thread, some people won't take your arguments in good light always, however, that doesn't mean they're not valid at all. But don't let it stop you to share your views here, kay?! discussions, agreeing and disagreeing is all (the fun) a part of it. ^^


Pro Adventurer
@Graymouse I hope I haven't upset you or something with my comment ( and if I did I apologize). All in all, I agree with what others have said on the subject. Plus, since we are dealing with other shippers in the LTD thread, some people won't take your arguments in good light always, however, that doesn't mean they're not valid at all. But don't let it stop you to share your views here, kay?! discussions, agreeing and disagreeing is all (the fun) a part of it. ^^

Thanks for your comments. I am not upset at all. Please you don't have to apologize. If you do it will just make me feel bad. This happens all the time when you read words on a screen. You can never quite get a read on what a person was saying just by reading the words. This is probably the worst thing about technology, Since you can read what someone is saying but you loose the context of the what they mean, because words don't really have expressions of emotions. Especially in every day words, that are not written in a poem or other literary works.

I shouldn't have been so selfish, and should have been more considerate. I realize that now. I guess I just needed to vent, initially that is all what that post was about. Just a release, if that makes any sense at all. Anyways, thanks.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for your comments. I am not upset at all. Please you don't have to apologize. If you do it will just make me feel bad. This happens all the time when you read words on a screen. You can never quite get a read on what a person was saying just by reading the words. This is probably the worst thing about technology, Since you can read what someone is saying but you loose the context of the what they mean, because words don't really have expressions of emotions. Especially in every day words, that are not written in a poem or other literary works.

I shouldn't have been so selfish, and should have been more considerate. I realize that now. I guess I just needed to vent, initially that is all what that post was about. Just a release, if that makes any sense at all. Anyways, thanks.

Yup! the worst part about internet conversations is exactly this! So don't feel bad about this ( or bc you wanted to vent), just some things got lost in the way and we also just wanted to help ^^ you were not being selfish at all!!
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