hai a/s/l plz?
- Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
This is fucked up. First they say how much she weights, people gasp. Then she comes in on stage, and he says: "Look at you! Aren't you pretty?"
How stupid can you get? And the mother keeps crying. "BUT I LUFF MA BBY, SO I TTLY GEEFS HER F00D!!!"
It'd be pretty fucked up if he told her that she was a slobby ass pig and that she should get up off of her bulbuous ass and actually do something other than eat herself to death.
Every parent, no matter how fucked up their perception of love is, will always stand by their child in some way. Forgot to add, that their (the parent's) own perception of what "standing by their kid" is varies heavily. Most of the time parents who feel the need to "pack on" things unto their child, are normally substituting something that they themselves lack, and shoving it down their kid's throats instead.
In other words, if a parent themself has a poor outlook on themself then they're liable to devote their time to their child to ensure that they are accepted by society in a positive way.
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