Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
I am under attack from @Yumelinh again! Where do you find such good domestic cloti, I'm missing it all on the TL ;_;

I am really glad I am seeing fresh domestic cloti really, even if its one or two pieces of art a week, better thank remake for that too.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Please forgive me for necro'ing this post from way back on page 160 back on 10 Jan 2011.[...]
This is a great Fanfiction that I think should see the light again after being buried in this thread for so long.
I read it just some months ago! That one is pretty good and kinda cute but it always makes me wonder how Cloud could find them. :lol:

Also, I bring some gifts (crossposting from Cat on Mars creates an art thread)

And something for thisrty CloTi shippers, NSFW: Nudity.

Consider watching my TLSF thread (or follow me on twitter) so you don't miss my CloTi pics.
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Pro Adventurer
I am under attack from @Yumelinh again! Where do you find such good domestic cloti, I'm missing it all on the TL ;_;

I am really glad I am seeing fresh domestic cloti really, even if its one or two pieces of art a week, better thank remake for that too.

ME TOOO!! As much as I love angsty!Cloti that came post AC/C, that's pretty much all we have for a long time coming from the fandom. I missed all the domestic and happy Cloti stuff :( They're such a cute family and it's so good to see them being portrayed this happy.

@Cat on Mars I LOVE the way you played with the shadows and how you painted their hairs. Such a great work, really!

For the naughty one. GOOD STUFF!!! The bottle there reminded me of a fic I read not so long ago, but can't freakin' remember the name right now lol.


Pro Adventurer
Wow, I was gone for a few days and delighted to see new faces (profiles) and lots of awesome artwork. Thanks @Graymouse for digging up all those gems and great work @Cat on Mars!

While reading the fanfic Graymouse shared, it suddenly popped into my head that Cloud and Tifa are probably the most realistic portrayal of a couple in the FF universe, especially with the inclusion of Marlene and Denzel. While the other couples show their share of affection in-game, on screen, I don't think SE ventured much into their real lives beyond a happily ever after (with the exception of FF10 and 15). I could be wrong, but I don't recall after playing FF8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15.

Speaking of the best couple, here's an awesome hype reel showing their combat chemistry. Never realized "CloTi scenes" could be found in combat too!



Pro Adventurer
Wow, I was gone for a few days and delighted to see new faces (profiles) and lots of awesome artwork. Thanks @Graymouse for digging up all those gems and great work @Cat on Mars!

While reading the fanfic Graymouse shared, it suddenly popped into my head that Cloud and Tifa are probably the most realistic portrayal of a couple in the FF universe, especially with the inclusion of Marlene and Denzel. While the other couples show their share of affection in-game, on screen, I don't think SE ventured much into their real lives beyond a happily ever after (with the exception of FF10 and 15). I could be wrong, but I don't recall after playing FF8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15.

Speaking of the best couple, here's an awesome hype reel showing their combat chemistry. Never realized "CloTi scenes" could be found in combat too!

If you have the correct build on Tifa, she is a BEAST! Look at her go!

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You look like you need a monkey
If you have the correct build on Tifa, she is a BEAST! Look at her go!

She does seem to be unstoppable for those player who're able to get a hang of her fighting style. I saw a video of her going 'solo' against Shiva and Tifa finished her off in 1 minute.

There was a thread in GameFAQs shortly after the Remake was released where someone asked what advantage there was to using Tifa in battles since they couldn't figure out how to take advantage of her strengths. One of the replies was basically that Tifa's good at destroying everything quickly and that the main reason why she takes longer to kill the bosses is because bosses get saved by cutscenes that interrupt the battles when they transition from one phase to another.


Pro Adventurer
She does seem to be unstoppable for those player who're able to get a hang of her fighting style. I saw a video of her going 'solo' against Shiva and Tifa finished her off in 1 minute.

There was a thread in GameFAQs shortly after the Remake was released where someone asked what advantage there was to using Tifa in battles since they couldn't figure out how to take advantage of her strengths. One of the replies was basically that Tifa's good at destroying everything quickly and that the main reason why she takes longer to kill the bosses is because bosses get saved by cutscenes that interrupt the battles when they transition from one phase to another.

wow, seeing people complain about Tifa's fighting style is new to me, at best I would say SE made her too OP, lol! She's an absolute beast once you get a hang of how to use her and the right materias ( and I'm far from being a great player myself, but her fighting style isn't hard to understand at all, so if I can do it then even a toddler can do the same I'm sure hehe)

Tifa equipped with Deadly Dodge and Parry materia is 100% insane! Also, she's literally the best character to use when an enemy is staggered because she causes A LOT of fo damage. An absolute destruction QUEEN!


Pro Adventurer
omg, did SPYKEE just give us a Cloti wedding?! Tifa in a wedding dress!
/hears Taeyang's Wedding Dress playing as bgm

Btw I found making good use of the shortcuts commands also helped, so I can string Tifa's abilities together, and it's so, so, sooo beautiful and satisfying to watch! She gets my Ifrit materia cause this girl is on fire. (lame)

I don't know why it takes people so long to beat bosses with her. I just recently revisted the sewers with Leslie, equipped Fire Materia + Elemental on her weapon, and I forgot which materia I used that immediately boosts her ATB at the beginning of the battle. Oh, I think it's First Strike? She also has ATB boost I think. Hardly had to use magic during this fight. Strung her abilities together, ended it with Dolphin Flurry. When the dolphin showed up, Abzu immediately went plop! I felt almost embarrassed for Cloud and Barret because they barely had to do anything. I was actually confused myself that the battle was over so soon.

(I'm not on hard mode yet btw. I need to finish beating the OG FF7 before I can even entertain the thought of attempting the impossible.)
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